
257 lines
11 KiB

import {settingsCookie, pluginCookie, bdplugins} from "../0globals";
import BDV2 from "../modules/v2";
import pluginModule from "../modules/pluginModule";
import Utils from "../modules/utils";
import XSvg from "./xSvg";
import ReloadIcon from "./reloadIcon";
import TooltipWrap from "./tooltipWrap";
import Switch from "./components/switch";
const React = BDV2.React;
export default class V2C_PluginCard extends BDV2.reactComponent {
constructor(props) {
const self = this;
self.onChange = self.onChange.bind(self);
self.showSettings = self.showSettings.bind(self);
self.hasSettings = typeof self.props.plugin.getSettingsPanel === "function";
self.settingsPanel = "";
this.reload = this.reload.bind(this);
this.onReload = this.onReload.bind(this);
setInitialState() {
this.state = {
checked: pluginCookie[this.props.plugin.getName()],
settings: false,
reloads: 0
// componentDidMount() {
// BDEvents.on("plugin-reloaded", this.onReload);
// }
// componentWillUnmount() {
//"plugin-reloaded", this.onReload);
// }
onReload(pluginName) {
if (pluginName !== this.props.plugin.getName()) return;
this.setState({reloads: this.state.reloads + 1});
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.state.settings) {
if (typeof this.settingsPanel === "object") {
if (!settingsCookie["fork-ps-3"]) return;
const isHidden = (container, element) => {
const cTop = container.scrollTop;
const cBottom = cTop + container.clientHeight;
const eTop = element.offsetTop;
const eBottom = eTop + element.clientHeight;
return (eTop < cTop || eBottom > cBottom);
const self = $(BDV2.reactDom.findDOMNode(this));
const container = self.parents(".scroller");
if (!isHidden(container[0], self[0])) return;
scrollTop: self.offset().top - container.offset().top + container.scrollTop() - 30
}, 300);
reload() {
const plugin = this.props.plugin.getName();
this.props.plugin = bdplugins[plugin].plugin;
getString(value) {
if (!value) return "???";
return typeof value == "string" ? value : value.toString();
get settingsComponent() {
const self = this;
const {plugin} = this.props;
const name = this.getString(plugin.getName());
try { self.settingsPanel = plugin.getSettingsPanel(); }
catch (err) { Utils.err("Plugins", "Unable to get settings panel for " + plugin.getName() + ".", err); }
return BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "settings-open ui-switch-item bd-addon-card"},
BDV2.react.createElement("div", {style: {"float": "right", "cursor": "pointer"}, onClick: () => {
this.refs.settingspanel.innerHTML = "";
self.setState({settings: false});
BDV2.react.createElement(XSvg, null)
typeof self.settingsPanel === "object" && BDV2.react.createElement("div", {id: `plugin-settings-${name}`, className: "plugin-settings", ref: "settingspanel"}),
typeof self.settingsPanel !== "object" && BDV2.react.createElement("div", {id: `plugin-settings-${name}`, className: "plugin-settings", ref: "settingspanel", dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {__html: self.settingsPanel}})
buildTitle(name, version, author) {
const title = "{{name}} v{{version}} by {{author}}".split(/({{[A-Za-z]+}})/);
const nameIndex = title.findIndex(s => s == "{{name}}");
if (nameIndex) title[nameIndex] = React.createElement("span", {className: "bd-name bda-name"}, name);
const versionIndex = title.findIndex(s => s == "{{version}}");
if (nameIndex) title[versionIndex] = React.createElement("span", {className: "bd-version bda-version"}, version);
const authorIndex = title.findIndex(s => s == "{{author}}");
if (nameIndex) {
const props = {className: "bd-author bda-author"};
if ( || {
props.className += ` ${BDV2.anchorClasses.anchor} ${BDV2.anchorClasses.anchorUnderlineOnHover}`; = "_blank";
if ( props.href =;
if ( props.onClick = () => {BDV2.LayerStack.popLayer(); BDV2.openDM(;};
title[authorIndex] = React.createElement( || ? "a" : "span", props,;
return title.flat();
makeLink(title, url) {
const props = {className: "bda-link bda-link-website", target: "_blank"};
if (typeof(url) == "string") props.href = url;
if (typeof(url) == "function") props.onClick = (event) => {event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); url();};
return BDV2.react.createElement("a", props, title);
makeButton(title, children, action) {
return <TooltipWrap color="black" position="top" text={title}>
{(props) => {
return <div {...props} className="bd-addon-button" onClick={action}>{children}</div>;
getLinks(meta) {
const links = [];
if ( links.push(this.makeLink("Website",;
if (meta.source) links.push(this.makeLink("Source", meta.source));
if (meta.invite) {
