/** * BetterDiscord Core Entry * Copyright (c) 2015-present JsSucks - https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://github.com/JsSucks - https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const path = require('path'); /** * DEVELOPMENT VARIABLES */ const clientScriptPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client', 'dist').replace(/\\/g, '/'); const __DEV = { TESTING: false, clientScriptPath: `${clientScriptPath}/betterdiscord.client.js` } const __pluginPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'tests', 'plugins'); const __themePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'tests', 'themes'); const { Utils, FileUtils, BDIpc, Config, WindowUtils } = require('./modules'); const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron'); const Common = {}; const dummyArgs = { 'version': '0.3.1', 'paths': [ { 'base': 'basePath' }, { 'plugins': __pluginPath }, { 'themes': __themePath } ] }; console.log(dummyArgs); class Comms { constructor() { this.initListeners(); } initListeners() { BDIpc.on('bd-getConfig', o => { o.reply(Common.Config.config); }); BDIpc.on('bd-readFile', this.readFile); BDIpc.on('bd-readJson', o => this.readFile(o, true)); } async readFile(o, json) { const { path } = o.args; try { const readFile = json ? await FileUtils.readJsonFromFile(path) : await FileUtils.readFile(path); o.reply(readFile); } catch (err) { o.reply(err); } } } class BetterDiscord { constructor(args) { this.injectScripts = this.injectScripts.bind(this); this.ignite = this.ignite.bind(this); Common.Config = new Config(args || dummyArgs); this.comms = new Comms(); this.init(); } async init() { const window = await this.waitForWindow(); this.windowUtils = new WindowUtils({ window }); //Log some events for now this.windowUtils.webContents.on('did-start-loading', e => this.windowUtils.executeJavascript(`console.info('did-start-loading');`)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('did-stop-loading', e => this.windowUtils.executeJavascript(`console.info('did-stop-loading');`)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('did-get-response-details', e => this.ignite(this.windowUtils.window)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('page-favicon-updated', e => this.windowUtils.executeJavascript(`console.info('page-favicon-updated');`)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('will-navigate', e => this.windowUtils.executeJavascript(`console.info('will-navigate');`)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('did-navigate', e => this.windowUtils.executeJavascript(`console.info('did-navigate');`)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('did-navigate-in-page', e => this.windowUtils.executeJavascript(`console.info('did-navigate-in-page');`)); this.windowUtils.webContents.on('did-finish-load', e => this.injectScripts(true)); setTimeout(() => { if (__DEV) { this.injectScripts(); } }, 500); } async waitForWindow() { const self = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const defer = setInterval(() => { const windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); if (windows.length > 0) { windows.forEach(window => { self.ignite(window); }); } if (__DEV && __DEV.TESTING && windows.length > 0) { resolve(windows[0]); clearInterval(defer); return; } if (windows.length === 1 && windows[0].webContents.getURL().includes("discordapp.com")) { resolve(windows[0]); clearInterval(defer); } }, 10); }); } ignite(window) { //Hook things that Discord removes from global. These will be removed again in the client script const sp = path.resolve(__dirname, 'sparkplug.js').replace(/\\/g, '/'); window.webContents.executeJavaScript(`require("${sp}");`); } injectScripts(reload = false) { console.log(`RELOAD? ${reload}`); if (__DEV) { this.windowUtils.injectScript(__DEV.clientScriptPath); } } get fileUtils() { return FileUtils; } } module.exports = { BetterDiscord }