/** * BetterDiscord Client Core * Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - https://github.com/Jiiks / https://github.com/JsSucks * All rights reserved. * https://betterdiscord.net * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import { DOM, BdUI, BdMenu, Modals, Toasts, Notifications, BdContextMenu, DiscordContextMenu } from 'ui'; import BdCss from './styles/index.scss'; import { Events, Globals, Settings, Database, Updater, ModuleManager, PluginManager, ThemeManager, ExtModuleManager, Vendor, Patcher, MonkeyPatch, ReactComponents, ReactHelpers, ReactAutoPatcher, DiscordApi, BdWebApi, Connectivity, Cache, Reflection, PackageInstaller } from 'modules'; import { ClientLogger as Logger, ClientIPC, Utils, Axi } from 'common'; import { BuiltinManager, EmoteModule, ReactDevtoolsModule, VueDevtoolsModule, TrackingProtection, E2EE } from 'builtin'; import electron from 'electron'; import path from 'path'; import { setTimeout } from 'timers'; const tests = typeof PRODUCTION === 'undefined'; const ignoreExternal = true; class BetterDiscord { constructor() { Logger.file = tests ? path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'tests', 'log.txt') : path.join(__dirname, 'log.txt'); Logger.trimLogFile(); Logger.log('main', 'BetterDiscord starting'); this._bd = { DOM, BdUI, BdMenu, Modals, Reflection, Toasts, Notifications, BdContextMenu, DiscordContextMenu, Events, Globals, Settings, Database, Updater, ModuleManager, PluginManager, ThemeManager, ExtModuleManager, PackageInstaller, Vendor, Patcher, MonkeyPatch, ReactComponents, ReactHelpers, ReactAutoPatcher, DiscordApi, EmoteModule, BdWebApi, Connectivity, Cache, Logger, ClientIPC, Utils, Axi, plugins: PluginManager.localContent, themes: ThemeManager.localContent, extmodules: ExtModuleManager.localContent, __filename, __dirname, module: Globals.require.cache[__filename], require: Globals.require, webpack_require: __webpack_require__, // eslint-disable-line no-undef get discord_require() { return Reflection.require } }; const developermode = Settings.getSetting('core', 'advanced', 'developer-mode'); if (developermode.value) window._bd = this._bd; developermode.on('setting-updated', event => { if (event.value) window._bd = this._bd; else if (window._bd) delete window._bd; }); const debuggerkeybind = Settings.getSetting('core', 'advanced', 'debugger-keybind'); debuggerkeybind.on('keybind-activated', () => { const currentWindow = electron.remote.getCurrentWindow(); if (currentWindow.isDevToolsOpened()) return eval('debugger;'); currentWindow.openDevTools(); setTimeout(() => eval('debugger;'), 1000); }); DOM.injectStyle(BdCss, 'bdmain'); this.globalReady = this.globalReady.bind(this); Events.on('global-ready', this.globalReady); Globals.initg(); } globalReady() { BdUI.initUiEvents(); this.vueInstance = BdUI.injectUi(); this.init(); } async init() { try { await Database.init(); await Settings.loadSettings(); await ModuleManager.initModules(); BuiltinManager.initAll(); if (tests) this.initTests(); if (!ignoreExternal) { await ExtModuleManager.loadAllModules(true); await PluginManager.loadAllPlugins(true); await ThemeManager.loadAllThemes(true); } Events.emit('ready'); Events.emit('discord-ready'); if (!Settings.get('core', 'advanced', 'ignore-content-manager-errors')) Modals.showContentManagerErrors(); } catch (err) { Logger.err('main', ['FAILED TO LOAD!', err]); } } initTests() { let notifications = 0; function showDummyNotif() { // eslint-disable-line no-inner-declarations Notifications.add(notifications++ ? `Notification ${notifications}` : undefined, 'Dummy Notification', [ { text: 'Show Again', onClick: function () { setTimeout(showDummyNotif, 5000); return true; } }, { text: 'Ignore', onClick: function () { return true; } } ]); } showDummyNotif(); DiscordContextMenu.add([ { text: 'Hello', onClick: () => { Toasts.info('Hello!'); } } ]); } } if (window.BetterDiscord) { Logger.log('main', 'Attempting to inject again?'); } else { let instance; Events.on('autopatcher', () => instance = new BetterDiscord()); ReactAutoPatcher.autoPatch().then(() => Events.emit('autopatcher')); }