/** * BetterDiscord Plugin Manager Module * Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - https://github.com/Jiiks / https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import ContentManager from './contentmanager'; import ExtModuleManager from './extmodulemanager'; import Plugin from './plugin'; import PluginApi from './pluginapi'; import Vendor from './vendor'; import { ClientLogger as Logger } from 'common'; import { Events, Permissions } from 'modules'; import { Modals } from 'ui'; import { ErrorEvent } from 'structs'; export default class extends ContentManager { static get localPlugins() { return this.localContent; } static get contentType() { return 'plugin'; } static get moduleName() { return 'Plugin Manager'; } static get pathId() { return 'plugins'; } static async loadAllPlugins(suppressErrors) { this.loaded = false; const loadAll = await this.loadAllContent(true); this.loaded = true; for (let plugin of this.localPlugins) { try { if (plugin.enabled) plugin.start(); } catch (err) { // Disable the plugin but don't save it - the next time BetterDiscord is started the plugin will attempt to start again plugin.userConfig.enabled = false; this.errors.push(new ErrorEvent({ module: this.moduleName, message: `Failed to start ${plugin.name}`, err })); Logger.err(this.moduleName, [`Failed to start plugin ${plugin.name}:`, err]); } } if (this.errors.length && !suppressErrors) { Modals.error({ header: `${this.moduleName} - ${this.errors.length} ${this.contentType}${this.errors.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''} failed to load`, module: this.moduleName, type: 'err', content: this.errors }); this._errors = []; } return loadAll; } static get refreshPlugins() { return this.refreshContent } static get loadContent() { return this.loadPlugin } static async loadPlugin(paths, configs, info, main, dependencies, permissions) { if (permissions && permissions.length > 0) { for (let perm of permissions) { console.log(`Permission: ${Permissions.permissionText(perm).HEADER} - ${Permissions.permissionText(perm).BODY}`); } try { const allowed = await Modals.permissions(`${info.name} wants to:`, info.name, permissions).promise; } catch (err) { return null; } } const deps = []; if (dependencies) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(dependencies)) { const extModule = ExtModuleManager.findModule(key); if (!extModule) { throw { 'message': `Dependency: ${key}:${value} is not loaded` }; } deps[key] = extModule.__require; } } const plugin = window.require(paths.mainPath)(Plugin, new PluginApi(info), Vendor, deps); const instance = new plugin({ configs, info, main, paths: { contentPath: paths.contentPath, dirName: paths.dirName, mainPath: paths.mainPath } }); if (instance.enabled && this.loaded) instance.start(); return instance; } static get unloadPlugin() { return this.unloadContent } static get reloadPlugin() { return this.reloadContent } static stopPlugin(name) { const plugin = name instanceof Plugin ? name : this.getPluginByName(name); try { if (plugin) return plugin.stop(); } catch (err) { // Logger.err('PluginManager', err); } return true; //Return true anyways since plugin doesn't exist } static startPlugin(name) { const plugin = name instanceof Plugin ? name : this.getPluginByName(name); try { if (plugin) return plugin.start(); } catch (err) { // Logger.err('PluginManager', err); } return true; //Return true anyways since plugin doesn't exist } static get isPlugin() { return this.isThisContent } static isThisContent(plugin) { return plugin instanceof Plugin; } static get findPlugin() { return this.findContent } static get getPluginIndex() { return this.getContentIndex } static get getPluginByName() { return this.getContentByName } static get getPluginById() { return this.getContentById } static get getPluginByPath() { return this.getContentByPath } static get getPluginByDirName() { return this.getContentByDirName } static get waitForPlugin() { return this.waitForContent } }