
171 lines
8.1 KiB

* BetterDiscord E2EE Component
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
<div class="bd-e2eeTaContainer" @contextmenu.prevent="channelType === 'DM' && $">
<div class="bd-e2eeTaContainer" @contextmenu.prevent="currentChannel.type === 'DM' && $">
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<v-popover popoverClass="bd-popover bd-e2eePopover" placement="top">
<div v-if="error" class="bd-e2eeTaBtn bd-e2eeLock bd-error">
<MiLock v-tooltip="error" />
<div v-else-if="state === 'loading'" class="bd-e2eeTaBtn bd-e2eeLock bd-loading bd-warn">
<MiLock v-tooltip="'Loading'" />
<div v-else-if="!E2EE.encryptNewMessages" class="bd-e2eeTaBtn bd-e2eeLock bd-warn">
<MiLock v-tooltip="'New messages will not be encrypted.'" />
<div v-else class="bd-e2eeTaBtn bd-e2eeLock bd-ok">
<MiLock v-tooltip="'Ready!'" />
<template slot="popover">
<div @click="toggleEncrypt" :class="{'bd-warn': !E2EE.encryptNewMessages, 'bd-ok': E2EE.encryptNewMessages}"><MiLock size="16" v-tooltip="'Toggle Encryption'" /></div>
<div v-close-popover @click="showUploadDialog" v-if="!error"><MiImagePlus size="16" v-tooltip="'Upload Encrypted Image'" /></div>
<!-- Using these icons for now -->
<div v-close-popover @click="generatePublicKey" v-if="currentChannel.type === 'DM'"><MiPencil size="16" v-tooltip="'Generate Public Key'" /></div>
<div v-close-popover @click="receivePublicKey" v-if="currentChannel.type === 'DM' && E2EE.ecdhStorage[]"><MiRefresh size="16" v-tooltip="'Receive Public Key'" /></div>
<div class="bd-taDivider"></div>
<context-menu id="bd-e2eeLockContextMenu" class="bd-e2eeLockContextMenu" ref="ee2eLockContextMenu" v-if="channelType === 'DM'">
<li class="bd-e2eeLockContextMenuOption" @click="generatePublicKey()">Generate Public Key</li>
<li class="bd-e2eeLockContextMenuOption" @click="computeSharedSecret()">Receive Public Key</li>
import fs from 'fs';
import { Utils } from 'common';
import { remote } from 'electron';
import { E2EE } from 'builtin';
import { DiscordApi, Security } from 'modules';
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
import { MiLock, MiPlus, MiImagePlus } from '../ui/components/common/MaterialIcon';
import contextMenu from 'vue-context-menu';
import { MiLock, MiPlus, MiImagePlus, MiPencil, MiRefresh } from '../ui/components/common/MaterialIcon';
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
import { Toasts } from 'ui';
export default {
components: { MiLock, MiPlus, MiImagePlus, MiPencil, MiRefresh },
data() {
return {
state: 'loading',
error: null,
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
channelType: DiscordApi.currentChannel.type
currentChannel: DiscordApi.currentChannel
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
methods: {
async showUploadDialog() {
const dialogResult = remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile'] });
if (!dialogResult) return;
const readFile = fs.readFileSync(dialogResult[0]);
const FileActions = _bd.WebpackModules.getModuleByProps(["makeFile"]);
const Uploader = _bd.WebpackModules.getModuleByProps(["instantBatchUpload"]);
const img = await Utils.getImageFromBuffer(readFile);
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.height = img.height;
canvas.width = img.width;
const arrBuffer = await Utils.canvasToArrayBuffer(canvas);
const encrypted = E2EE.encrypt(img.src.replace('data:;base64,', ''));
const hmac = await E2EE.createHmac(encrypted);
const encodedBytes = new TextEncoder().encode(encrypted + hmac);
Uploader.upload(, FileActions.makeFile(new Uint8Array([ Uint8Array(arrBuffer), ...encodedBytes]), 'bde2ee.png'));
toggleEncrypt() {
const newState = !E2EE.encryptNewMessages;
E2EE.encryptNewMessages = newState;
if (!newState) {
Toasts.warning('New messages will not be encrypted');
Toasts.success('New messages will be encrypted');
generatePublicKey() {
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
const dmChannelID = location.pathname.split("/")[3];
const dmChannelID =;
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
const publicKeyMessage = `My public key is: \`${E2EE.createKeyExchange(dmChannelID)}\`. Please give me your public key if you haven't done so and add my public key by pasting it in the chat textbox, right clicking the lock icon, and selecting \`Receive Public Key\`.`;
const chatInput = document.getElementsByClassName('da-textArea')[0];
chatInput.value = publicKeyMessage;
const evt = { currentTarget: chatInput };
chatInput[Object.keys(chatInput).find(k => k.startsWith('__reactEventHandlers'))], evt);
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
computeSharedSecret() {
try {
const dmChannelID = location.pathname.split("/")[3];
const chatInput = document.getElementsByClassName('da-textArea')[0];
const otherPublicKey = chatInput.value;
const secret = E2EE.computeSecret(dmChannelID, otherPublicKey);
E2EE.setKey(dmChannelID, secret);
chatInput.value = "";
const evt = { currentTarget: chatInput };
chatInput[Object.keys(chatInput).find(k => k.startsWith('__reactEventHandlers'))], evt);
Toasts.success("Encryption key has been set for this DM channel.");
} catch (e) {
Toasts.error("Invalid public key. Please set up a new key exchange.");
receivePublicKey() {
try {
const dmChannelID =;
const chatInput = document.getElementsByClassName('da-textArea')[0];
const otherPublicKey = chatInput.value;
const secret = E2EE.computeSecret(dmChannelID, otherPublicKey);
E2EE.setKey(dmChannelID, secret);
chatInput.value = "";
const evt = { currentTarget: chatInput };
chatInput[Object.keys(chatInput).find(k => k.startsWith('__reactEventHandlers'))], evt);
Toasts.success("Encryption key has been set for this DM channel.");
} catch (e) {
Toasts.error("Invalid public key. Please set up a new key exchange.");
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
mounted() {
if (!E2EE.master) {
this.error = 'No master key set!';
const haveKey = E2EE.getKey(;
if (!haveKey) {
this.error = 'No key for channel!';
this.state = 'OK';
this.error = null;