
439 lines
18 KiB

export default {
en: {
Panels: {
plugins: "Plugins",
themes: "Themes",
customcss: "Custom CSS"
Collections: {
settings: {
name: "Settings",
general: {
name: "General",
emotes: {
name: "Emote System",
note: "Enables BD's emote system"
publicServers: {
name: "Public Servers",
note: "Display public servers button"
voiceDisconnect: {
name: "Voice Disconnect",
note: "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord"
twentyFourHour: {
name: "24-Hour Timestamps",
note: "Hides channels when in minimal mode"
classNormalizer: {
name: "Normalize Classes",
note: "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)"
showToasts: {
name: "Show Toasts",
note: "Shows a small notification for important information"
appearance: {
name: "Appearance",
voiceMode: {
name: "Voice Mode",
note: "Hides everything that isn't voice chat"
minimalMode: {
name: "Minimal Mode",
note: "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements"
hideChannels: {
name: "Hide Channels",
note: "Hides channels when in minimal mode"
darkMode: {
name: "Dark Mode",
note: "Make certain elements dark by default"
coloredText: {
name: "Colored Text",
note: "Make text colour the same as role color"
addons: {
name: "Addon Manager",
addonErrors: {
name: "Show Addon Errors",
note: "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors"
autoScroll: {
name: "Scroll To Settings",
note: "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)"
autoReload: {
name: "Automatic Loading",
note: "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes"
customcss: {
name: "Custom CSS",
customcss: {
name: "Custom CSS",
note: "Enables the Custom CSS tab"
liveUpdate: {
name: "Live Update",
note: "Updates the css as you type"
startDetached: {
name: "Start Detached",
note: "Clicking the Custom CSS tab opens the editor in a separate window",
nativeOpen: {
name: "Open in Native Editor",
note: "Clicking the Custom CSS tab opens your custom css in your native editor"
developer: {
name: "Developer Settings",
developerMode: {
name: "Developer Mode",
note: "Allows activating debugger when pressing F8"
copySelector: {
name: "Copy Selector",
note: "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active"
window: {
name: "Window Preferences",
transparency: {
name: "Enable Transparency",
note: "Enables the main window to be see-through (requires restart)"
frame: {
name: "Window Frame",
note: "Adds the native os window frame to the main window"
emotes: {
name: "Emotes",
general: {
name: "General",
download: {
name: "Download Emotes",
note: "Download emotes once a week to stay up to date"
emoteMenu: {
name: "Emote Menu",
note: "Show Twitch/Favourite emotes in emote menu"
hideEmojiMenu: {
name: "Hide Emoji Menu",
note: "Hides Discord's emoji menu when using emote menu"
autoCaps: {
name: "Emote Autocapitalization",
note: "Autocapitalize emote commands"
showNames: {
name: "Show Names",
note: "Show emote names on hover"
modifiers: {
name: "Show Emote Modifiers",
note: "Enable emote mods (flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap)"
animateOnHover: {
name: "Animate On Hover",
note: "Only animate the emote modifiers on hover"
categories: {
name: "Categories",
twitch: {
name: "Twitch",
note: "Show Twitch global & subscriber emotes"
ffz: {
name: "FrankerFaceZ",
note: "Show emotes from FFZ"
bttv: {
name: "BetterTTV",
note: "Show emotes from BTTV"
Addons: {
title: "{{name}} v{{version}} by {{author}}",
openFolder: "Open {{type}} Folder",
reload: "Reload",
pluginSettings: "Settings",
website: "Website",
source: "Source",
server: "Support Server",
donate: "Donate"
Emotes: {
downloading: "Downloading emotes in the background do not reload.",
downloaded: "All emotes successfully downloaded.",
clearEmotes: "Clear Emote Data",
favoriteAction: "Favorite!"
