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2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
* BetterDiscord Utils Module
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
import { PatchedFunction, Patch } from './monkeypatch';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
import _ from 'lodash';
import filetype from 'file-type';
2018-01-30 14:48:25 +01:00
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
export class Utils {
2018-02-02 13:55:57 +01:00
static overload(fn, cb) {
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
const orig = fn;
return function (...args) {
2018-02-02 13:55:57 +01:00
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
* Monkey-patches an object's method.
* @param {Object} object The object containing the function to monkey patch
* @param {String} methodName The name of the method to monkey patch
* @param {Object|String|Function} options Options to pass to the Patch constructor
* @param {Function} function If {options} is either "before" or "after", this function will be used as that hook
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
static monkeyPatch(object, methodName, options, f) {
const patchedFunction = new PatchedFunction(object, methodName);
const patch = new Patch(patchedFunction, options, f);
return patch;
* Monkey-patches an object's method and returns a promise that will be resolved with the data object when the method is called.
* This can only be used to get the arguments and return data. If you want to change anything, call Utils.monkeyPatch with the once option set to true.
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
static monkeyPatchOnce(object, methodName) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.monkeyPatch(object, methodName, 'after', data => {
* Monkey-patches an object's method and returns a promise that will be resolved with the data object when the method is called.
* You will have to call data.callOriginalMethod() if you wants the original method to be called.
static monkeyPatchAsync(object, methodName, callback) {
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.monkeyPatch(object, methodName, data => {
data.promise = data.return = callback ? Promise.all(, data, : new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
data.resolve = resolve;
data.reject = reject;
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
* Monkeypatch function that is compatible with samogot's Lib Discord Internals.
* Don't use this for writing new plugins as it will eventually be removed!
static compatibleMonkeyPatch(what, methodName, options) {
const { before, instead, after, once = false, silent = false } = options;
const cancelPatch = () => patch.cancel();
const compatible_function = _function => data => {
const compatible_data = {
thisObject: data.this,
methodArguments: data.arguments,
returnValue: data.return,
originalMethod: data.originalMethod,
callOriginalMethod: () => data.callOriginalMethod()
try {
data.arguments = compatible_data.methodArguments;
data.return = compatible_data.returnValue;
} catch (err) {
data.arguments = compatible_data.methodArguments;
data.return = compatible_data.returnValue;
throw err;
const patch = this.monkeyPatch(what, methodName, {
before: !instead && before ? compatible_function(before) : undefined,
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
instead: instead ? compatible_function(instead) : undefined,
after: !instead && after ? compatible_function(after) : undefined,
2018-03-04 21:21:18 +01:00
return cancelPatch;
* Attempts to parse a string as JSON.
* @param {String} json The string to parse
* @return {Any}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async tryParseJson(jsonString) {
try {
return JSON.parse(jsonString);
} catch (err) {
throw ({
'message': 'Failed to parse json',
2018-02-02 13:45:06 +01:00
* Returns a new object with normalised keys.
* @param {Object} object
* @return {Object}
2018-02-02 13:45:06 +01:00
static toCamelCase(o) {
const camelCased = {};
_.forEach(o, (value, key) => {
if (_.isPlainObject(value) || _.isArray(value)) {
value = this.toCamelCase(value);
camelCased[_.camelCase(key)] = value;
return camelCased;
* Checks if two or more values contain the same data.
* @param {Any} ...value The value to compare
* @return {Boolean}
static compare(value1, value2, ...values) {
2018-02-15 18:09:06 +01:00
// Check to see if value1 and value2 contain the same data
if (typeof value1 !== typeof value2) return false;
if (value1 === null && value2 === null) return true;
if (value1 === null || value2 === null) return false;
if (typeof value1 === 'object') {
2018-02-15 18:09:06 +01:00
// Loop through the object and check if everything's the same
if (Object.keys(value1).length !== Object.keys(value2).length) return false;
2018-02-15 18:09:06 +01:00
for (let key in value1) {
if (![key], value2[key])) return false;
} else if (value1 !== value2) return false;
2018-02-15 18:09:06 +01:00
// value1 and value2 contain the same data
// Check any more values
for (let value3 of values) {
if (!, value3))
return false;
2018-02-15 18:09:06 +01:00
return true;
2018-03-01 19:42:53 +01:00
* Clones an object and all it's properties.
