diff --git a/js/emotemodule.js b/js/emotemodule.js
index 1c642830..37f1edc2 100644
--- a/js/emotemodule.js
+++ b/js/emotemodule.js
@@ -1,135 +1,3 @@
-/* BetterDiscordApp Core JavaScript
- * Version: 1.4
- * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
- * Date: 27/08/2015 - 16:36
- * Last Update: 31/08/2015 - 16:17
- * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
- */
-var settingsPanel, emoteModule, utils, quickEmoteMenu;
-var jsVersion = 1.2;
-var mainObserver;
-var twitchEmoteUrlStart = "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/";
-var twitchEmoteUrlEnd = "/1.0";
-var ffzEmoteUrlStart = "https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/emoticon/";
-var ffzEmoteUrlEnd = "/1";
-var bttvEmoteUrlStart = "";
-var bttvEmoteUrlEnd = "";
-var settings = {
- "Save logs locally": { "id": "bda-gs-0", "info": "Saves chat logs locally", "implemented":false },
- "Public Servers": { "id": "bda-gs-1", "info": "Display public servers", "implemented":false},
- "Minimal Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-2", "info": "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", "implemented":true},
- "Hide Channels": { "id": "bda-gs-3", "info": "Hide channels in minimal mode", "implemented":true},
- "Quick Emote Menu": { "id": "bda-es-0", "info": "Show quick emote menu for adding emotes", "implemented":true },
- "FrankerFaceZ Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-1", "info": "Show FrankerFaceZ Emotes", "implemented":true },
- "BetterTTV Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-2", "info": "Show BetterTTV Emotes", "implemented":false },
- "Emote Autocomplete": { "id": "bda-es-3", "info": "Autocomplete emote commands", "implemented":false },
- "Emote Auto Capitalization": { "id": "bda-es-4", "info": "Autocapitalize emote commands", "implemented":true },
- "Override Default Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-5", "info": "Override default emotes", "implemented":false }
-var defaultCookie = {
- "version":jsVersion,
- "bda-gs-0":false,
- "bda-gs-1":true,
- "bda-gs-2":false,
- "bda-gs-3":false,
- "bda-es-0":true,
- "bda-es-1":false,
- "bda-es-2":false,
- "bda-es-3":false,
- "bda-es-4":false,
- "bda-es-5":true
-var settingsCookie = {};
-function Core() {
-Core.prototype.init = function() {
- utils = new Utils();
- emoteModule = new EmoteModule();
- quickEmoteMenu = new QuickEmoteMenu();
- emoteModule.init();
- emoteModule.autoCapitalize();
- this.initSettings();
- this.initObserver();
- //Temp
- setTimeout(function() {
- if($(".guilds-wrapper").size() > 0) {
- $(".guilds li:first-child").after($("
", {id:"tc-settings-li"}).append($("", { class: "guild-inner" }).append($("").append($("", { class: "avatar-small", id: "tc-settings-button" })))));
- settingsPanel = new SettingsPanel();
- settingsPanel.init();
- quickEmoteMenu.init(false);
- $("#tc-settings-button").on("click", function(e) { settingsPanel.show(); });
- } else {
- setTimeout(function() {
- waitForGuildsWrapper();
- }, 100);
- }
- }, 3000);
-Core.prototype.initSettings = function() {
- if($.cookie("better-discord") == undefined) {
- settingsCookie = defaultCookie;
- this.saveSettings();
- } else {
- this.loadSettings();
- for(var setting in defaultCookie) {
- if(settingsCookie[setting] == undefined) {
- settingsCookie = defaultCookie;
- this.saveSettings();
- alert("BetterDiscord settings reset due to update/error");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-Core.prototype.saveSettings = function() {
- $.cookie("better-discord", JSON.stringify(settingsCookie), { expires: 365, path: '/' });
-Core.prototype.loadSettings = function() {
