/** * BetterDiscord Colored Text Module * Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - https://github.com/Jiiks / https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import BuiltinModule from './BuiltinModule'; import { Utils } from 'common'; import { Settings, Reflection, ReactComponents, DiscordApi } from 'modules'; export default new class ColoredText extends BuiltinModule { /* Getters */ get moduleName() { return 'ColoredText' } get settingPath() { return ['ui', 'default', 'colored-text'] } get intensityPath() { return ['ui', 'advanced', 'colored-text-intensity'] } get intensitySetting() { return Settings.getSetting(...this.intensityPath) } get intensity() { return 100 - this.intensitySetting.value } get defaultColor() { return DiscordApi.UserSettings.theme == 'light' ? '#747f8d' : '#dcddde' } constructor() { super(); this._intensityUpdated = this._intensityUpdated.bind(this); } async enabled(e) { this.intensitySetting.off('setting-updated', this._intensityUpdated); this.intensitySetting.on('setting-updated', this._intensityUpdated); } disabled(e) { this.intensitySetting.off('setting-updated', this._intensityUpdated); } rerenderPatchedComponents() { if (this.MessageContent) this.MessageContent.forceUpdateAll(); } /* Methods */ _intensityUpdated() { this.MessageContent.forceUpdateAll(); } /* Patches */ async applyPatches() { if (this.patches.length) return; this.MessageContent = await ReactComponents.getComponent('MessageContent'); this.patch(this.MessageContent.component.prototype, 'render', this.injectColoredText); } /** * Set markup text colour to match role colour */ injectColoredText(thisObject, args, originalReturn) { const unpatch = this.patch(originalReturn.props, 'children', (obj, args, returnValue) => { unpatch(); const { TinyColor } = Reflection.modules; const markup = Utils.findInReactTree(returnValue, m => m && m.props && m.props.className && m.props.className.includes('da-markup')); const roleColor = thisObject.props.message.colorString; if (markup && roleColor) markup.props.style = {color: TinyColor.mix(roleColor, this.defaultColor, this.intensity)}; }); } }