links.push(this.makeLink("Support Server", () => {
const tester = /\.gg\/(.*)$/;
let code = meta.invite;
if (tester.test(code)) code = code.match(tester)[1];
if (meta.donate) links.push(this.makeLink("Donate", meta.donate));
if (meta.patreon) links.push(this.makeLink("Patreon", meta.patreon));
return links;
getFooter(meta) {
const links = this.getLinks(meta);
return (links.length || this.hasSettings) && BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "bda-footer"},
BDV2.react.createElement("span", {className: "bda-links"},
...(, index) => index < links.length - 1 ? [element, " | "] : element).flat())
this.hasSettings && BDV2.react.createElement("button", {onClick: this.showSettings, className: "bda-settings-button", disabled: !this.state.checked}, "Settings")
render() {
if (this.state.settings) return this.settingsComponent;
const {plugin} = this.props;
const name = this.getString(plugin.getName());
const author = this.getString(plugin.getAuthor());
const description = this.getString(plugin.getDescription());
const version = this.getString(plugin.getVersion());
const meta = bdplugins[name];
return BDV2.react.createElement("div", {"data-name": name, "data-version": version, "className": "settings-closed ui-switch-item bd-addon-card"},
BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "bd-addon-header bda-header"},
BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "bd-title bda-header-title"}, this.buildTitle(name, version, {name: author, id: meta.authorId, link: meta.authorLink})),
BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "bd-addon-controls bda-controls"},
!settingsCookie["fork-ps-5"] && BDV2.react.createElement(TooltipWrap(ReloadIcon, {color: "black", side: "top", text: "Reload"}), {className: "bd-reload-card", onClick: this.reload}),
React.createElement(Switch, {onChange: this.onChange, checked: this.state.checked})
// BDV2.react.createElement("label", {className: "ui-switch-wrapper ui-flex-child", style: {flex: "0 0 auto"}},
// BDV2.react.createElement("input", {checked: this.state.checked, onChange: this.onChange, className: "ui-switch-checkbox", type: "checkbox"}),
// BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: this.state.checked ? "ui-switch checked" : "ui-switch"})
// )
BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "bd-scroller-wrap bda-description-wrap scroller-wrap fade"},
BDV2.react.createElement("div", {className: "bd-addon-description bda-description scroller"}, description)
onChange() {
this.setState({checked: !this.state.checked});
showSettings() {
if (!this.hasSettings) return;
this.setState({settings: true});
// <div className="bd-controls">
// {this.props.editAddon && this.makeButton(Strings.Addons.editAddon, <EditIcon />, this.props.editAddon)}
// {this.props.deleteAddon && this.makeButton(Strings.Addons.deleteAddon, <DeleteIcon />, this.props.deleteAddon)}
// {this.props.showReloadIcon && this.makeButton(Strings.Addons.reload, <ReloadIcon className="bd-reload bd-reload-card" />, this.reload)}
// <Switch checked={this.props.enabled} onChange={this.onChange} />
// </div>
// componentDidUpdate() {
// if (!this.state.settingsOpen) return;
// if (this.settingsPanel instanceof Node) this.panelRef.current.appendChild(this.settingsPanel);
// // if (!SettingsCookie["fork-ps-3"]) return;
// const isHidden = (container, element) => {
// const cTop = container.scrollTop;
// const cBottom = cTop + container.clientHeight;
// const eTop = element.offsetTop;
// const eBottom = eTop + element.clientHeight;
// return (eTop < cTop || eBottom > cBottom);
// };
// const panel = $(this.panelRef.current);
// const container = panel.parents(".scroller-2FKFPG");
// if (!isHidden(container[0], panel[0])) return;
// container.animate({
// scrollTop: panel.offset().top - container.offset().top + container.scrollTop() - 30
// }, 300);
// }
// get settingsComponent() {
// const addon = this.props.addon;
// const name = this.getString(;
// try { this.settingsPanel = this.props.getSettingsPanel(); }
// catch (err) { Logger.stacktrace("Addon Settings", "Unable to get settings panel for " + name + ".", err); }
// const props = {id: `${name}-settings`, className: "addon-settings", ref: this.panelRef};
// if (typeof(settingsPanel) == "string") props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML = this.settingsPanel;
// return <div className="bd-addon-card settings-open bd-switch-item">
// <div className="bd-close" onClick={this.closeSettings}><CloseButton /></div>
// <div {...props}>{this.settingsPanel instanceof React.Component ? this.settingsPanel : null}</div>
// </div>;
// }