/** * BetterDiscord Core Entry * Copyright (c) 2015-present JsSucks - https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://github.com/JsSucks - https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /*PRODUCTION*/ const TESTS = typeof PRODUCTION === 'undefined'; const TEST_ARGS = () => { const _basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..'); const _baseDataPath = path.resolve(_basePath, 'tests'); const _corePkg = require(path.resolve(_basePath, 'core', 'package.json')); const _clientPkg = require(path.resolve(_basePath, 'client', 'package.json')); const _editorPkg = require(path.resolve(_basePath, 'editor', 'package.json')); const coreVersion = _corePkg.version; const clientVersion = _clientPkg.version; const editorVersion = _editorPkg.version; return { coreVersion, clientVersion, editorVersion, 'options': { 'autoInject': true, 'commonCore': true, 'commonData': true }, 'paths': { 'client': path.resolve(_basePath, 'client', 'dist'), 'core': path.resolve(_basePath, 'core', 'dist'), 'data': path.resolve(_baseDataPath, 'data'), 'editor': path.resolve(_basePath, 'editor', 'dist') } } } const TEST_EDITOR = TESTS && true; import path from 'path'; import sass from 'node-sass'; import { BrowserWindow as OriginalBrowserWindow, dialog, session, shell } from 'electron'; import deepmerge from 'deepmerge'; import ContentSecurityPolicy from 'csp-parse'; import keytar from 'keytar'; import { FileUtils, BDIpc, Config, WindowUtils, Updater, Editor, Database } from './modules'; const packageJson = require(path.resolve(__dirname, 'package.json')); const sparkplug = path.resolve(__dirname, 'sparkplug.js'); let configProxy; const CSP = TESTS ? require('../src/csp.json') : require('./csp.json'); class Comms { constructor(bd) { this.bd = bd; this.initListeners(); } initListeners() { BDIpc.on('ping', () => 'pong', true); BDIpc.on('bd-getConfig', () => this.bd.config.config, true); BDIpc.on('bd-sendToDiscord', (event, m) => this.sendToDiscord(m.channel, m.message), true); // BDIpc.on('bd-openCssEditor', (event, options) => this.bd.csseditor.openEditor(options), true); // BDIpc.on('bd-sendToCssEditor', (event, m) => this.sendToCssEditor(m.channel, m.message), true); // BDIpc.on('bd-openCssEditor', (event, options) => this.bd.editor.openEditor(options), true); BDIpc.on('bd-native-open', (event, options) => { dialog.showOpenDialog(OriginalBrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.ipcEvent.sender), options, filenames => { event.reply(filenames); }); }); BDIpc.on('bd-compileSass', (event, options) => { if (typeof options.path === 'string' && typeof options.data === 'string') { options.data = `${options.data} @import '${options.path.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, '\\\'')}';`; options.path = undefined; } sass.render(options, (err, result) => { if (err) event.reject(err); else event.reply(result); }); }); BDIpc.on('bd-dba', (event, options) => this.bd.database.exec(options), true); BDIpc.on('bd-keytar-get', (event, { service, account }) => keytar.getPassword(service, account), true); BDIpc.on('bd-keytar-set', (event, { service, account, password }) => keytar.setPassword(service, account, password), true); BDIpc.on('bd-keytar-delete', (event, { service, account }) => keytar.deletePassword(service, account), true); BDIpc.on('bd-keytar-find-credentials', (event, { service }) => keytar.findCredentials(service), true); BDIpc.on('bd-readDataFile', async (event, fileName) => { const rf = await FileUtils.readFile(path.resolve(configProxy().getPath('data'), fileName)); event.reply(rf); }); BDIpc.on('bd-explorer', (_, _path) => { if (_path.static) _path = this.bd.config.getPath(_path.static); else if (_path.full) _path = _path.full; else if (_path.sub) _path = path.resolve(this.bd.config.getPath(_path.sub.base), [..._path.sub.subs]); try { shell.openItem(_path); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }); BDIpc.on('bd-getPath', (event, paths) => { event.reply(path.resolve(this.bd.config.getPath(paths[0]), ...paths.splice(1))); }); BDIpc.on('bd-rmFile', async (event, paths) => { const fullPath = path.resolve(this.bd.config.getPath(paths[0]), ...paths.splice(1)); try { await FileUtils.rm(fullPath); event.reply('ok'); } catch (err) { event.reject(err); } }); BDIpc.on('bd-rnFile', async (event, paths) => { const oldPath = path.resolve(this.bd.config.getPath(paths.oldName[0]), ...paths.oldName.splice(1)); const newPath = path.resolve(this.bd.config.getPath(paths.newName[0]), ...paths.newName.splice(1)); try { await FileUtils.rn(oldPath, newPath); event.reply('ok'); } catch (err) { event.reject(err); } }); } async send(channel, message) { BDIpc.send(channel, message); } async sendToDiscord(channel, message) { return this.bd.windowUtils.send(channel, message); } async sendToCssEditor(channel, message) { return this.bd.csseditor.send(channel, message); } } class BrowserWindow extends OriginalBrowserWindow { constructor(originalOptions) { const userOptions = BrowserWindow.userWindowPreferences; const options = deepmerge(originalOptions, userOptions); options.webPreferences = Object.assign({}, options.webPreferences); // Make sure Node integration is enabled options.webPreferences.preload = sparkplug; super(options); Object.defineProperty(this, '__bd_preload', { value: [] }); if (originalOptions.webPreferences && originalOptions.webPreferences.preload) { this.__bd_preload.push(originalOptions.webPreferences.preload); } if (userOptions.webPreferences && userOptions.webPreferences.preload) { this.__bd_preload.push(path.resolve(configProxy().getPath('data'), userOptions.webPreferences.preload)); } Object.defineProperty(this, '__bd_options', { value: options }); Object.freeze(options); Object.freeze(options.webPreferences); Object.freeze(this.__bd_preload); } static get userWindowPreferences() { try { const userWindowPreferences = require(path.join(configProxy().getPath('data'), 'window')); if (typeof userWindowPreferences === 'object') return userWindowPreferences; } catch (err) { console.log('[BetterDiscord] Error getting window preferences:', err); } return {}; } } export class BetterDiscord { get comms() { return this._comms ? this._comms : (this._commas = new Comms(this)); } get database() { return this._db ? this._db : (this._db = new Database(this.config.getPath('data'))); } get config() { return this._config ? this._config : (this._config = new Config(this._args)); } get window() { return this.windowUtils ? this.windowUtils.window : undefined; } get editor() { return this._editor ? this._editor : (this._editor = new Editor(this, this.config.getPath('editor'))); } get updater() { return this._updater ? this._updater : (this._updater = new Updater(this)); } get sendToDiscord() { return this.windowUtils.send; } constructor(args) { if (TESTS) args = TEST_ARGS(); console.log('[BetterDiscord|args] ', JSON.stringify(args, null, 4)); if (BetterDiscord.loaded) { console.log('[BetterDiscord] Creating two BetterDiscord objects???'); return null; } BetterDiscord.loaded = true; this._args = args; this.config.compatibility(); this.bindings(); this.extraPaths(); this.parseClientPackage(); this.parseEditorPackage(); this.parseCorePackage(); this.database.init(); configProxy = () => this.config; const autoInitComms = this.comms; const autoInitEditor = this.editor; this.updater.start(); this.init(); } bindings() { this.injectScripts = this.injectScripts.bind(this); this.ignite = this.ignite.bind(this); this.ensureDirectories = this.ensureDirectories.bind(this); } async init() { console.log('[BetterDiscord] init'); await this.waitForWindowUtils(); await this.ensureDirectories(); this.windowUtils.on('did-finish-load', () => this.injectScripts(true)); this.windowUtils.on('did-navigate-in-page', (event, url, isMainFrame) => { this.windowUtils.send('did-navigate-in-page', { event, url, isMainFrame }); }); setTimeout(() => { this.injectScripts(); if (TEST_EDITOR) this.editor.openEditor({}); }, 500); } async ensureDirectories() { await FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.config.getPath('ext')); await FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.config.getPath('userdata')); await Promise.all([ FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.config.getPath('plugins')), FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.config.getPath('themes')), FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.config.getPath('modules')), FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.config.getPath('userfiles')) ]); } async waitForWindowUtils() { if (this.windowUtils) return this.windowUtils; const window = await this.waitForWindow(); return this.windowUtils = new WindowUtils({ window }); } /** * Wait for Discord to load before doing any injection */ async waitForWindow() { return new Promise(resolve => { const defer = setInterval(() => { const windows = OriginalBrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); if (windows.length === 1 && windows[0].webContents.getURL().includes('discordapp.com')) { resolve(windows[0]); clearInterval(defer); } }, 10); }); } /** * Parses the package.json of client script into config */ parseClientPackage() { const clientPath = this.config.getPath('client'); const clientPkg = TESTS ? require(`${path.resolve(clientPath, '..')