/** * BetterDiscord Emote Module * Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - https://github.com/Jiiks / https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import BuiltinModule from './BuiltinModule'; import path from 'path'; import { request } from 'vendor'; import { Utils, FileUtils } from 'common'; import { DiscordApi, Settings, Globals, Reflection, ReactComponents, Database } from 'modules'; import { DiscordContextMenu } from 'ui'; import Emote from './EmoteComponent.js'; import Autocomplete from '../ui/components/common/Autocomplete.vue'; import GlobalAc from '../ui/autocomplete'; const EMOTE_SOURCES = [ 'https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/:id/1.0', 'https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/emoticon/:id/1', 'https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/:id/1x' ]; export default new class EmoteModule extends BuiltinModule { /* Getters */ get moduleName() { return 'EmoteModule' } /** * @returns {String} Path to local emote database */ get dbpath() { return path.join(Globals.getPath('data'), 'emotes.json') } /** * @returns {Map} Cached raw emote database */ get database() { return this._db || (this._db = new Map()) } /** * @returns {Array} Favourite emotes */ get favourites() { return this._favourites || (this._favourites = []) } /** * @returns {Array} Most used emotes */ get mostUsed() { return this._mostUsed || (this._mostUsed = []) } get settingPath() { return ['emotes', 'default', 'enable'] } async enabled() { // Add favourite button to context menu this.favCm = DiscordContextMenu.add(target => [ { text: 'Favourite', type: 'toggle', checked: target && target.alt && this.isFavourite(target.alt.replace(/;/g, '')), onChange: (checked, target) => { const { alt } = target; if (!alt) return false; const emote = alt.replace(/;/g, ''); if (!checked) return this.removeFavourite(emote), false; return this.addFavourite(emote), true; } } ], target => target.closest('.bd-emote')); if (!this.database.size) { await this.loadLocalDb(); } // Read favourites and most used from database await this.loadUserData(); } async disabled() { DiscordContextMenu.remove(this.favCm); } /* Methods */ /** * Adds an emote to favourites. * @param {Object|String} emote * @return {Promise} */ addFavourite(emote) { if (this.isFavourite(emote)) return; if (typeof emote === 'string') emote = this.findByName(emote, true); this.favourites.push(emote); return this.saveUserData(); } /** * Removes an emote from favourites. * @param {Object|String} emote * @return {Promise} */ removeFavourite(emote) { if (!this.isFavourite(emote)) return; Utils.removeFromArray(this.favourites, e => e.name === emote || e.name === emote.name, true); return this.saveUserData(); } /** * Checks if an emote is in favourites. * @param {Object|String} emote * @return {Boolean} */ isFavourite(emote) { return !!this.favourites.find(e => e.name === emote || e.name === emote.name); } /** * Load emotes from local database */ async loadLocalDb() { const emotes = await FileUtils.readJsonFromFile(this.dbpath); for (const [index, emote] of emotes.entries()) { const { type, id, src, value } = emote; if (index % 10000 === 0) await Utils.wait(); this.database.set(id, { id: emote.value.id || value, type }); } } async loadUserData() { const userData = await Database.findOne({ type: 'builtin', id: 'EmoteModule' }); if (!userData) return; if (userData.hasOwnProperty('favourites')) this._favourites = userData.favourites; if (userData.hasOwnProperty('mostused')) this._mostUsed = userData.mostused; } async saveUserData() { await Database.insertOrUpdate({ type: 'builtin', id: 'EmoteModule' }, { type: 'builtin', id: 'EmoteModule', favourites: this.favourites, mostused: this.mostUsed }); } /** * Add/update emote to most used * @param {Object} emote emote to add/update * @return {Promise} */ addToMostUsed(emote) { const isMostUsed = this.mostUsed.find(mu => mu.key === emote.name); if (isMostUsed) { isMostUsed.useCount += 1; } else { this.mostUsed.push({ key: emote.name, id: emote.id, type: emote.type, useCount: 1 }); } // Save most used to database // TODO only save first n return this.saveUserData(); } /** * Find an emote by name * @param {String} name Emote name * @param {Boolean} simple Simple object or Emote instance * @returns {Object|Emote} */ findByName(name, simple = false) { const emote = this.database.get(name); if (!emote) return null; return this.parseEmote(name, emote, simple); } /** * Parse emote object * @param {String} name Emote name * @param {Object} emote Emote object * @param {Boolean} simple Simple object or Emote instance * @returns {Object|Emote} */ parseEmote(name, emote, simple = false) { const { type, id } = emote; if (type < 0 || type > 2) return null; return simple ? { type, id, name } : new Emote(type, id, name); } /** * Search for anything else * @param {any} regex * @param {any} limit */ search(regex, limit = 10) { if (typeof regex === 'string') regex = new RegExp(regex, 'i'); const matching = []; for (const [key, value] of this.database.entries()) { if (matching.length >= limit) break; if (regex.test(key)) matching.push({ key, value }) } return matching; } /* Patches */ async applyPatches() { this.patchMessageContent(); this.patchSendAndEdit(); const ImageWrapper = await ReactComponents.getComponent('ImageWrapper', { selector: Reflection.resolve('imageWrapper').selector }); this.patch(ImageWrapper.component.prototype, 'render', this.beforeRenderImageWrapper, 'before'); } /** * Patches MessageContent render method */ async patchMessageContent() { const MessageContent = await ReactComponents.getComponent('MessageContent', { selector: Reflection.resolve('container', 'containerCozy', 'containerCompact', 'edited').selector }, m => m.defaultProps && m.defaultProps.hasOwnProperty('disableButtons')); this.patch(MessageContent.component.prototype, 'render', this.afterRenderMessageContent); MessageContent.forceUpdateAll(); } /** * Patches MessageActions send and edit */ patchSendAndEdit() { const { MessageActions } = Reflection.modules; this.patch(MessageActions, 'sendMessage', this.handleSendMessage, 'instead'); this.patch(MessageActions, 'editMessage', this.handleEditMessage, 'instead'); } /** * Handle message render */ afterRenderMessageContent(component, args, retVal) { const markup = Utils.findInReactTree(retVal, filter => filter && filter.className && filter.className.includes('markup') && filter.children.length >= 2); if (!markup) return; markup.children[1] = this.processMarkup(markup.children[1]); } /** * Handle send message */ async handleSendMessage(component, args, orig) { if (!args.length) return orig(...args); const { content } = args[1]; if (!content) return orig(...args); const emoteAsImage = Settings.getSetting('emotes', 'default', 'emoteasimage').value && (DiscordApi.currentChannel.type === 'DM' || DiscordApi.currentChannel.checkPermissions(DiscordApi.modules.DiscordPermissions.ATTACH_FILES)); if (!emoteAsImage || content.split(' ').length > 1) { args[1].content = args[1].content.split(' ').map(word => { const isEmote = /;(.*?);/g.exec(word); if (isEmote) { const emote = this.findByName(isEmote[1], true); if (!emote) return word; this.addToMostUsed(emote); return emote ? `:${isEmote[1]}:` : word; } return word; }).join(' '); return orig(...args); } const isEmote = /;(.*?);/g.exec(content); if (!isEmote) return orig(...args); const emote = this.findByName(isEmote[1]); if (!emote) return orig(...args); this.addToMostUsed(emote); const FileActions = Reflection.module.byProps('makeFile'); const Uploader = Reflection.module.byProps('instantBatchUpload'); request.get(emote.props.src, { encoding: 'binary' }).then(res => { const arr = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(res.length)); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) arr[i] = res.charCodeAt(i); const suffix = arr[0] === 71 && arr[1] === 73 && arr[2] === 70 ? '.gif' : '.png'; Uploader.upload(args[0], FileActions.makeFile(arr, `${emote.name}.bdemote${suffix}`)); }); } /** * Handle edit message */ handleEditMessage(component, args, orig) { if (!args.length) return orig(...args); const { content } = args[2]; if (!content) return orig(...args); args[2].content = args[2].content.split(' ').map(word => { const isEmote = /;(.*?);/g.exec(word); return isEmote ? `:${isEmote[1]}:` : word; }).join(' '); return orig(...args); } /** * Handle imagewrapper render */ beforeRenderImageWrapper(component, args, retVal) { if (!component.props || !component.props.src) return; const src = component.props.original || component.props.src.split('?')[0]; if (!src || !src.includes('.bdemote.')) return; const emoteName = src.split('/').pop().split('.')[0]; const emote = this.findByName(emoteName); if (!emote) return; retVal.props.children = emote.render(); } /** * Inject emotes into markup */ processMarkup(markup) { const newMarkup = []; if (!(markup instanceof Array)) return markup; const jumboable = !markup.some(child => { if (typeof child !== 'string') return false; return / \w+/g.test(child); }); for (const child of markup) { if (typeof child !== 'string') { if (typeof child === 'object') { const isEmoji = Utils.findInReactTree(child, 'emojiName'); if (isEmoji) child.props.children.props.jumboable = jumboable; } newMarkup.push(child); continue; } if (!/:(\w+):/g.test(child)) { newMarkup.push(child); continue; } const words = child.split(/([^\s]+)([\s]|$)/g).filter(f => f !== ''); let s = ''; for (const word of words) { const isemote = /:(.*?):/g.exec(word); if (!isemote) { s += word; continue; } const emote = this.findByName(isemote[1]); if (!emote) { s += word; continue; } newMarkup.push(s); s = ''; emote.jumboable = jumboable; newMarkup.push(emote.render()); } if (s !== '') newMarkup.push(s); } if (newMarkup.length === 1) return newMarkup[0]; return newMarkup; } }