/* BetterDiscordApp Core JavaScript
* Version: 1.53
* Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
* Date: 27/08/2015 - 16:36
* Last Update: 01/05/2016
* https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
/*Localstorage fix*/
(function() {
let __fs = window.require("fs");
let __data = {};
if(__fs.existsSync("localStorage.json")) {
try {
__data = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync("localStorage.json"));
}catch(err) {
var __ls = __data;
__ls.setItem = function(i, v) {
__ls[i] = v;
__ls.getItem = function(i) {
return __ls[i] || null;
__ls.save = function() {
__fs.writeFileSync("localStorage.json", JSON.stringify(this), null, 4);
var __proxy = new Proxy(__ls, {
set: function(target, name, val, receiver) {
__ls[name] = val;
get: function(target, name, receiver) {
return __ls[name] || null;
window.localStorage = __proxy;
window.bdStorage = {};
window.bdStorage.get = function(i) {
return betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'storage', 'cmd': 'get', 'var': i });
window.bdStorage.set = function(i, v) {
betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'storage', 'cmd': 'set', 'var': i, 'data': v });
window.bdPluginStorage = {};
window.bdPluginStorage.get = function(pn, i) {
return betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'pluginstorage', 'cmd': 'get', 'pn': pn, 'var': i });
window.bdPluginStorage.set = function(pn, i, v) {
betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'pluginstorage', 'cmd': 'set', 'pn': pn, 'var': i, 'data': v });
betterDiscordIPC.on('asynchronous-reply', (event, arg) => {
var settingsPanel, emoteModule, utils, quickEmoteMenu, opublicServers, voiceMode, pluginModule, themeModule, customCssEditor, dMode;
var jsVersion = 1.77;
var supportedVersion = "0.2.81";
var mainObserver;
var twitchEmoteUrlStart = "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/";
var twitchEmoteUrlEnd = "/1.0";
var ffzEmoteUrlStart = "https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/emoticon/";
var ffzEmoteUrlEnd = "/1";
var bttvEmoteUrlStart = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/";
var bttvEmoteUrlEnd = "/1x";
var mainCore;
var settings = {
"Save logs locally": { "id": "bda-gs-0", "info": "Saves chat logs locally", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Public Servers": { "id": "bda-gs-1", "info": "Display public servers button", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Minimal Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-2", "info": "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Voice Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-4", "info": "Only show voice chat", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Hide Channels": { "id": "bda-gs-3", "info": "Hide channels in minimal mode", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Dark Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-5", "info": "Make certain elements dark by default(wip)", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Override Default Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-5", "info": "Override default emotes", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Voice Disconnect": { "id": "bda-dc-0", "info": "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Custom css live update": { "id": "bda-css-0", "info": "", "implemented": true, "hidden": true, "cat": "core"},
"Custom css auto udpate": { "id": "bda-css-1", "info": "", "implemented": true, "hidden": true, "cat": "core"},
"24 Hour Timestamps": { "id": "bda-gs-6", "info": "Replace 12hr timestamps with proper ones", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Coloured Text": { "id": "bda-gs-7", "info": "Make text colour the same as role colour", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Developer Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-8", "info": "Developer Mode", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"},
"Twitch Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-7", "info": "Show Twitch emotes", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"FrankerFaceZ Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-1", "info": "Show FrankerFaceZ Emotes", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"BetterTTV Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-2", "info": "Show BetterTTV Emotes", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"Emote Menu": { "id": "bda-es-0", "info": "Show Twitch/Favourite emotes in emote menu", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"Emoji Menu": { "id": "bda-es-9", "info": "Show Discord emoji menu", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"Emote Autocomplete": { "id": "bda-es-3", "info": "Autocomplete emote commands", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"Emote Auto Capitalization": { "id": "bda-es-4", "info": "Autocapitalize emote commands", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"Show Names": { "id": "bda-es-6", "info": "Show emote names on hover", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
"Show emote modifiers": { "id": "bda-es-8", "info": "Enable emote mods", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"},
var links = {
"Jiiks.net": { "text": "Jiiks.net", "href": "thtp://jiiks.net", "target": "_blank" },
"twitter": { "text": "Twitter", "href": "http://twitter.com/jiiksi", "target": "_blank" },
"github": { "text": "Github", "href": "http://github.com/jiiks", "target": "_blank" }
var defaultCookie = {
"version": jsVersion,
"bda-gs-0": false,
"bda-gs-1": true,
"bda-gs-2": false,
"bda-gs-3": false,
"bda-gs-4": false,
"bda-gs-5": true,
"bda-gs-6": false,
"bda-gs-7": false,
"bda-gs-8": false,
"bda-es-0": true,
"bda-es-1": true,
"bda-es-2": true,
"bda-es-3": false,
"bda-es-4": false,
"bda-es-5": true,
"bda-es-6": true,
"bda-es-7": true,
"bda-es-8": true,
"bda-jd": true,
"bda-es-8": true,
"bda-dc-0": false,
"bda-css-0": false,
"bda-css-1": false,
"bda-es-9": true
var bdchangelog = {
"changes": {
"0a": {
"title": "1.77 : Local storage proxy",
"text": "Implemented a local storage proxy for old plugin support. Do not use it for new plugins! use the bdPluginStorage.get and bdPluginStorage.set",
"img": ""
"0b": {
"title": "1.76 : Alternate Storage",
"text": "https://gist.github.com/Jiiks/267113ecb1685f39f4dc4646f9380d55",
"img": ""
"fixes": {
"0a": {
"title": "1.77 : Custom css and favourite emote loading",
"text": "Fixed custom css and favourite emote loading when they are not present",
"img": ""
"0b": {
"title": "1.76 : Alternate Storage",
"text": "Both BetterDiscord and plugins now use alternate storage",
"img": ""
var settingsCookie = {};
function Core() {}
Core.prototype.init = function () {
var self = this;
var lVersion = (typeof(version) === "undefined") ? bdVersion : version;
if (lVersion < supportedVersion) {
this.alert("Not Supported", "BetterDiscord v" + lVersion + "(your version)" + " is not supported by the latest js(" + jsVersion + ").
