
307 lines
12 KiB

import {Config} from "data";
import Utilities from "./utilities";
import WebpackModules from "./webpackmodules";
import DiscordModules from "./discordmodules";
import DataStore from "./datastore";
import DOMManager from "./dommanager";
import Toasts from "../ui/toasts";
import Modals from "../ui/modals";
import PluginManager from "./pluginmanager";
import ThemeManager from "./thememanager";
import Settings from "./settingsmanager";
import Logger from "./logger";
import Patcher from "./patcher";
const BdApi = {
get React() { return DiscordModules.React; },
get ReactDOM() { return DiscordModules.ReactDOM; },
get WindowConfigFile() {return "";},
get settings() {return Settings.collections;},
get emotes() {return {};},
get version() {return Config.version;}
BdApi.getAllWindowPreferences = function() {
return DataStore.getData("windowprefs") || {};
BdApi.getWindowPreference = function(key) {
return this.getAllWindowPreferences()[key];
BdApi.setWindowPreference = function(key, value) {
const prefs = this.getAllWindowPreferences();
prefs[key] = value;
return DataStore.setData("windowprefs", prefs);
//Inject CSS to document head
//id = id of element
//css = custom css
BdApi.injectCSS = function (id, css) {
DOMManager.injectStyle(id, css);
//Clear css/remove any element
//id = id of element
BdApi.clearCSS = function (id) {
//Inject CSS to document head
//id = id of element
//css = custom css
BdApi.linkJS = function (id, url) {
return DOMManager.injectScript(id, url);
//Clear css/remove any element
//id = id of element
BdApi.unlinkJS = function (id) {
* Shows a generic but very customizable modal.
* @param {string} title - title of the modal
* @param {string} content - a string of text to display in the modal
BdApi.alert = function (title, content) {
Modals.alert(title, content);
* Shows a generic but very customizable confirmation modal with optional confirm and cancel callbacks.
* @param {string} title - title of the modal
* @param {(string|ReactElement|Array<string|ReactElement>)} children - a single or mixed array of react elements and strings. Everything is wrapped in Discord's `TextElement` component so strings will show and render properly.
* @param {object} [options] - options to modify the modal
* @param {boolean} [options.danger=false] - whether the main button should be red or not
* @param {string} [options.confirmText=Okay] - text for the confirmation/submit button
* @param {string} [options.cancelText=Cancel] - text for the cancel button
* @param {callable} [options.onConfirm=NOOP] - callback to occur when clicking the submit button
* @param {callable} [options.onCancel=NOOP] - callback to occur when clicking the cancel button
BdApi.showConfirmationModal = function (title, content, options = {}) {
return Modals.showConfirmationModal(title, content, options);
* This shows a toast similar to android towards the bottom of the screen.
* @param {string} content The string to show in the toast.
* @param {object} options Options object. Optional parameter.
* @param {string} [options.type=""] Changes the type of the toast stylistically and semantically. Choices: "", "info", "success", "danger"/"error", "warning"/"warn". Default: ""
* @param {boolean} [options.icon=true] Determines whether the icon should show corresponding to the type. A toast without type will always have no icon. Default: true
* @param {number} [options.timeout=3000] Adjusts the time (in ms) the toast should be shown for before disappearing automatically. Default: 3000
* @param {boolean} [options.forceShow=false] Whether to force showing the toast and ignore the bd setting
BdApi.showToast = function(content, options = {}) {, options);
// Finds module
BdApi.findModule = function(filter) {
return WebpackModules.getModule(filter);
// Finds module
BdApi.findAllModules = function(filter) {
return WebpackModules.getModule(filter, false);
// Finds module
BdApi.findModuleByProps = function(...props) {
return WebpackModules.getByProps(...props);
BdApi.findModuleByPrototypes = function(...protos) {
return WebpackModules.getByPrototypes(...protos);
BdApi.findModuleByDisplayName = function(name) {
return WebpackModules.getByDisplayName(name);
// Gets react instance
BdApi.getInternalInstance = function(node) {
if (!(node instanceof window.jQuery) && !(node instanceof Element)) return undefined;
if (node instanceof jQuery) node = node[0];
return Utilities.getReactInstance(node);
// Gets data
BdApi.loadData = function(pluginName, key) {
return DataStore.getPluginData(pluginName, key);
BdApi.getData = BdApi.loadData;
// Sets data
BdApi.saveData = function(pluginName, key, data) {
return DataStore.setPluginData(pluginName, key, data);
BdApi.setData = BdApi.saveData;
// Deletes data
BdApi.deleteData = function(pluginName, key) {
return DataStore.deletePluginData(pluginName, key);
// Patches other functions
// BdApi.monkeyPatch = function(what, methodName, options) {
// const {before, after, instead, once = false, silent = false, force = false} = options;
// const displayName = options.displayName || what.displayName || || what.constructor.displayName ||;
// if (!silent) console.log("patch", methodName, "of", displayName); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// if (!what[methodName]) {
// if (force) what[methodName] = function() {};
// else return console.error(methodName, "does not exist for", displayName); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// }
// const origMethod = what[methodName];
// const cancel = () => {