CustomCSS: {
confirmationText: "You have unsaved changes to your Custom CSS. Closing this window will lose all those changes.",
update: "Update",
save: "Save",
openNative: "Open in System Editor",
openDetached: "Detach Window",
settings: "Editor Settings",
editorTitle: "Custom CSS Editor"
PublicServers: {
button: "public",
join: "Join",
joining: "Joining",
joined: "Joined",
loading: "Loading",
loadMore: "Load More",
notConnected: "Not connected to!",
search: "Search",
connect: "Connect",
reconnect: "Reconnect",
categories: "Categories",
connection: "Connected as: {{username}}#{{discriminator}}",
results: "Showing {{start}}-{{end}} of {{total}} results in {{category}}",
query: "for {{query}}"
Modals: {
confirmClose: "Are You Sure?",
okay: "Okay",
cancel: "Cancel",
name: "Name",
message: "Message",
error: "Error",
addonErrors: "Addon Errors"
es: {
Collections: {
settings: {
name: "Ajustes",
addons: {
addonErrors: {
name: "Mostrar Errores de Addons"
sv: {
Panels: {
plugins: "Tillägg",
themes: "Teman",
customcss: "Egen CSS"
Collections: {
settings: {
name: "Inställningar",
general: {
name: "Generellt",
emotes: {
name: "Emotessystem",
note: "Aktiverar BD's emotessystem"
publicServers: {
name: "Publika Servrar",
note: "Visa knappen för publika servrar"
voiceDisconnect: {
name: "Lämna Röst",
note: "Lämna röstsamtal när Discord stängs ner"
twentyFourHour: {
name: "24-Timmars Tidsstämpel",
note: "Visar 24-timmars tidsstämplar istället för AM/PM"
classNormalizer: {
name: "Normalisera Klasser",
note: "Lägger till statiska klasser för att underlätta teman (ex. lägger till .da-channels på .channels-Ie2l6A)"
showToasts: {
name: "Visa Toasts",
note: "Visar en liten notification för viktig information"
appearance: {
name: "Utseende",
voiceMode: {
name: "Röstläge",
note: "Gömmer allt förutom röstchatt"
minimalMode: {
name: "Minimalt Läge",
note: "Gömmer och förminskar komponenter"
hideChannels: {
name: "Göm Kanaler",
note: "Gömmer kanaler när minimalt läge är aktiverat"
darkMode: {
name: "Mörkt Läge",
note: "Gör vissa komponenter mörka"
coloredText: {
name: "Färgad Text",
note: "Gör att text får samma färg som rollfärgen"
addons: {
name: "Tilläggshanterare",
addonErrors: {
name: "Visa tilläggsfel",
note: "Visar en modal med tillägg- och temafel"
autoScroll: {
name: "Skrolla till inställningar Scroll To Settings",
note: "Skrollar automatisks till ett tilläggs inställningar när knappen är tryckt (endast om inställningarna är utanför vy)"
autoReload: {
name: "Automatisk Laddning",
note: "Laddar automatisk in, om och ur tillägg och teman"
customcss: {
name: "Egen CSS",
customcss: {
name: "Egen CSS",
note: "Aktiverar \"Egen CSS\"-fliken"
liveUpdate: {
name: "Uppdatera Direkt",
note: "Uppdaterar css allteftersom du skriver"
startDetached: {
name: "Starta Frånkopplad",
note: "Öppnar CSS redigeraren i ett separat fönster när \"Egen CSS\"-fliken klickas",
nativeOpen: {
name: "Öppna I Standardredigerare",
note: "Öppnar CSS filen i operativsystemets standardredigerare när \"Egen CSS\"-fliken klickas"
developer: {
name: "Utvecklarinställningar",
developerMode: {
name: "Utvecklarläge",
note: "Gör det möjligt att aktivera avlusare med F8"
copySelector: {
name: "Kopiera Selektor",
note: "Lägger till valet \"Kopiera Selektor\" i kontext menyn när utvecklarläge är aktiverat"
window: {
name: "Fönsterinställningar",
transparency: {
name: "Aktivera Genomskinlighet",
note: "Gör att huvudfönstret blir genomskinligt (kräver omstart)"
frame: {
name: "Fönsterram",
note: "Lägger till operativsystemets standard fönsterram runt huvudfönstret"
emotes: {
name: "Emotes",
general: {
name: "Generellt",
download: {
name: "Ladda Ner Emotes",
note: "Ladda ner emotes en gång i veckan för att hålla sig uppdaterad"
emoteMenu: {
name: "Emote Meny",
note: "Visa Twitch/Favorit emotes i emote meny"
hideEmojiMenu: {
name: "Gömmer Emoji Meny",
note: "Gömmer Discord's emoji meny när emote meny är aktiverad"
autoCaps: {
name: "Automatiskt Stor Bokstav I Emotes",
note: "Gör automatiskt stor bokstav i emote kommandon"
showNames: {
name: "Visa namn",
note: "Visa namn när musen hålls över en emote"
modifiers: {
name: "Visa Emote Modifierare",
note: "Aktivera emote modifierare (flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap)"
animateOnHover: {
name: "Animera När Musen Hålls Över",
note: "Animera endast emote midiferare när musen hålls över emoten"
categories: {
name: "Kategorier",
twitch: {
name: "Twitch",
note: "Visa Twitch global & prenumerant emotes"
ffz: {
name: "FrankerFaceZ",
note: "Visa emotes från FFZ"
bttv: {
name: "BetterTTV",
note: "Visa emotes från BTTV"
Emotes: {
downloading: "Laddar ner emotes i backgrunden, ladda inte om",
downloaded: "Alla emotes laddades ner utan problem.",
clearEmotes: "Rensa Emote Data",
favoriteAction: "Favorit!"
CustomCSS: {
confirmationText: "Du har osparade ändringar av egna CSS:en. Alla ändringar kommer försvinna om du stänger det här fönstret",
update: "Uppdatera",
save: "Spara",
openNative: "Öppna I Standardredigerare",
openDetached: "Koppla Loss Fönster",
settings: "Inställningar för redigerare",
editorTitle: "Egen CSS Redigerare"
PublicServers: {
button: "Publik",
join: "Gå med",
joining: "Går med",
joined: "Gick med",
loading: "Laddar",
loadMore: "ladda mer",
notConnected: "Ingen anslutning till!",
search: "Sök",
connect: "Anslut",
reconnect: "Återanslut",
categories: "Kategorier",
connection: "Ansluten som: {{username}}#{{discriminator}}",
results: "Visar {{start}}-{{end}} av {{total}} resultat i {{category}}",
query: "för {{query}}"
Modals: {
confirmClose: "Är du säker?",
okay: "Okej",
cancel: "Avbryt",
name: "Namn",
message: "Meddelande",
error: "Fel",
addonErrors: "Tilläggsfel"