using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using asardotnet; namespace BetterDiscordWI.panels { public partial class Panel2: UserControl, IPanel { private String _dataPath, _tempPath; private Utils _utils; public Panel2() { InitializeComponent(); } public void SetVisible() { GetParent().btnBack.Enabled = false; GetParent().btnNext.Enabled = false; GetParent().btnBack.Visible = false; GetParent().btnNext.Visible = false; GetParent().btnCancel.Enabled = false; _utils = new Utils(); KillProcessIfInstalling("Discord"); KillProcessIfInstalling("DiscordCanary"); KillProcessIfInstalling("DiscordPTB"); CreateDirectories(); } private void KillProcessIfInstalling(string app) { if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains(app + "\\")) { AppendLog("Killing " + app); foreach(var process in Process.GetProcessesByName(app)) { process.Kill(); } } } private void CreateDirectories() { Thread t = new Thread(() => { _dataPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BetterDiscord"; _tempPath = _dataPath + "\\temp"; AppendLog("Deleting old cached files"); try { if(File.Exists(_dataPath + "\\emotes_bttv.json")) { File.Delete(_dataPath + "\\emotes_bttv.json"); } if(File.Exists(_dataPath + "\\emotes_bttv_2.json")) { File.Delete(_dataPath + "\\emotes_bttv_2.json"); } if(File.Exists(_dataPath + "\\emotes_ffz.json")) { File.Delete(_dataPath + "\\emotes_ffz.json"); } if(File.Exists(_dataPath + "\\emotes_twitch_global.json")) { File.Delete(_dataPath + "\\emotes_twitch_global.json"); } if(File.Exists(_dataPath + "\\emotes_twitch_subscriber.json")) { File.Delete(_dataPath + "\\emotes_twitch_subscriber.json"); } if(File.Exists(_dataPath + "\\user.json")) { File.Delete(_dataPath + "\\user.json"); } } catch(Exception e) { AppendLog("Failed to delete one or more cached files"); } if(Directory.Exists(_tempPath)) { AppendLog("Deleting temp path"); Directory.Delete(_tempPath, true); } while(Directory.Exists(_tempPath)) { Debug.Print("Waiting for dirdel"); Thread.Sleep(100); } Directory.CreateDirectory(_tempPath); DownloadResource("", ""); while(!File.Exists(_tempPath + "\\")) { Debug.Print("Waiting for download"); Thread.Sleep(100); } AppendLog("Extracting BetterDiscord"); ZipArchive zar = ZipFile.OpenRead(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BetterDiscord\\temp\\"); zar.ExtractToDirectory(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BetterDiscord\\temp\\"); DeleteDirs(); }); t.Start(); } private void DeleteDirs() { int errors = 0; Thread t = new Thread(() => { String dir = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\app"; if(Directory.Exists(dir)) { try { AppendLog("Deleting " + dir); Directory.Delete(dir, true); } catch { AppendLog("Error: Failed to Delete the '" + dir + "\\resources\\app' Directory."); errors = 1; Finalize(errors); } } while(Directory.Exists(dir)) { Debug.Print("Waiting for direl"); Thread.Sleep(100); } dir = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\node_modules\\BetterDiscord"; if(Directory.Exists(dir)) { AppendLog("Deleting " + dir); Directory.Delete(dir, true); } while(Directory.Exists(dir)) { Debug.Print("Waiting for direl"); Thread.Sleep(100); } AppendLog("Extracting app.asar"); string appAsarPath = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\app.asar"; if(File.Exists(appAsarPath)) { AsarArchive archive = new AsarArchive(appAsarPath); AsarExtractor extractor = new AsarExtractor(); extractor.ExtractAll(archive, GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\app\\"); } else { AppendLog("Error: app.asar file couldn't be found in 'resources' folder. Installation cannot Continue."); errors = 1; Finalize(errors); } if(errors == 0) { AppendLog("Moving BetterDiscord to resources\\node_modules\\"); Directory.Move(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BetterDiscord\\temp\\BetterDiscordApp-stable", GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\node_modules\\BetterDiscord"); try { Splice(); } catch { AppendLog("Error: Extracting app.asar: Newtonsoft.Json.dll might not be present in the Installer Folder. Installation cannot Continue."); errors = 1; Finalize(errors); } } }); t.Start(); } private void DownloadResource(String resource, String url) { AppendLog("Downloading Resource: " + resource); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0"; webClient.DownloadFile(new Uri(url), Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BetterDiscord\\temp\\" + resource); } private void Splice() { String indexloc = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\app\\app\\index.js"; Thread t = new Thread(() => { List lines = new List(); AppendLog("Spicing index"); using(FileStream fs = new FileStream(indexloc, FileMode.Open)) { using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fs)) { String line = ""; while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { //if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains("Discord\\")) { //if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains("DiscordCanary\\")) { //if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains("DiscordPTB\\")) { if(line.Replace(" ", "").Contains("var_fs=")) { lines.Add(line); lines.Add("var _betterDiscord = require('betterdiscord');"); } else if(line.Replace(" ", "").Contains("mainWindow=new")) { lines.Add(line); lines.Add(File.ReadAllText("splice")); } else { lines.Add(line); } //} } } } AppendLog("Writing index"); File.WriteAllLines(indexloc, lines.ToArray()); AppendLog("Finished installation, verifying installation..."); int errors = 0; String curPath = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\app\\app\\index.js"; if(!File.Exists(curPath)) { AppendLog("ERROR: FILE: " + curPath + " DOES NOT EXIST!"); errors++; } curPath = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\node_modules\\BetterDiscord"; if(!Directory.Exists(curPath)) { AppendLog("ERROR: DIRECTORY: " + curPath + " DOES NOT EXIST"); errors++; } String basePath = GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\resources\\node_modules\\BetterDiscord"; String[] bdFiles = { "\\package.json", "\\betterdiscord.js", "\\lib\\BetterDiscord.js", "\\lib\\config.json", "\\lib\\Utils.js" }; foreach(string s in bdFiles.Where(s => !File.Exists(basePath + s))) { AppendLog("ERROR: FILE: " + basePath + s + " DOES NOT EXIST"); errors++; } Finalize(errors); }); t.Start(); } private void Finalize(int errors) { AppendLog("Finished installing BetterDiscord with " + errors + " errors"); Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { GetParent().finished = true; GetParent().btnCancel.Text = "OK"; GetParent().btnCancel.Enabled = true; }); if(GetParent().RestartDiscord) { if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains("\\Discord\\")) { Process.Start(GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\Discord.exe"); } if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains("\\DiscordCanary\\")) { Process.Start(GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\DiscordCanary.exe"); } if(GetParent().DiscordPath.Contains("\\DiscordPTB\\")) { Process.Start(GetParent().DiscordPath + "\\DiscordPTB.exe"); } } } public FormMain GetParent() { return (FormMain)ParentForm; } public void BtnNext() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void BtnPrev() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private void AppendLog(String message) { Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { rtLog.AppendText(message + "\n"); rtLog.SelectionStart = rtLog.Text.Length; rtLog.ScrollToCaret(); }); } } }