- settingsCookie = JSON.parse($.cookie("better-discord"));
-Core.prototype.initObserver = function() {
- mainObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
- if(mutation.target.getAttribute('class') != null) {
- if(mutation.target.getAttribute('class').indexOf("titlebar") != -1) {
- quickEmoteMenu.obsCallback();
- }
- }
- emoteModule.obsCallback(mutation);
- });
- });
- mainObserver.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
/* BetterDiscordApp EmoteModule JavaScript
* Version: 1.3
* Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
@@ -198,13 +66,13 @@ EmoteModule.prototype.injectEmote = function(node) {
words.some(function(word) {
if (emotesTwitch.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
- parentInnerHTML = parentInnerHTML.replace(word, "
+ parentInnerHTML = parentInnerHTML.replace(word, "
} else if(typeof emotesFfz !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-1"]) {
if(emotesFfz.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
- parentInnerHTML = parentInnerHTML.replace(word, "
+ parentInnerHTML = parentInnerHTML.replace(word, "
} else if(typeof emotesBTTV !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-2"]) {
if(emotesBTTV.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
- parentInnerHTML = parentInnerHTML.replace(word, "
+ parentInnerHTML = parentInnerHTML.replace(word, "
@@ -241,259 +109,3 @@ EmoteModule.prototype.capitalize = function(value) {
return null;
-/* BetterDiscordApp PublicSevers JavaSctript
- * Version: 1.0
- * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
- * Date: 27/08/2015 - 14:16
- * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
- */
-function PublicServers() {
-PublicServers.prototype.init = function() {
-}/* BetterDiscordApp PublicSevers JavaSctript
- * Version: 1.0
- * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
- * Date: 27/08/2015 - 14:16
- * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
- */
-function PublicServers() {
-PublicServers.prototype.init = function() {
-/* BetterDiscordApp QuickEmoteMenu JavaScript
- * Version: 1.2
- * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
- * Date: 26/08/2015 - 11:49
- * Last Update: 29/08/2015 - 11:46
- * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
- */
-var emoteBtn, emoteMenu;
-var globalEmotes = {":(":2, ":)": 1, ":/":10, ":D":3, ":o":8, ":p":12, ":z":5, ";)":11, ";p":13, "<3":9, ">(":4, "B)":7, "o_o":6, "R)":14,"4Head":354,"ANELE":3792,"ArgieB8":51838,"ArsonNoSexy":50,"AsianGlow":74,"AtGL":9809,"AthenaPMS":32035,"AtIvy":9800,"AtWW":9801,"BabyRage":22639,"BatChest":1905,"BCWarrior":30,"BibleThump":86,"BigBrother":1904,"BionicBunion":24,"BlargNaut":38,"BloodTrail":69,"BORT":243,"BrainSlug":881,"BrokeBack":4057,"BuddhaBar":27602,"CoolCat":58127,"CorgiDerp":49106,"CougarHunt":21,"DAESuppy":973,"DansGame":33,"DatHass":20225,"DatSheffy":170,"DBstyle":73,"deExcite":46249,"deIlluminati":46248,"DendiFace":58135,"DogFace":1903,"DOOMGuy":54089,"EagleEye":20,"EleGiggle":4339,"EvilFetus":72,"FailFish":360,"FPSMarksman":42,"FrankerZ":65,"FreakinStinkin":39,"FUNgineer":244,"FunRun":48,"FuzzyOtterOO":168,"GasJoker":9802,"GingerPower":32,"GrammarKing":3632,"HassanChop":68,"HeyGuys":30259,"HotPokket":357,"HumbleLife":46881,"ItsBoshyTime":169,"Jebaited":90,"JKanStyle":15,"JonCarnage":26,"KAPOW":9803,"Kappa":25,"KappaPride":55338,"Keepo":1902,"KevinTurtle":40,"Kippa":1901,"Kreygasm":41,"KZskull":5253,"Mau5":30134,"mcaT":35063,"MechaSupes":9804,"MrDestructoid":28,"MVGame":29,"NightBat":9805,"NinjaTroll":45,"NoNoSpot":44,"NotATK":34875,"NotLikeThis":58765,"OMGScoots":91,"OneHand":66,"OpieOP":356,"OptimizePrime":16,"OSbeaver