
218 lines
10 KiB

import {Config} from "data";
import WebpackModules from "./webpackmodules";
import DiscordModules from "./discordmodules";
import DiscordClasses from "./discordclasses";
import Utilities from "./utilities";
import Patcher from "./patcher";
import BDLogo from "../ui/icons/bdlogo";
import Logger from "common/logger";
const React = DiscordModules.React;
const Tooltip = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName("Tooltip");
const Anchor = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName("Anchor");
const Developers = [
/* Zerebos#7790 */
/* Strencher#1044 */
const DeveloperBadge = function DeveloperBadge({type, size = 16}) {
return React.createElement(Tooltip, {color: "primary", position: "top", text: "BetterDiscord Developer"},
props => React.createElement(Anchor, Object.assign({className: `bd-${type}-badge`, href: "", title: "BetterDiscord", target: "_blank"}, props),
React.createElement(BDLogo, {size, className: "bd-logo"})
export default new class ComponentPatcher {
warn(...message) {return Logger.warn("ComponentPatcher", ...message);}
error(...message) {return Logger.error("ComponentPatcher", ...message);}
debug(...message) {return Logger.debug("ComponentPatcher", ...message);}
initialize() {
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchSocial.bind(this), "BD Social Patch")();
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchGuildPills.bind(this), "BD Guild Pills Patch")();
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchGuildListItems.bind(this), "BD Guild List Items Patch")();
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchMessageHeader.bind(this), "BD Message Header Patch")();
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchMemberList.bind(this), "BD Member List Patch")();
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchProfile.bind(this), "BD Profile Badges Patch")();
patchSocial() {
if (this.socialPatch) return;
const TabBar = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName("TabBar");
if (!TabBar) return;
this.socialPatch = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", TabBar.prototype, "render", (thisObject, args, returnValue) => {
const children = returnValue.props.children;
if (!children || !children.length || children.length < 3) return;
if (children[children.length - 3].type.displayName !== "Separator") return;
if (!children[children.length - 2].type.toString().includes("socialLinks")) return;
if (Anchor) {
const original = children[children.length - 2].type;
const newOne = function() {
const returnVal = original(...arguments);
DiscordModules.React.createElement(Anchor, {className: "bd-social-link", href: "", title: "BetterDiscord", target: "_blank"},
DiscordModules.React.createElement(BDLogo, {size: "16px", className: "bd-social-logo"})
return returnVal;
children[children.length - 2].type = newOne;
const additional = DiscordModules.React.createElement("div", {className: `${DiscordClasses.Text.colorMuted} ${DiscordClasses.Text.size12}`}, `BetterDiscord ${Config.version}`);
const originalVersions = children[children.length - 1].type;
children[children.length - 1].type = function() {
const returnVal = originalVersions(...arguments);
returnVal.props.children.splice(1, 0, additional);
return returnVal;
patchGuildListItems() {
if (this.guildListItemsPatch) return;
const ListNavigators = WebpackModules.getByProps("ListNavigatorProvider");
const GuildComponent = WebpackModules.find(m => m.type && m.type.toString().includes("guildNode") && m.type.toString().includes("treeitem"));
if (!GuildComponent || typeof(GuildComponent.type) !== "function") return this.warn("Failed to get Guild component.");
if (!ListNavigators || typeof(ListNavigators.ListNavigatorProvider) !== "function") return this.warn("Failed to get ListNavigatorProvider component.");
this.guildListItemsPatch = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", GuildComponent, "type", (_, [props], returnValue) => {
if (!returnValue || !returnValue.props) return;
try {
returnValue.props.className += " bd-guild";
if (props.unread) returnValue.props.className += " bd-unread";
if (props.selected) returnValue.props.className += " bd-selected";
