//META{"name":"customGamePlugin"}*// /* * #####################READ THIS!################################ * #####################READ THIS!################################ * * This plugin is discontinued and no longer works due to Discord having custom game title built in and is kept for archiving purposes only. * * #####################READ THIS!################################ * #####################READ THIS!################################ */ function customGamePlugin() {} customGamePlugin.prototype.load = function() { }; customGamePlugin.prototype.unload = function() { }; customGamePlugin.prototype.start = function() { return; var self = this; this.enabled = true; this.interval = setInterval(function() { self.setPlaying(); }, 60000); this.setPlaying(); }; customGamePlugin.prototype.stop = function() { return; var gp = this.game; this.game = ""; this.setPlaying(); this.game = gp; clearInterval(this.interval); this.enabled = false; }; customGamePlugin.prototype.getName = function() { return "Custom Game"; }; customGamePlugin.prototype.getDescription = function() { return "Set custom game as your playing status"; }; customGamePlugin.prototype.getVersion = function() { return "1.0"; }; customGamePlugin.prototype.getAuthor = function() { return "Jiiks"; }; customGamePlugin.prototype.getSettingsPanel = function() { if(this.game == null) this.game = ""; return ' ' + '' + ''; }; customGamePlugin.prototype.setGame = function(game) { if(game == null) { game = document.getElementById("cgPluginGame").value; } this.game = game; this.setPlaying(); }; customGamePlugin.prototype.setPlaying = function() { if(!this.enabled) return; if(this.uid == null) { if($(".account .avatar-small").css("background-image") == undefined)return; this.uid = $(".account .avatar-small").css("background-image").match(/\d+/); } if(this.game == null) this.game = ""; var minner = $('.channel-members .member[data-reactid*="'+this.uid+'"]').find(".member-inner") var mgame = minner.find(".member-game"); if(this.game != "") { if(mgame.length) { mgame.find("strong").text(this.game); } else { minner.append('
Playing: '+this.game+'
'); } } else { if(mgame.length) { mgame.remove(); } } BdApi.setPlaying(this.game); };