* @param {Any} value The value to clone
* @return {Any} The cloned value
2018-03-01 19:42:53 +01:00
static deepclone(value) {
if (typeof value === 'object') {
if (value instanceof Array) return => this.deepclone(i));
const clone = Object.assign({}, value);
for (let key in clone) {
clone[key] = this.deepclone(clone[key]);
return clone;
return value;
* Freezes an object and all it's properties.
* @param {Any} object The object to freeze
* @param {Function} exclude A function to filter object that shouldn't be frozen
static deepfreeze(object, exclude) {
if (exclude && exclude(object)) return;
if (typeof object === 'object' && object !== null) {
const properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object);
for (let property of properties) {
this.deepfreeze(object[property], exclude);
return object;
* Removes an item from an array. This differs from Array.prototype.filter as it mutates the original array instead of creating a new one.
* @param {Array} array The array to filter
* @param {Any} item The item to remove from the array
* @return {Array}
static removeFromArray(array, item) {
let index;
while ((index = array.indexOf(item)) > -1)
array.splice(index, 1);
return array;
* Defines a property with a getter that can be changed like a normal property.
* @param {Object} object The object to define a property on
* @param {String} property The property to define
* @param {Function} getter The property's getter
* @return {Object}
static defineSoftGetter(object, property, get) {
return Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
set: value => Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
export class FileUtils {
* Checks if a file exists and is a file.
* @param {String} path The file's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async fileExists(path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.stat(path, (err, stats) => {
if (err) return reject({
message: `No such file or directory: ${err.path}`,
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
if (!stats.isFile()) return reject({
message: `Not a file: ${path}`,
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
* Checks if a directory exists and is a directory.
* @param {String} path The directory's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async directoryExists(path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.stat(path, (err, stats) => {
if (err) return reject({
message: `Directory does not exist: ${path}`,
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
if (!stats.isDirectory()) return reject({
message: `Not a directory: ${path}`,
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
* Creates a directory.
* @param {String} path The directory's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 16:59:27 +01:00
static async createDirectory(path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.mkdir(path, err => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve();
2018-01-30 16:59:27 +01:00
* Checks if a directory exists and creates it if it doesn't.
* @param {String} path The directory's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 16:59:27 +01:00
static async ensureDirectory(path) {
try {
await this.directoryExists(path);
return true;
} catch (err) {
try {
await this.createDirectory(path);
return true;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
* Returns the contents of a file.
* @param {String} path The file's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async readFile(path) {
try {
await this.fileExists(path);
} catch (err) {
throw err;
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
if (err) return reject({
message: `Could not read file: ${path}`,
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
* Returns the contents of a file.
* @param {String} path The file's path
* @param {Object} options Additional options to pass to fs.readFile
* @return {Promise}
static async readFileBuffer(path, options) {
try {
await this.fileExists(path);
} catch (err) {
throw err;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(path, options || {}, (err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
* Writes to a file.
* @param {String} path The file's path
* @param {String} data The file's new contents
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async writeFile(path, data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.writeFile(path, data, err => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve();
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
* Returns the contents of a file parsed as JSON.
* @param {String} path The file's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async readJsonFromFile(path) {
let readFile;
try {
readFile = await this.readFile(path);
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
try {
return await Utils.tryParseJson(readFile);
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
} catch (err) {
throw Object.assign(err, { path });
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
* Writes to a file as JSON.
* @param {String} path The file's path
* @param {Any} data The file's new contents
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
static async writeJsonToFile(path, json) {
return this.writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(json));
* Returns an array of items in a directory.
* @param {String} path The directory's path
* @return {Promise}
2018-01-30 16:59:27 +01:00
static async listDirectory(path) {
await this.directoryExists(path);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(path, (err, files) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(files);
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00
2018-01-30 16:59:27 +01:00
static async readDir(path) {
return this.listDirectory(path);
* Returns a file or buffer's MIME type and typical file extension.
* @param {String|Buffer} buffer A buffer or the path of a file
* @return {Promise}
static async getFileType(buffer) {
if (typeof buffer === 'string') buffer = await this.readFileBuffer(buffer);
return filetype(buffer);
* Returns a file's contents as a data URI.
* @param {String} path The directory's path
* @return {Promise}
static async toDataURI(buffer, type) {
if (typeof buffer === 'string') buffer = await this.readFileBuffer(buffer);
if (!type) type = this.getFileType(buffer).mime;
return `data:${type};base64,${buffer.toString('base64')}`;
2018-01-30 14:38:34 +01:00