/* BetterDiscordApp Core JavaScript * Version: 1.53 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 27/08/2015 - 16:36 * Last Update: 02/04/2016 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp */ var BD; function Core() { BD = this; } Core.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; this.version = version; if (this.version < bdConfig.versionInfo.supportedVersion) { this.alert("Not Supported", "BetterDiscord v" + this.version + "(your version)" + " is not supported by the latest js(" + bdConfig.versionInfo.version + ").

Please download the latest version from BetterDiscord.net"); return; } this.modules = { emoteModule: new EmoteModule(), publicServers: new PublicServers(), emoteMenu: new QuickEmoteMenu(), cssEditor: new customCssEditor(), settingsPanel: new SettingsPanel(), utils: new Utils(), voiceMode: new VoiceMode(), pluginModule: new pluginModule(), themeModule: new ThemeModule() } this.modules.utils.getHash(); this.modules.emoteModule.init(); this.initSettings(); this.initObserver(); //Incase were too fast function gwDefer() { self.modules.utils.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer"); if ($(".guilds-wrapper .guilds").children().length > 0) { self.modules.utils.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer Loaded"); var guilds = $(".guilds>li:first-child"); var showChannelsButton = $("' + ' ' + '
' + '
'; if (bdConfig.changelog.changes != null) { changeLog += '' + '

' + ' New Stuff' + '

' + ''; } if (bdConfig.changelog.fixes != null) { changeLog += '' + '

' + ' Fixed' + '

' + ''; } if (bdConfig.changelog.upcoming != null) { changeLog += '' + '

' + ' Coming Soon' + '

' + ''; } changeLog += '' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ''; return changeLog; }; Core.prototype.alert = function (title, text) { $("body").append('' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + title + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + text + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'); };