
344 lines
14 KiB

* BetterDiscord E2EE Module
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { Settings, Cache } from 'modules';
import BuiltinModule from './BuiltinModule';
import { WebpackModules, ReactComponents, MonkeyPatch, Patcher, DiscordApi, Security } from 'modules';
import { VueInjector, Reflection } from 'ui';
import { ClientLogger as Logger } from 'common';
import { request } from 'vendor';
import { Utils } from 'common';
import E2EEComponent from './E2EEComponent.vue';
import E2EEMessageButton from './E2EEMessageButton.vue';
import nodecrypto from 'node-crypto';
const userMentionPattern = new RegExp(`<@!?([0-9]{10,})>`, "g");
const roleMentionPattern = new RegExp(`<@&([0-9]{10,})>`, "g");
const everyoneMentionPattern = new RegExp(`(?:\\s+|^)@everyone(?:\\s+|$)`);
const TEMP_KEY = 'temporarymasterkey';
let seed;
export default new class E2EE extends BuiltinModule {
constructor() {
this.encryptNewMessages = true;
setMaster(key) {
seed = Security.randomBytes();
const newMaster = Security.encrypt(seed, key);
// TODO re-encrypt everything with new master
return (this.master = newMaster);
get settingPath() {
return ['security', 'default', 'e2ee'];
get database() {
return Settings.getSetting('security', 'e2eedb', 'e2ekvps').value;
encrypt(key, content, prefix = '') {
if (!key) {
// Encrypt something with master
return Security.encrypt(Security.decrypt(seed, this.master), content);
if (!content) {
// Get key for current channel and encrypt
const haveKey = this.getKey(;
if (!haveKey) return 'nokey';
return Security.encrypt(Security.decrypt(seed, [this.master, haveKey]), key);
return prefix + Security.encrypt(key, content);
decrypt(key, content, prefix = '') {
return Security.decrypt(key, content, prefix);
async createHmac(data) {
const haveKey = this.getKey(;
if (!haveKey) return null;
return Security.createHmac(Security.decrypt(seed, [this.master, haveKey]), data);
getKey(channelId) {
const haveKey = this.database.find(kvp => kvp.value.key === channelId);
if (!haveKey) return null;
return haveKey.value.value;
setKey(channelId, key) {
const items = Settings.getSetting('security', 'e2eedb', 'e2ekvps').items;
const index = items.findIndex(kvp => kvp.value.key === channelId);
if (index > -1) {
items[index].value = {key: channelId, value: key};
Settings.getSetting('security', 'e2eedb', 'e2ekvps').addItem({ value: { key: channelId, value: key } });
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
get ecdhStorage() {
return this._ecdhStorage || (this._ecdhStorage = {});
createKeyExchange(dmChannelID) {
this.ecdhStorage[dmChannelID] = Security.createECDH();
return Security.generateECDHKeys(this.ecdhStorage[dmChannelID]);
publicKeyFor(dmChannelID) {
return Security.getECDHPublicKey(this.ecdhStorage[dmChannelID]);
computeSecret(dmChannelID, otherKey) {
try {
const secret = Security.computeECDHSecret(this.ecdhStorage[dmChannelID], otherKey);
delete this.ecdhStorage[dmChannelID];
return Security.sha256(secret);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
async enabled(e) {
seed = Security.randomBytes();
// TODO Input modal for key
this.master = Security.encrypt(seed, TEMP_KEY);
const selector = '.' + WebpackModules.getClassName('channelTextArea', 'emojiButton');
const cta = await ReactComponents.getComponent('ChannelTextArea', { selector });
patchDispatcher() {
const Dispatcher = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('Dispatcher');
MonkeyPatch('BD:E2EE', Dispatcher).before('dispatch', (_, [event]) => {
if (event.type !== "MESSAGE_CREATE") return;
const key = this.getKey(event.message.channel_id);
if (!key) return; // We don't have a key for this channel
if (typeof event.message.content !== 'string') return; // Ignore any non string content
if (!event.message.content.startsWith('$:')) return; // Not an encrypted string
let decrypt;
try {
decrypt = this.decrypt(this.decrypt(this.decrypt(seed, this.master), key), event.message.content);
} catch (err) { return } // Ignore errors such as non empty
const MessageParser = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('MessageParser');
const Permissions = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('GuildPermissions');
const DiscordConstants = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('DiscordConstants');
const currentChannel = DiscordApi.Channel.fromId(event.message.channel_id).discordObject;
// Create a generic message object to parse mentions with
const parsed = MessageParser.parse(currentChannel, decrypt).content;
if (userMentionPattern.test(parsed))
event.message.mentions = parsed.match(userMentionPattern).map(m => {return {id: m.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')}});
if (roleMentionPattern.test(parsed))
event.message.mention_roles = parsed.match(roleMentionPattern).map(m => m.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
if (everyoneMentionPattern.test(parsed))
event.message.mention_everyone = Permissions.can(DiscordConstants.Permissions.MENTION_EVERYONE, currentChannel);
async patchMessageContent() {
const selector = '.' + WebpackModules.getClassName('container', 'containerCozy', 'containerCompact', 'edited');
const MessageContent = await ReactComponents.getComponent('MessageContent', { selector });
MonkeyPatch('BD:E2EE', MessageContent.component.prototype).before('render', this.beforeRenderMessageContent.bind(this));
MonkeyPatch('BD:E2EE', MessageContent.component.prototype).after('render', this.renderMessageContent.bind(this));
const ImageWrapper = await ReactComponents.getComponent('ImageWrapper', { selector: '.' + WebpackModules.getClassName('imageWrapper') });
MonkeyPatch('BD:E2EE', ImageWrapper.component.prototype).before('render', this.beforeRenderImageWrapper.bind(this));
beforeRenderMessageContent(component) {
if (!component.props || !component.props.message) return;
