/** * BetterDiscord Settings Module * Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - https://github.com/Jiiks / https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import { Toasts } from 'ui'; import { SettingsSet } from 'structs'; import { FileUtils, ClientLogger as Logger } from 'common'; import path from 'path'; import process from 'process'; import Globals from './globals'; import CssEditor from './csseditor'; import Events from './events'; import defaultSettings from '../data/user.settings.default'; export default new class Settings { constructor() { this.settings = defaultSettings.map(_set => { const set = new SettingsSet(_set); set.on('setting-updated', event => { const { category, setting, value, old_value } = event; Logger.log('Settings', [`${set.id}/${category.id}/${setting.id} was changed from`, old_value, 'to', value]); Events.emit('setting-updated', event); Events.emit(`setting-updated-${set.id}_${category.id}_${setting.id}`, event); Toasts.success(`${set.id}/${category.id}/${setting.id} was changed from ${old_value} to ${value}`); // Just for debugging purposes remove in prod }); set.on('settings-updated', async event => { if (!event.data || !event.data.dont_save) await this.saveSettings(); Events.emit('settings-updated', event); }); return set; }); // Set a hint for each platform for the use-keytar setting const useKeytarSetting = this.getSetting('security', 'default', 'use-keytar'); if (process.platform === 'win32') useKeytarSetting.hint = 'Store the master password in Credential Manager'; if (process.platform === 'darwin') useKeytarSetting.hint = 'Store the master password in the default keychain'; if (process.platform === 'linux') useKeytarSetting.hint = 'Store the master password in libsecret'; } /** * Loads BetterDiscord's settings. */ async loadSettings() { Logger.log('Settings', ['Loading settings']); try { await FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.dataPath); const settingsPath = path.resolve(this.dataPath, 'user.settings.json'); const user_config = await FileUtils.readJsonFromFile(settingsPath); const { settings, scss, css, css_editor_files, scss_error, css_editor_bounds, favourite_emotes } = user_config; for (const set of this.settings) { const newSet = settings.find(s => s.id === set.id); if (!newSet) continue; await set.merge(newSet, {dont_save: true}); set.setSaved(); } CssEditor.setState(scss, css, css_editor_files, scss_error); CssEditor.editor_bounds = css_editor_bounds || {}; } catch (err) { // There was an error loading settings // This probably means that the user doesn't have any settings yet Logger.warn('Settings', ['Failed to load internal settings', err]); } } /** * Saves BetterDiscord's settings including CSS editor data. */ async saveSettings() { Logger.log('Settings', ['Saving settings']); try { await FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.dataPath); const settingsPath = path.resolve(this.dataPath, 'user.settings.json'); await FileUtils.writeJsonToFile(settingsPath, { settings: this.settings.map(set => set.strip()), scss: CssEditor.scss, css: CssEditor.css, css_editor_files: CssEditor.files, scss_error: CssEditor.error, css_editor_bounds: CssEditor.editor_bounds }); for (const set of this.settings) { set.setSaved(); } } catch (err) { // There was an error saving settings Logger.err('Settings', ['Failed to save internal settings', err]); throw err; } } /** * Finds one of BetterDiscord's settings sets. * @param {String} set_id The ID of the set to find * @return {SettingsSet} */ getSet(set_id) { return this.settings.find(s => s.id === set_id); } get core() { return this.getSet('core') } get ui() { return this.getSet('ui') } get emotes() { return this.getSet('emotes') } get css() { return this.getSet('css') } get security() { return this.getSet('security') } /** * Finds a category in one of BetterDiscord's settings sets. * @param {String} set_id The ID of the set to look in * @param {String} category_id The ID of the category to find * @return {SettingsCategory} */ getCategory(set_id, category_id) { const set = this.getSet(set_id); return set ? set.getCategory(category_id) : undefined; } /** * Finds a setting in one of BetterDiscord's settings sets. * @param {String} set_id The ID of the set to look in * @param {String} category_id The ID of the category to look in * @param {String} setting_id The ID of the setting to find * @return {Setting} */ getSetting(set_id, category_id, setting_id) { const set = this.getSet(set_id); return set ? set.getSetting(category_id, setting_id) : undefined; } /** * Returns a setting's value in one of BetterDiscord's settings sets. * @param {String} set_id The ID of the set to look in * @param {String} category_id The ID of the category to look in * @param {String} setting_id The ID of the setting to find * @return {Any} */ get(set_id, category_id, setting_id) { const set = this.getSet(set_id); return set ? set.get(category_id, setting_id) : undefined; } /** * The path to store user data in. */ get dataPath() { return Globals.getPath('data'); } }