Please download the latest version from BetterDiscord.net");
utils = new Utils();
var sock = new BdWSocket();
emoteModule = new EmoteModule();
quickEmoteMenu = new QuickEmoteMenu();
voiceMode = new VoiceMode();
dMode = new devMode();
//Incase were too fast
function gwDefer() {
console.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer");
if ($(".guilds-wrapper .guilds").children().length > 0) {
console.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer Loaded");
var guilds = $(".guilds>li:first-child");
var showChannelsButton = $("", {
class: "btn",
id: "bd-show-channels",
text: "R",
css: {
"cursor": "pointer"
click: function () {
settingsCookie["bda-gs-3"] = false;
opublicServers = new PublicServers();
customCssEditor = new CustomCssEditor();
pluginModule = new PluginModule();
if (typeof (themesupport2) !== "undefined") {
themeModule = new ThemeModule();
settingsPanel = new SettingsPanel();
$("#tc-settings-button").on("click", function () {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function(){
$(document).on("mousedown", function(e) {
//bd modal hiders
/*Display new features in BetterDiscord*/
if (settingsCookie["version"] < jsVersion) {
var cl = self.constructChangelog();
settingsCookie["version"] = jsVersion;
} else {
setTimeout(gwDefer, 100);
$(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(gwDefer, 1000);
Core.prototype.initSettings = function () {
if ($.cookie("better-discord") == undefined) {
settingsCookie = defaultCookie;
} else {
for (var setting in defaultCookie) {
if (settingsCookie[setting] == undefined) {
settingsCookie[setting] = defaultCookie[setting];
Core.prototype.saveSettings = function () {
$.cookie("better-discord", JSON.stringify(settingsCookie), {
expires: 365,
path: '/'
Core.prototype.loadSettings = function () {
settingsCookie = JSON.parse($.cookie("better-discord"));
var botlist = ["119598467310944259"]; //Temp
Core.prototype.initObserver = function () {
mainObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
if(settingsPanel !== undefined)
if($(mutation.target).find(".emoji-picker").length) {
var fc = mutation.target.firstChild;
if(fc.classList.contains("popout")) {
if (typeof pluginModule !== "undefined") pluginModule.rawObserver(mutation);
if (mutation.target.getAttribute('class') != null) {
if(mutation.target.classList.contains('title-wrap') || mutation.target.classList.contains('chat')){
// quickEmoteMenu.obsCallback();
if (typeof pluginModule !== "undefined") pluginModule.channelSwitch();
if (mutation.target.getAttribute('class').indexOf('scroller messages') != -1) {
if (typeof pluginModule !== "undefined") pluginModule.newMessage();
if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-6"]) {
$(".timestamp").not("[data-24]").each(function() {
var t = $(this);
t.attr("data-24", true);
var text = t.text();
var matches = /(.*)?at\s+(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s+(.*)/.exec(text);
if(matches == null) return true;
if(matches.length < 5) return true;
var h = parseInt(matches[2]);
if(matches[4] == "AM") {
if(h == 12) h -= 12;
}else if(matches[4] == "PM") {
if(h < 12) h += 12;
matches[2] = ('0' + h).slice(-2);
t.text(matches[1] + " at " + matches[2] + ":" + matches[3]);
if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-7"]) {
$(".user-name").not("[data-colour]").each(function() {
var t = $(this);
var color = t.css("color");
if(color == "rgb(255, 255, 255)") return true;
t.closest(".message-group").find(".markup").not("[data-colour]").each(function() {
$(this).attr("data-colour", true);
$(this).css("color", color);
//noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
mainObserver.observe(document, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Core.prototype.constructChangelog = function () {
var changeLog = '' +