some proper info

Zack 2018-08-27 19:43:12 -04:00
parent ee396b913e
commit c21a820d5b
1 changed files with 271 additions and 5 deletions

@ -1,8 +1,274 @@
[Example plugin](
# Overview
Discord is an electron app, essentially a browser, so plugins are just JavaScript.
1. BandagedBD plugins are limited to a single file.
2. The file must be named as `pluginname.plugin.js`, the plugin name can be whatever you want.
3. Plugin files require a special header ([see below](#plugins-require-a-special-header)).
4. The name defined in the header must match the variable/classname
5. Plugins must implement the [following functions](#required-functions): `getName`, `getDescription`, `getVersion`, `getAuthor`, `start` and `stop`.
Optionally, you may implement `load` and `observer`. More details on each function below.
6. Plugins can make use of the [`BdApi`](#bdapi) object described [below](#bdapi).
7. Plugins can make use of any node modules or Discord modules (through webpack).
You can open the developer tools with
# Details
* Windows: `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `i`
* MacOS: `Cmd` + `Alt` + `i`
Take a look at this [Example]( for a template and description of each required and optional function.
## Plugins require a special header
BandagedBD requires one line at the beginning of a plugin file to identify it:
Be sure that `testPlugin` matches the variable name defined in the file. Without this, your plugin will not be identified by BD properly and will not show up in the list.
Optionally you can also include a website and source field in the meta like this example from ImageToClipboard:
## Required Functions
#### `getName()`
The name for the plugin to be displayed to the user in the plugins page and for internal settings to use.
**@Returns** `{string}` - the name for the plugin.
#### `getDescription()`
The description of the plugin shown in the plugins page.
**@Returns** `{string}` - the description of the plugin.
#### `getVersion()`
The version of the plugin displayed in the plugins page.
**@Returns** `{string}` - the version of the plugin.
#### `getAuthor()`
The author string for the plugin displayed in the plugins page.
**@Returns** `{string}` - the author of the plugin.
#### `start()`
Called when the plugin is enabled or when it is loaded and was previously reloaded (such as discord start or reload).
#### `stop()`
Called when the plugin is disabled.
## Optional Functions
These functions can be useful but aren't necessary for the plugin to load and function.
#### `load()`
Called when the plugin is loaded regardless of if it is enabled or disabled.
#### `observer(changes)`
Called on every mutation that occurs on the `document`. For more information on observers and mutations take a look at [MDN's documentation](
|`changes`|[MutationRecord](|The mutation that occurred.|
# BdApi
The following functions are available as a part of the `BdApi` object.
## Properties
#### `React`
The [React]( module being used inside Discord.
#### `ReactDOM`
The [ReactDOM]( module being used inside Discord.
## Methods
#### `alert(title, content)`
Creates an shows an alert modal to the user. A preview of how it may look can be found [here](
|`title`|string|The title to show on the modal.|
|`content`|string|Content to show in the modal (can be html string).|
#### `clearCSS(id)`
Removes a style added with [`injectCSS`](#injectcssid-css) below.
|`id`|string|ID of the node to remove.|
#### `findModule(filter)`
Searches for an internal Discord webpack module based on `filter`.
|`filter`|function|A function to use to filter modules.|
**@Returns** `{any|null}` - the module found or null if none were found.
#### `findAllModules(filter)`
Searches for multiple internal Discord webpack module based on `filter`. It's the same as [`findModule`](#findmodulefilter) but will return all matches
|`filter`|function|A function to use to filter modules.|
**@Returns** `{Array<any>}` - the modules found or null if none were found.
#### `findModuleByProps(...props)`
Searches for an internal Discord webpack module that has every property passed.
|`props`|...string|A series of properties to check for.|
**@Returns** `{any|null}` - the module found or null if none were found.
#### `getCore()`
Returns BandagedBD's instance of the core module. Only use this if you know what you are doing.
**@Returns** `{Core}` - BBD's instantiated core module.
#### `getInternalInstance(node)`
Gets the internal react instance for a particular node.
|`node`|HTMLElement|jQuery|Node to find the react instance for.|
**@Returns** `{object|undefined}` - the instance if found or undefined otherwise.
#### `getPlugin(name)`
Gets the instance of another plugin with the name `name`.
|`name`|string|Name of the plugin to retreive.|
**@Returns** `{object|null}` - the plugin if found or null otherwise.
#### `injectCSS(id, css)`
Adds a block of css to the current document's `head`.
|`id`|string|Identifier for the node to be added. Can be used later with [`clearCSS`](#clearcssid) from above.|
|`css`|string|String of css to be added.|
**@Returns** `{object|null}` - the plugin if found or null otherwise.
#### `linkJS(id, url)`
Links some remote JavaScript to be added to the page. Useful for libraries like `Sortable.js`.
|`id`|string|Identifier for the node to be added. Can be used later with [`unlinkJS`](#unlinkjsid) below.|
|`url`|string|URL of the js.|
#### `loadData(pluginName, key)`
Gets some saved data for plugin `pluginName` with key `key`. Data can be saved with [`saveData`](#savedatapluginname-key-data).
|`pluginName`|string|Which plugin this is being used for.|
|`key`|string|Key for which data should be returned.|
**@Returns** `{any|null}` - The information that was saved previously, or null otherwise.
#### `saveData(pluginName, key, data)`
Saved some `data` for plugin `pluginName` under `key` key. Gets saved in the plugins folder under `pluginName.config.json`. Data can be saved with [`loadData`](#loaddatapluginname-key).
|`pluginName`|string|Which plugin this is being used for.|
|`key`|string|Key for the data should be saved under.|
|`data`|any|Data to save.|
#### `showToast(content, options = {})`
Shows a simple toast message similar to on Android. An example of the `success` toast can be seen [here](
|`content`|string|Content to show inside the toast.|
|`[options]`|object|Options for the toast.|
|`[options.type=""]`|string|Changes the type of the toast stylistically and semantically. Choices: "", "info", "success", "danger"/"error", "warning"/"warn". Default: ""|
|`[options.icon=true]`|boolean|Determines whether the icon should show corresponding to the type. A toast without type will always have no icon. Default: true|
|`[options.timeout=3000]`|number|Adjusts the time (in ms) the toast should be shown for before disappearing automatically. Default: 3000|
#### `unlinkJS(id)`
Removes some previously linked JS by [`linkJS`](#linkjsid-url).
|`id`|string|ID of the node to remove.|
# Third-party libraries
Some plugin developers have written their own libraries for developing plugins:
- [Zere's Plugin Library]( \[1] ([Documentation](
- [Lib Discord Internals]( \[1]
- [BDfunctionsDevilBro]( \[2]
\[1] Licensed under the MIT license
\[2] Not licensed
# Extra
## Add namespaces to your events
When using jQuery and listening on events like `$(document).on('dblclick', ...)`, use a namespace such as `$(document).on('dblclick.myplugin', ...)` in order to easily unload all events with `$(document).off('dblclick.myplugin')` or `$(document).off('*.myplugin')` without affecting Discord and other plugins.