if ( returnValue.props.className += " bd-audio";
if ( returnValue.props.className += " bd-video";
if (props.badge) returnValue.props.className += " bd-badge";
if (props.animatable) returnValue.props.className += " bd-animatable";
if (props.unavailable) returnValue.props.className += " bd-unavailable";
if (props.mediaState.screenshare) returnValue.props.className += " bd-screenshare";
if (props.mediaState.liveStage) returnValue.props.className += " bd-live-stage";
if (props.muted) returnValue.props.className += " bd-muted";
catch (err) {
Logger.error("ComponentPatcher:Guilds", `Error inside BDGuild:`, err);
const {useState} = DiscordModules.React;
function useForceUpdate() {
const [, setValue] = useState(false);
return () => setValue(v => !v); // update the state to force render
let hasForced = false;
this.cancelForceUpdate = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", ListNavigators, "ListNavigatorProvider", (_, __, returnValue) => {
if ( !== "guildsnav") return;
const originalParent = Utilities.findInTree(returnValue, m => m?.props?.className, {walkable: ["children", "props"]});
if (!originalParent) return;
const original = originalParent.type;
originalParent.type = e => {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
if (!hasForced) {
hasForced = true;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1);
return Reflect.apply(original, null, [e]);
patchGuildPills() {
if (this.guildPillPatch) return;
const guildPill = WebpackModules.find(m => m?.default?.displayName === "AnimatedHalfPill");
if (!guildPill) return;
this.guildPillPatch = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", guildPill, "default", (_, args, returnValue) => {
const props = args[0];
if (props.unread) returnValue.props.className += " bd-unread";
if (props.selected) returnValue.props.className += " bd-selected";
if (props.hovered) returnValue.props.className += " bd-hovered";
return returnValue;
patchMessageHeader() {
if (this.messageHeaderPatch) return;
// const MessageTimestamp = WebpackModules.getModule(m => m?.default?.toString().indexOf("showTimestampOnHover") > -1);
// this.messageHeaderPatch = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", MessageTimestamp, "default", (_, [{message}], returnValue) => {
// const userId = Utilities.getNestedProp(message, "");
// if (Developers.indexOf(userId) < 0) return;
// if (!returnValue?.type) return;
// const orig = returnValue.type;
// returnValue.type = function() {
// const retVal = Reflect.apply(orig, this, arguments);
// const children = Utilities.getNestedProp(retVal, "props.children.1.props.children");
// if (!Array.isArray(children)) return;
// children.splice(3, 0,
// React.createElement(DeveloperBadge, {
// type: "chat"
// })
// );
// return retVal;
// };
// });
async patchMemberList() {
if (this.memberListPatch) return;
const memo = WebpackModules.find(m => m?.type?.toString().includes("useGlobalHasAvatarDecorations"));
if (!memo?.type) return;
const MemberListItem = await new Promise(resolve => {
const cancelFindListItem = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", memo, "type", (_, props, returnValue) => {
if (!MemberListItem?.prototype?.renderDecorators) return;
this.memberListPatch = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", MemberListItem.prototype, "renderDecorators", (thisObject, args, returnValue) => {
const user = Utilities.getNestedProp(thisObject, "props.user");
const children = Utilities.getNestedProp(returnValue, "props.children");
if (!children || Developers.indexOf(user?.id) < 0) return;
if (!Array.isArray(children)) return;
React.createElement(DeveloperBadge, {
type: "member"
patchProfile() {
if (this.profilePatch) return;
const UserProfileBadgeLists = WebpackModules.getModule(m => m?.default?.displayName === "UserProfileBadgeList", {first: false});
for (const UserProfileBadgeList of UserProfileBadgeLists) {
this.profilePatch = Patcher.after("ComponentPatcher", UserProfileBadgeList, "default", (_, [{user}], res) => {
if (Developers.indexOf(user?.id) < 0) return;
const children = Utilities.getNestedProp(res, "props.children");
if (!Array.isArray(children)) return;
React.createElement(DeveloperBadge, {
type: "profile",
size: 18