// if (!silent) console.log("unpatch", methodName, "of", displayName); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// what[methodName] = origMethod;
// };
// what[methodName] = function() {
// const data = {
// thisObject: this,
// methodArguments: arguments,
// cancelPatch: cancel,
// originalMethod: origMethod,
// callOriginalMethod: () => data.returnValue = data.originalMethod.apply(data.thisObject, data.methodArguments)
// };
// if (instead) {
// const tempRet = Utilities.suppressErrors(instead, "`instead` callback of " + what[methodName].displayName)(data);
// if (tempRet !== undefined) data.returnValue = tempRet;
// }
// else {
// if (before) Utilities.suppressErrors(before, "`before` callback of " + what[methodName].displayName)(data);
// data.callOriginalMethod();
// if (after) Utilities.suppressErrors(after, "`after` callback of " + what[methodName].displayName)(data);
// }
// if (once) cancel();
// return data.returnValue;
// };
// what[methodName].__monkeyPatched = true;
// if (!what[methodName].__originalMethod) what[methodName].__originalMethod = origMethod;
// what[methodName].displayName = "patched " + (what[methodName].displayName || methodName);
// return cancel;
// };
BdApi.monkeyPatch = function(what, methodName, options) {
const {before, after, instead, once = false} = options;
const patchType = before ? "before" : after ? "after" : instead ? "instead" : "";
if (!patchType) return Logger.err("BdApi", "Must provide one of: after, before, instead");
const originalMethod = what[methodName];
const data = {
originalMethod: originalMethod,
callOriginalMethod: () => data.originalMethod.apply(data.thisObject, data.methodArguments)
data.cancelPatch = Patcher[patchType]("BdApi", what, methodName, (thisObject, args, returnValue) => {
data.thisObject = thisObject;
data.methodArguments = args;
data.returnValue = returnValue;
try {
Reflect.apply(options[patchType], null, [data]);
if (once) data.cancelPatch();
catch (err) {
// Logger.err("monkeyPatch", `Error in the ${patchType} of ${methodName}`);
// Event when element is removed
BdApi.onRemoved = function(node, callback) {
return Utilities.onRemoved(node, callback);
// Wraps function in try..catch
BdApi.suppressErrors = function(method, message) {
return Utilities.suppressErrors(method, message);
// Tests for valid JSON
BdApi.testJSON = function(data) {
return Utilities.testJSON(data);
//Get another plugin
//name = name of plugin
BdApi.getPlugin = function (name) {
Logger.warn("BdApi", "getPlugin is deprecated. Please make use of the addon api (BdApi.Plugins)");
return PluginManager.addonList.find(a => == name);
BdApi.isPluginEnabled = function(name) {
Logger.warn("BdApi", "isPluginEnabled is deprecated. Please make use of the addon api (BdApi.Plugins)");
const plugin = this.getPlugin(name);
if (!plugin) return false;
return PluginManager.isEnabled(;
BdApi.isThemeEnabled = function(name) {
Logger.warn("BdApi", "isThemeEnabled is deprecated. Please make use of the addon api (BdApi.Themes)");
const theme = ThemeManager.addonList.find(a => == name);
if (!theme) return false;
return ThemeManager.isEnabled(;
BdApi.isSettingEnabled = function(collection, category, id) {
return Settings.get(collection, category, id);
BdApi.enableSetting = function(collection, category, id) {
return Settings.set(collection, category, id, true);
BdApi.disableSetting = function(collection, category, id) {
return Settings.set(collection, category, id, false);
BdApi.toggleSetting = function(collection, category, id) {
return Settings.set(collection, category, id, !Settings.get(collection, category, id));
// Gets data
BdApi.getBDData = function(key) {
return DataStore.getBDData(key);
// Sets data
BdApi.setBDData = function(key, data) {
return DataStore.setBDData(key, data);
const makeAddonAPI = (manager) => new class AddonAPI {
get folder() {return manager.addonFolder;}
isEnabled(idOrFile) {return manager.isEnabled(idOrFile);}
enable(idOrAddon) {return manager.enableAddon(idOrAddon);}
disable(idOrAddon) {return manager.disableAddon(idOrAddon);}
toggle(idOrAddon) {return manager.toggleAddon(idOrAddon);}
reload(idOrFileOrAddon) {return manager.reloadAddon(idOrFileOrAddon);}
get(idOrFile) {return manager.getAddon(idOrFile);}
getAll() {return => manager.getAddon(;}
BdApi.Plugins = makeAddonAPI(PluginManager);
BdApi.Themes = makeAddonAPI(ThemeManager);
BdApi.Patcher = {
patch: (caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => {
if (typeof(caller) !== "string") return Logger.err("BdApi.Patcher", "Parameter 0 of patch must be a string representing the caller");
if (options.type !== "before" && options.type !== "instead" && options.type !== "after") return Logger.err("BdApi.Patcher", "options.type must be one of: before, instead, after");
return Patcher.pushChildPatch(caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options);
before: (caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => BdApi.Patcher.patch(caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, Object.assign(options, {type: "before"})),
instead: (caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => BdApi.Patcher.patch(caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, Object.assign(options, {type: "instead"})),
after: (caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => BdApi.Patcher.patch(caller, moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, Object.assign(options, {type: "after"})),
unpatchAll: (caller) => {
if (typeof(caller) !== "string") return Logger.err("BdApi.Patcher", "Parameter 0 of unpatchAll must be a string representing the caller");
return Patcher.unpatchAll(caller);
export default BdApi;