/* BetterDiscordApp Utils and Helper functions * Version: 1.4 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 25/08/2015 - 09:19 * Last Updated: 30/03/2016 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp */ var https = require('https'); var http = require('http'); var _fs = require('fs'); var _mainWindow; var eol = require('os').EOL; var logs = ""; function Utils(mainWindow) { _mainWindow = mainWindow; } //Get browser mainwindow function getMainWindow() { return _mainWindow; } //Download using https Utils.prototype.download = function(host, path, callback) { var options = { host: host, path: path, headers: {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}, } https.get(options, function(res) { var data = ""; res.on('data', function(chunk) { data += chunk; }); res.on("end", function() { callback(data); }); }).on("error", function() { callback(null); }); } //Download using http Utils.prototype.downloadHttp = function(url, callback) { http.get(url, function(result) { var data = ''; result.on('data', function(chunk) { data += chunk; }); result.on('end', function() { callback(data); }); }).on('error', function() { callback(null); }); } Utils.prototype.getHash = function(beta, callback) { var branch = beta ? "beta" : "master"; this.download("api.github.com", "/repos/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp/commits/"+branch+"", function(data) { callback(JSON.parse(data).sha); }); } Utils.prototype.sendIcpAsync = function(message) { this.execJs('betterDiscordIPC.send("asynchronous-message", "'+message+'");'); } //Get Webcontents Utils.prototype.getWebContents = function() { return getMainWindow().webContents; } //Js logger Utils.prototype.jsLog = function(message, type) { switch(type) { case "log": this.execJs('console.log("BetterDiscord: ' + message + '");'); break; case "warn": this.execJs('console.warn("BetterDiscord: ' + message + '");'); break; case "error": this.execJs('console.error("BetterDiscord: ' + message + '");'); break; } } Utils.prototype.updateLoading = function(message, cur, max) { this.execJs('document.getElementById("bd-status").innerHTML = "BetterDiscord - '+message+' : ";'); this.execJs('document.getElementById("bd-pbar").value = '+cur+';'); this.execJs('document.getElementById("bd-pbar").max = '+max+';'); } //Logger Utils.prototype.log = function(message) { console.log("BetterDiscord: " + message); logs += message + eol; } Utils.prototype.saveLogs = function(path) { _fs.writeFileSync(path + "/logs.log", logs); } //Execute javascript Utils.prototype.execJs = function(js) { this.getWebContents().executeJavaScript(js); } //Parse and execute javascript Utils.prototype.execJsParse = function(js) { this.execJs(js); //TODO } //Css internal style injector Utils.prototype.injectStylesheet = function(url) { var self = this; this.download(url, function(data) { var js = 'var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = "'+data+'";'; self.injectToElementByTag("head", js, "style"); }); } Utils.prototype.injectStylesheetSync = function(url, callbackMessage) { this.execJs('$("head").append(" <link rel=\'stylesheet\' href=\''+url+'\'> ");'); this.sendIcpAsync(callbackMessage); }; Utils.prototype.headStyleSheet = function(url) { this.execJs('(function() { var stylesheet = document.createElement("link"); stylesheet.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(stylesheet); stylesheet.href = "'+url+'" })();') } Utils.prototype.injectJavaScriptSync = function(url, callbackMessage) { this.execJs(' (function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.onload = function() { betterDiscordIPC.send("asynchronous-message", "'+callbackMessage+'"); }; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(script); script.src = "'+url+'"; })(); '); } Utils.prototype.injectJavaScript = function(url, jquery) { if(!jquery) { this.execJs('(function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(script); script.src = "' + url + '"; })();'); }else { this.execJs(' (function() { function injectJs() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(script); script.src = "' + url + '"; } function jqDefer() { if(window.jQuery) { injectJs(); }else{ setTimeout(function() { jqDefer(); }, 100) } } jqDefer(); })(); '); } } exports.Utils = Utils;