
331 lines
12 KiB

* BetterDiscord Modals
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { ClientLogger as Logger, AsyncEventEmitter } from 'common';
import { Settings, Events, PluginManager, ThemeManager } from 'modules';
import BaseModal from './components/common/Modal.vue';
import BasicModal from './components/bd/modals/BasicModal.vue';
import ConfirmModal from './components/bd/modals/ConfirmModal.vue';
import ErrorModal from './components/bd/modals/ErrorModal.vue';
import SettingsModal from './components/bd/modals/SettingsModal.vue';
import PermissionModal from './components/bd/modals/PermissionModal.vue';
import InputModal from './components/bd/modals/InputModal.vue';
import InstallModal from './components/bd/modals/InstallModal.vue';
let modals = 0;
class Modal extends AsyncEventEmitter {
constructor(_modal, component) {
Object.assign(this, _modal);
const modal = this;
this.component = this.component || {
render(createElement) {
return createElement(component, {
props: {
closing: modal.closing
data() { return { modal }; },
created() { modal.vueInstance = this; },
mounted() { modal.vue = this.$children[0]; },
beforeDestroy() { modal.vue = undefined; },
destroyed() { modal.vueInstance = undefined; }
this.closing = false; = modals++;
this.vueInstance = undefined;
this.vue = undefined;
this.close = this.close.bind(this);
* Closes the modal and removes it from the stack.
* @param {Boolean} force If not true throwing an error in the close hook will stop the modal being closed
* @return {Promise}
close(force) {
return Modals.close(this, force);
export default class Modals {
* Adds a modal to the open stack.
* @param {Object} modal A Modal object or options used to create a Modal object
* @param {Object} component A Vue component that will be used to render the modal (optional if modal is a Modal object or it contains a component property)
* @return {Modal} The Modal object that was passed or created using the passed options
static add(_modal, component) {
const modal = _modal instanceof Modal ? _modal : new Modal(_modal, component);
if (this.stack.includes(modal)) {
Logger.log('Modals', ['Trying to show a modal that is already in the modal stack.', modal]);
throw new Error('Trying to show a modal that is already in the modal stack.');
modal.closing = false;
modal.closed = modal.once('closed');
return modal;
* Closes a modal and removes it from the stack.
* @param {Modal} modal The modal to close
* @param {Boolean} force If not true throwing an error in the close hook will stop the modal being closed
* @return {Promise}
static async close(modal, force) {
try {
if (modal.beforeClose) {
const beforeCloseResult = await modal.beforeClose(force);
if (beforeCloseResult) throw beforeCloseResult;
await modal.emit('close', force);
} catch (err) {
Logger.err('Modals', ['Error thrown in modal close event:', err]);
if (!force) throw err;
modal.closing = true;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 200));
let index;
while ((index = this.stack.findIndex(m => m === modal)) > -1)
this.stack.splice(index, 1);
try {
await modal.emit('closed', force);
} catch (err) {
Logger.err('Modals', ['Error thrown in modal closed event:', err]);
if (!force) throw err;
* Closes all open modals and removes them from the stack.
* @param {Boolean} force If not true throwing an error in the close hook will stop that modal and any modals higher in the stack from being closed
* @return {Promise}
static closeAll(force) {
const promises = [];
for (const modal of this.stack)
return Promise.all(promises);
* Closes highest modal in the stack and removes it from the stack.
* @param {Boolean} force If not true throwing an error in the close hook will stop the modal being closed
* @return {Promise}
static closeLast(force) {
if (!this.stack.length) return Promise.resolve();
return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].close(force);
* Creates a new basic modal and adds it to the open stack.
* @param {String} title A string that will be displayed in the modal header
* @param {String} text A string that will be displayed in the modal body
* @return {Modal}
static basic(title, text) {
return this.add(this.createBasicModal(title, text));
static createBasicModal(title, text) {
return new Modal({ title, text }, BasicModal);
* Creates a new confirm modal and adds it to the open stack.
* The modal will have a promise property that will be set to a Promise object that is resolved or rejected if the user clicks the confirm button or closes the modal.