":47005,"OSbury":47420,"OSdeo":47007,"OSfrog":47008,"OSkomodo":47010,"OSrob":47302,"OSsloth":47011,"panicBasket":22998,"PanicVis":3668,"PazPazowitz":19,"PeoplesChamp":3412,"PermaSmug":27509,"PicoMause":27,"PipeHype":4240,"PJHarley":9808,"PJSalt":36,"PMSTwin":92,"PogChamp":88,"Poooound":358,"PraiseIt":38586,"PRChase":28328,"PunchTrees":47,"PuppeyFace":58136,"RaccAttack":27679,"RalpherZ":1900,"RedCoat":22,"ResidentSleeper":245,"RitzMitz":4338,"RuleFive":361,"ShadyLulu":52492,"Shazam":9807,"shazamicon":9806,"ShazBotstix":87,"ShibeZ":27903,"SMOrc":52,"SMSkull":51,"SoBayed":1906,"SoonerLater":355,"SriHead":14706,"SSSsss":46,"StoneLightning":17,"StrawBeary":37,"SuperVinlin":31,"SwiftRage":34,"tbBaconBiscuit":44499,"tbChickenBiscuit":56879,"tbQuesarito":56883,"tbSausageBiscuit":56881,"tbSpicy":56882,"tbSriracha":56880,"TF2John":1899,"TheKing":50901,"TheRinger":18,"TheTarFu":70,"TheThing":7427,"ThunBeast":1898,"TinyFace":67,"TooSpicy":359,"TriHard":171,"TTours":38436,"UleetBackup":49,"UncleNox":3666,"UnSane":71,"VaultBoy":54090,"Volcania":166,"WholeWheat":1896,"WinWaker":167,"WTRuck":1897,"WutFace":28087,"YouWHY":4337};
-var emoteList;
-function QuickEmoteMenu() {
-QuickEmoteMenu.prototype.init = function (reload) {
- emoteBtn = null;
- if(!emoteMenu) {
- this.initEmoteList();
- }
- var menuOpen;
- emoteBtn = $("", { id:"twitchcord-button-container", style:"display:none" }).append($("", { id: "twitchcord-button", onclick: "return false;" }));
- $(".content.flex-spacer.flex-horizontal .flex-spacer.flex-vertical form").append(emoteBtn);
- emoteMenu.detach();
- emoteBtn.append(emoteMenu);
- $("#twitchcord-button").on("click", function() {
- menuOpen = !menuOpen;
- if(menuOpen) {
- emoteMenu.addClass("emotemenu-open");
- $(this).addClass("twitchcord-button-open");
- } else {
- emoteMenu.removeClass();
- $(this).removeClass();
- }
- });
- if(settingsCookie["bda-es-0"]) {
- emoteBtn.show();
- }
- $(".emote-icon").off();
- $(".emote-icon").on("click", function() {
- var emote = $(this).attr("id");
- var ta = $(".channel-textarea-inner textarea");
- ta.val(ta.val().slice(-1) == " " ? ta.val() + emote : ta.val() + " " + emote);
- });
-QuickEmoteMenu.prototype.obsCallback = function() {
- if(!emoteBtn) return;
- if(!$(".content.flex-spacer.flex-horizontal .flex-spacer.flex-vertical form")) return;
- tcbtn = $("#twitchcord-button-container");
- if(tcbtn.parent().prop("tagName") == undefined) {
- quickEmoteMenu = new QuickEmoteMenu();
- quickEmoteMenu.init(true);
- }
-QuickEmoteMenu.prototype.initEmoteList = function() {
- emoteMenu = $("", { id: "emote-menu" });
- var emoteMenuHeader = $("", { id: "emote-menu-header" }).append($("", { text: "Global Emotes" }));
- var emoteMenuBody = $("", { id: "emote-menu-inner" });
- emoteMenu.append(emoteMenuHeader);
- emoteMenu.append(emoteMenuBody);
- for(var emote in globalEmotes) {
- var command = emote;
- var id = globalEmotes[emote];
- emoteMenuBody.append($("" , { class: "emote-container" }).append($("
", { class: "emote-icon", id: emote, src: "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/"+id+"/1.0", title: emote })));
- }
-/* BetterDiscordApp Settings Panel JavaScript
- * Version: 1.3
- * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
- * Date: 26/08/2015 - 11:54
- * Last Update: 30/08/2015 - 12:16
- * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
- */
-var links = { "Jiiks.net": "http://jiiks.net", "Twitter": "http://twitter.com/jiiksi", "Github": "https://github.com/jiiks" };
-function SettingsPanel() {
-SettingsPanel.prototype.getPanel = function() {
- return this.tcSettingsPanel;
-SettingsPanel.prototype.init = function() {
