(() => { if (window.__bd && window.__bd.ignited) return; console.log('[BetterDiscord|Sparkplug]'); const ls = window.localStorage; if (!ls) console.warn('[BetterDiscord|Sparkplug] Failed to hook localStorage :('); const wsOrig = window.WebSocket; window.__bd = { localStorage: ls, wsHook: null, wsOrig, ignited: true } class WSHook extends window.WebSocket { constructor(url, protocols) { super(url, protocols); this.hook(url, protocols); } hook(url, protocols) { console.info(`[BetterDiscord|WebSocket Proxy] new WebSocket detected, url: ${url}`); if (!url.includes('gateway.discord.gg')) return; if (window.__bd.setWS) { window.__bd.setWS(this); console.info(`[BetterDiscord|WebSocket Proxy] WebSocket sent to instance`); return; } console.info(`[BetterDiscord|WebSocket Proxy] WebSocket stored to __bd['wsHook']`); window.__bd.wsHook = this; } } window.WebSocket = WSHook; })();