* @param {String} title A string that will be displayed in the modal header
* @param {String} text A string that will be displayed in the modal body
* @return {Modal}
static confirm(title, text, confirmText, cancelText) {
return this.add(this.createConfirmModal(title, text, confirmText, cancelText));
static createConfirmModal(title, text, confirmText, cancelText) {
const modal = { title, text, confirmText, cancelText };
modal.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
modal.confirm = () => resolve(true);
modal.beforeClose = () => reject();
return new Modal(modal, ConfirmModal);
static input(title, text, password = false) {
return this.add(this.createInputModal(title, text, password));
static createInputModal(title, text, password = false) {
const modal = { title, text, password };
modal.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
modal.confirm = value => resolve(value);
modal.beforeClose = () => reject();
return new Modal(modal, InputModal);
static installModal(contentType, config, filePath, icon, canUpload = false) {
return this.add(this.createInstallModal(contentType, config, filePath, icon, canUpload));
static createInstallModal(contentType, config, filePath, icon, canUpload = false) {
const modal = { contentType, config, filePath, icon, canUpload };
modal.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
modal.confirm = value => resolve(value);
modal.beforeClose = () => reject();
return new Modal(modal, InstallModal);
* Creates a new permissions modal and adds it to the open stack.
* The modal will have a promise property that will be set to a Promise object that is resolved or rejected if the user accepts the permissions or closes the modal.
* @param {String} title A string that will be displayed in the modal header
* @param {String} name The requesting plugin's name
* @param {Array} perms The permissions the plugin is requesting
* @return {Modal}
static permissions(title, name, perms) {
return this.add(this.createPermissionsModal(title, name, perms));
static createPermissionsModal(title, name, perms) {
const modal = { title, name, perms };
modal.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
modal.confirm = () => resolve(true);
modal.beforeClose = () => reject();
return new Modal(modal, PermissionModal);
* Creates a new error modal and adds it to the open stack.
* @param {Object} event An object containing details about the error[s] to display
* @return {Modal}
static error(event) {
return this.add(this.createErrorModal(event));
static createErrorModal(event) {
return new Modal({ event }, ErrorModal);
* Creates a new error modal with errors from PluginManager and ThemeManager and adds it to the open stack.
* @param {Boolean} clear Whether to clear the errors array after opening the modal
* @return {Modal}
static showContentManagerErrors(clear = true) {
// Get any errors from PluginManager and ThemeManager
const errors = ([]).concat(PluginManager.errors).concat(ThemeManager.errors);
if (!errors.length) return;
const pmErrCount = PluginManager.errors.length;
const tmErrCount = ThemeManager.errors.length;
const failedModule = pmErrCount && tmErrCount ? 'Content Manager' : pmErrCount ? 'Plugin Manager' : 'Theme Manager';
const modal = this.error({
header: `
${failedModule} -
${pmErrCount ? `${pmErrCount} ${PluginManager.contentType}${pmErrCount !== 1 ? 's' : ''}` : ''}
${pmErrCount && tmErrCount ? ' and ' : ''}
${tmErrCount ? `${tmErrCount} ${ThemeManager.contentType}${tmErrCount !== 1 ? 's' : ''}` : ''} failed to load
module: failedModule,
type: 'err',
content: errors
if (clear) {
PluginManager._errors = [];
ThemeManager._errors = [];
return modal;
* Creates a new settings modal and adds it to the open stack.
* @param {SettingsSet} settingsset The SettingsSet object to [clone and] display in the modal
* @param {String} headertext A string that will be displayed in the modal header
* @param {Object} options Additional options that will be passed to the modal
* @return {Modal}
static settings(settingsset, headertext, options) {
return this.add(this.createSettingsModal(settingsset, headertext, options));
static createSettingsModal(settingsset, headertext, options) {
return new Modal(Object.assign({
headertext: headertext ? headertext : settingsset.headertext,
settings: settingsset,
schemes: settingsset.schemes
}, options), SettingsModal);
* Creates a new settings modal with one of BetterDiscord's settings sets and adds it to the open stack.
* @param {SettingsSet} set_id The ID of the SettingsSet object to [clone and] display in the modal
* @param {String} headertext A string that will be displayed in the modal header
* @return {Modal}
static internalSettings(set_id, headertext) {
const set = Settings.getSet(set_id);
if (!set) return;
return this.settings(set, headertext);
* Creates a new settings modal with a plugin/theme's settings set and adds it to the open stack.
* @param {SettingsSet} content The plugin/theme whose settings set is to be [cloned and] displayed in the modal
* @param {String} headertext A string that will be displayed in the modal header
* @return {Modal}
static contentSettings(content, headertext, options) {
return this.settings(content.settings, headertext ? headertext : `${} Settings`, options);
* An array of open modals.
static get stack() {
return this._stack || (this._stack = []);
* A base Vue component for modals to use.
static get baseComponent() {
return BaseModal;