
193 lines
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import Patcher from './patcher';
class Helpers {
static get plannedActions() {
return this._plannedActions || (this._plannedActions = new Map());
static recursiveArray(parent, key, count = 1) {
let index = 0;
function* innerCall(parent, key) {
const item = parent[key];
if (item instanceof Array) {
for (const subKey of item.keys()) {
yield* innerCall(item, subKey)
yield { item, parent, key, index: index++, count };
return innerCall(parent, key);
static recursiveArrayCount(parent, key) {
let count = 0;
for (let { } of this.recursiveArray(parent, key))
return this.recursiveArray(parent, key, count);
static get recursiveChildren() {
return function*(parent, key, index = 0, count = 1) {
const item = parent[key];
yield { item, parent, key, index, count };
if (item && item.props && item.props.children) {
for (let { parent, key, index, count } of this.recursiveArrayCount(item.props, 'children')) {
yield* this.recursiveChildren(parent, key, index, count);
static returnFirst(iterator, process) {
for (let child of iterator) {
const retVal = process(child);
if (retVal !== undefined) return retVal;
static getFirstChild(rootParent, rootKey, selector) {
const getDirectChild = (item, selector) => {
if (item && item.props && item.props.children) {
return this.returnFirst(this.recursiveArrayCount(item.props, 'children'), checkFilter.bind(null, selector));
const checkFilter = (selector, { item, parent, key, count, index }) => {
let match = true;
if (match && selector.type)
match = item && selector.type === item.type;
if (match && selector.tag)
match = item && typeof item.type === 'string' && selector.tag === item.type;
if (match && selector.className) {
match = item && item.props && typeof item.props.className === 'string';
if (match) {
const classes = item.props.className.split(' ');
if (selector.className === true)
match = !!classes[0];
else if (typeof selector.className === 'string')
match = classes.includes(selector.className);
else if (selector.className instanceof RegExp)
match = !!classes.find(cls => selector.className.test(cls));
else match = false;
if (match && selector.text) {
if (selector.text === true)
match = typeof item === 'string';
else if (typeof selector.text === 'string')
match = item === selector.text;
else if (selector.text instanceof RegExp)
match = typeof item === 'string' && selector.text.test(item);
else match = false;
if (match && selector.nthChild)
match = index === (selector.nthChild < 0 ? count + selector.nthChild : selector.nthChild);
if (match && selector.hasChild)
match = getDirectChild(item, selector.hasChild);
if (match && selector.hasSuccessor)
match = item && !!this.getFirstChild(parent, key, selector.hasSuccessor).item;
if (match && selector.eq) {
if (match) {
if (selector.child) {
return getDirectChild(item, selector.child);
else if (selector.successor) {
return this.getFirstChild(parent, key, selector.successor);
else {
return { item, parent, key };
return this.returnFirst(this.recursiveChildren(rootParent, rootKey), checkFilter.bind(null, selector)) || {};
static parseSelector(selector) {
if (selector.startsWith('.')) return { className: selector.substr(1) }
if (selector.startsWith('#')) return { id: selector.substr(1) }
return {}
class ReactComponent {
constructor(id, component, retVal) {
this._id = id;
this._component = component;
this._retVal = retVal;
get id() {
return this._id;
get component() {
return this._component;
get retVal() {
return this._retVal;
unpatchRender() {
patchRender(actions, updateOthers) {
const self = this;
if (!(actions instanceof Array)) actions = [actions];
Patcher.slavepatch(this.component.prototype, 'render', function(args, obj) {
for (const action of actions) {
let { selector, method, fn } = action;
if ('string' === typeof selector) selector = Helpers.parseSelector(selector);
const { item, parent, key } = Helpers.getFirstChild(obj, 'retVal', selector);
if (!item) continue;
const content = fn.apply(this, [item]);
switch (method) {
case 'replace':
parent[key] = content;
if (updateOthers) self.forceUpdateOthers();
forceUpdateOthers() {
export default class ReactComponents {
static get components() { return this._components || (this._components = []) }
static get listeners() { return this._listeners || (this._listeners = []) }
static push(component, retVal) {
if (!(component instanceof Function)) return null;
const { displayName } = component;
if (!displayName) return null;
const have = this.components.find(comp => === displayName);
if (have) return component;
const c = new ReactComponent(displayName, component, retVal);
const listener = this.listeners.find(listener => === displayName);
if (!listener) return c;
for (const l of listener.listeners) {
this.listeners.splice(this.listeners.findIndex(listener => === displayName), 1);
return c;
static async getComponent(name) {
const have = this.components.find(c => === name);
if (have) return have;
const listener = this.listeners.find(l => === name);
if (!listener) this.listeners.push({
id: name,
listeners: []
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.listeners.find(l => === name).listeners.push(c => resolve(c));