}/package.json`) : require(`${clientPath}/package.json`); const { version } = clientPkg; const main = TESTS ? 'betterdiscord.client.js' : clientPkg.main; this.config.addPath('client_script', `${clientPath}/${main}`); this.config.setClientVersion(version); console.log(`[BetterDiscord] Client v${this.config.clientVersion} - ${this.config.getPath('client_script')}`); } parseCorePackage() { const corePath = this.config.getPath('core'); const corePkg = TESTS ? require(`${path.resolve(corePath, '..')}/package.json`) : require(`${corePath}/package.json`); const { version } = corePkg; this.config.setCoreVersion(version); } parseEditorPackage() { const editorPath = this.config.getPath('editor'); const editorPkg = TESTS ? require(`${path.resolve(editorPath, '..')}/package.json`) : require(`${editorPath}/package.json`); const { version } = editorPkg; this.config.setEditorVersion(version); } /** * Add extra paths to config */ extraPaths() { const base = path.resolve(this.config.getPath('data'), '..'); const userdata = path.resolve(base, 'userdata'); const ext = path.resolve(base, 'ext'); const plugins = path.resolve(ext, 'plugins'); const themes = path.resolve(ext, 'themes'); const modules = path.resolve(ext, 'modules'); const userfiles = path.resolve(userdata, 'files'); const snippets = path.resolve(userdata, 'snippets.json'); this.config.addPath('base', base); this.config.addPath('ext', ext); this.config.addPath('plugins', plugins); this.config.addPath('themes', themes); this.config.addPath('modules', modules); this.config.addPath('userdata', userdata); this.config.addPath('userfiles', userfiles); this.config.addPath('snippets', snippets); if (!this.config.getPath('editor')) this.config.addPath('editor', path.resolve(base, 'editor')); } /** * Hooks things that Discord removes from global. These will be removed again in the client script. */ ignite() { return BetterDiscord.ignite(this.window); } /** * Hooks things that Discord removes from global. These will be removed again in the client script. * @param {BrowserWindow} window The window to inject the sparkplug script into */ static ignite(window) { return WindowUtils.injectScript(window, sparkplug); } /** * Injects the client script into the main window. * @param {Boolean} reload Whether the main window was reloaded */ async injectScripts(reload = false) { console.log(`[BetterDiscord] injecting ${this.config.getPath('client_script')}. Reload: ${reload}`); return this.windowUtils.injectScript(this.config.getPath('client_script')); } /** * Patches Electron's BrowserWindow so all windows have Node integration enabled. * This needs to be called only once before the main window is created (or BrowserWindow is put in a variable). * Basically BetterDiscord needs to load before discord_desktop_core. */ static patchBrowserWindow() { console.log('[BetterDiscord] patching BrowserWindow'); const electron = require('electron'); const electron_path = require.resolve('electron'); Object.assign(BrowserWindow, electron.BrowserWindow); // Assigns the new chrome-specific ones const newElectron = Object.assign({}, electron, { BrowserWindow }); require.cache[electron_path].exports = newElectron; } /** * Attaches an event handler for HTTP requests to update the Content Security Policy. */ static hookSessionRequest() { console.log('[BetterDiscord] hook session request'); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onHeadersReceived((details, callback) => { for (const [header, values] of Object.entries(details.responseHeaders)) { if (!header.match(/^Content-Security-Policy(-Report-Only)?$/i)) continue; details.responseHeaders[header] = values.map(value => { const policy = new ContentSecurityPolicy(value); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(CSP)) { if (!policy.get(key)) continue; policy.add(key, value.join(' ')); } return policy.toString(); }); } callback({ responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders }); }); } } BetterDiscord.patchBrowserWindow(); BetterDiscord.hookSessionRequest();