const key = this.getKey(component.props.message.channel_id);
if (!key) return; // We don't have a key for this channel
const Message = WebpackModules.getModuleByPrototypes(['isMentioned']);
const MessageParser = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('MessageParser');
const Permissions = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('GuildPermissions');
const DiscordConstants = WebpackModules.getModuleByName('DiscordConstants');
const currentChannel = DiscordApi.Channel.fromId(component.props.message.channel_id).discordObject;
if (typeof component.props.message.content !== 'string') return; // Ignore any non string content
if (!component.props.message.content.startsWith('$:')) return; // Not an encrypted string
let decrypt;
try {
decrypt = Security.decrypt(seed, [this.master, key, component.props.message.content]);
} catch (err) { return } // Ignore errors such as non empty
component.props.message.bd_encrypted = true; // signal as encrypted
// Create a generic message object to parse mentions with
const message = MessageParser.createMessage(, MessageParser.parse(currentChannel, decrypt).content);
if (userMentionPattern.test(message.content))
message.mentions = message.content.match(userMentionPattern).map(m => {return {id: m.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')}});
if (roleMentionPattern.test(message.content))
message.mention_roles = message.content.match(roleMentionPattern).map(m => m.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
if (everyoneMentionPattern.test(message.content))
message.mention_everyone = Permissions.can(DiscordConstants.Permissions.MENTION_EVERYONE, currentChannel);
// Create a new message to parse it properly
const create = Message.create(message);
if (!create.content || !create.contentParsed) return;
component.props.message.mentions = create.mentions;
component.props.message.mentionRoles = create.mentionRoles;
component.props.message.mentionEveryone = create.mentionEveryone;
component.props.message.mentioned = create.mentioned;
component.props.message.content = create.content;
component.props.message.contentParsed = create.contentParsed;
renderMessageContent(component, args, retVal) {
if (!component.props.message.bd_encrypted) return;
try {
} catch (err) {
Logger.err('E2EE', err.message);
beforeRenderImageWrapper(component, args, retVal) {
if (!component.props || !component.props.src) return;
if (component.props.decrypting) return;
component.props.decrypting = true;
const src = component.props.original || component.props.src.split('?')[0];
if (!src.includes('bde2ee')) return;
component.props.className = 'bd-encryptedImage';
const haveKey = this.getKey(;
if (!haveKey) return;
const cached = Cache.find('e2ee:images', item => item.src === src);
if (cached) {
if (cached.invalidKey) { // TODO If key has changed we should recheck all with invalid key
component.props.className = 'bd-encryptedImage bd-encryptedImageBadKey';
component.props.readyState = 'READY';
}'E2EE', 'Returning encrypted image from cache');
try {
const decrypt = Security.decrypt(seed, [this.master, haveKey, cached.image]);
component.props.className = 'bd-decryptedImage';
component.props.src = component.props.original = 'data:;base64,' + decrypt;
} catch (err) { return } finally { component.props.readyState = 'READY' }
component.props.readyState = 'LOADING';'E2EE', 'Decrypting image: ' + src);
request.get(src, { encoding: 'binary' }).then(res => {
(async () => {
const arr = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(res.length));
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) arr[i] = res.charCodeAt(i);
const aobindex = Utils.aobscan(arr, [73, 69, 78, 68]) + 8;
const sliced = arr.slice(aobindex);
const image = new TextDecoder().decode(sliced);
const hmac = image.slice(-64);
const data = image.slice(0, -64);
const validateHmac = await this.createHmac(data);
if (hmac !== validateHmac) {
Cache.push('e2ee:images', { src, invalidKey: true });
if (component && component.props) {
component.props.decrypting = false;
Cache.push('e2ee:images', { src, image: data });
if (!component || !component.props) {
Logger.warn('E2EE', 'Component seems to be gone');
component.props.decrypting = false;
}).catch(err => {
console.log('request error', err);
patchChannelTextArea(cta) {
MonkeyPatch('BD:E2EE', cta.component.prototype).after('render', this.renderChannelTextArea);
renderChannelTextArea(component, args, retVal) {
if (!(retVal.props.children instanceof Array)) retVal.props.children = [retVal.props.children];
const inner = retVal.props.children.find(child => child.props.className && child.props.className.includes('inner'));
inner.props.children.splice(0, 0, VueInjector.createReactElement(E2EEComponent));
patchChannelTextAreaSubmit(cta) {
MonkeyPatch('BD:E2EE', cta.component.prototype).before('handleSubmit', this.handleChannelTextAreaSubmit.bind(this));
get ecdh() {
if (!this._ecdh) this._ecdh = {};
return this._ecdh;
createKeyExchange(dmChannelID) {
this.ecdh[dmChannelID] = crypto.createECDH('secp521r1');
return this.ecdh[dmChannelID].generateKeys('base64');
publicKeyFor(dmChannelID) {
return this.ecdh[dmChannelID].getPublicKey('base64');
computeSecret(dmChannelID, otherKey) {
try {
const secret = this.ecdh[dmChannelID].computeSecret(otherKey, 'base64', 'base64');
delete this.ecdh[dmChannelID];
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
return hash.digest('base64');
} catch (e) {
throw e;
handleChannelTextAreaSubmit(component, args, retVal) {
const key = this.getKey(;
if (!this.encryptNewMessages || !key) return;
component.props.value = Security.encrypt(Security.decrypt(seed, [this.master, key]), component.props.value, '$:');
async disabled(e) {
for (const patch of Patcher.getPatchesByCaller('BD:E2EE')) patch.unpatch();
const ctaComponent = await ReactComponents.getComponent('ChannelTextArea');