- var self = this;
- this.tcSettingsPanel = $("", { id: "tc-settings-panel", style: "display:none" });
- this.getPanel().append($("", { id: "tc-settings-panel-header" }).append($("", { text: "BetterDiscord - Settings" })).append($("", { id: "tc-settings-close", text: "X", style:"cursor:pointer;" })));
- var settingsList = $("");
- this.getPanel().append($("", { id: "tc-settings-panel-body" }).append(settingsList));
- $.each(settings, function(key, value) {
- var son = "tc-switch-on";
- var sof = "tc-switch-off";
- if(settingsCookie[value.id]) {
- son = "tc-switch-on active";
- }else {
- sof = "tc-switch-off active";
- }
- settingsList.append($("").append($("", { text: key})).append($("", { html: " - " + value.info + "" + (value.implemented == false ? ' Coming Soon' : "") })).append($("", { class: value.implemented ? "tc-switch" : "tc-switch disabled", id: value.id }).append($("", { class: sof, text: "OFF" })).append($("", { class: son, text: "ON" }))));
- })
- var settingsFooter = $("", { id: "tc-settings-panel-footer" });
- settingsFooter.append($("", { id: "tc-about", text: "BDA v" + version + "(js "+jsVersion+") by Jiiks | Settings are automatically saved." } ));
- var tcLinks = $("", { id: "tc-links" });
- $.each(links, function(key, value) {
- tcLinks.append($("", { href: value, text: key, target: "_blank" }));
- tcLinks.append($("", { text: " | " }));
- })
- settingsFooter.append(tcLinks);
- this.getPanel().append(settingsFooter);
- $("body").append(this.getPanel());
- $("#tc-settings-close").on("click", function(e) { self.show(); });
- $(".tc-switch").on("click", function() { self.handler($(this)) });
- if(settingsCookie["bda-es-0"]) {
- $("#twitchcord-button-container").show();
- } else {
- $("#twitchcord-button-container").hide();
- }
- if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-2"]) {
- $("body").addClass("bd-minimal");
- } else {
- $("body").removeClass("bd-minimal");
- }
- if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-3"]) {
- $("body").addClass("bd-minimal-chan");
- } else {
- $("body").removeClass("bd-minimal-chan");
- }
-SettingsPanel.prototype.show = function() {
- this.getPanel().toggle();
- $("#tc-settings-li").removeClass();
- if(this.getPanel().is(":visible")) {
- $("#tc-settings-li").addClass("active");
- }
-SettingsPanel.prototype.handler = function(e){
- var sid = e.attr("id");
- var enabled = settingsCookie[sid];
- enabled = !enabled;
- settingsCookie[sid] = enabled;
- var swoff = $("#" + sid + " .tc-switch-off");
- var swon = $("#" + sid + " .tc-switch-on");
- swoff.removeClass("active");
- swon.removeClass("active");
- if(enabled) {
- swon.addClass("active");
- } else {
- swoff.addClass("active");
- }
- if(settingsCookie["bda-es-0"]) {
- $("#twitchcord-button-container").show();
- } else {
- $("#twitchcord-button-container").hide();
- }
- if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-2"]) {
- $("body").addClass("bd-minimal");
- } else {
- $("body").removeClass("bd-minimal");
- }
- if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-3"]) {
- $("body").addClass("bd-minimal-chan");
- } else {
- $("body").removeClass("bd-minimal-chan");
- }
- mainCore.saveSettings();
-/* BetterDiscordApp Utilities JavaScript
- * Version: 1.0
- * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net
- * Date: 26/08/2015 - 15:54
- * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp
- */
-function Utils() {
-Utils.prototype.getTextArea = function() {
- return $(".channel-textarea-inner textarea");
-Utils.prototype.jqDefer = function(fnc) {
- if(window.jQuery) { fnc(); } else { setTimeout(function() { this.jqDefer(fnc) }, 100) }