
242 lines
11 KiB

import Logger from "common/logger";
import WebpackModules, {Filters} from "../webpackmodules";
const getOptions = (args, defaultOptions = {}) => {
if (args.length > 1 &&
typeof(args[args.length - 1]) === "object" &&
!Array.isArray(args[args.length - 1]) &&
args[args.length - 1] !== null
) {
Object.assign(defaultOptions, args.pop());
return defaultOptions;
* `Webpack` is a utility class for getting internal webpack modules. Instance is accessible through the {@link BdApi}.
* This is extremely useful for interacting with the internals of Discord.
* @type Webpack
* @summary {@link Webpack} is a utility class for getting internal webpack modules.
* @name Webpack
const Webpack = {
* A Proxy that returns the module source by ID.
modules: WebpackModules.modules,
* Series of {@link Filters} to be used for finding webpack modules.
* @type Filters
* @memberof Webpack
Filters: {
* Generates a function that filters by a set of properties.
* @param {...string} props List of property names
* @returns {function} A filter that checks for a set of properties
byProps(...props) {return Filters.byProps(props);},
* Generates a function that filters by a set of properties on the object's prototype.
* @param {...string} props List of property names
* @returns {function} A filter that checks for a set of properties on the object's prototype.
byPrototypeFields(...props) {return Filters.byPrototypeFields(props);},
* Generates a function that filters by a regex.
* @param {RegExp} search A RegExp to check on the module
* @param {function} filter Additional filter
* @returns {function} A filter that checks for a regex match
byRegex(regex) {return Filters.byRegex(regex);},
* Generates a function that filters by strings.
* @param {...String} strings A list of strings
* @returns {function} A filter that checks for a set of strings
byStrings(...strings) {return Filters.byStrings(...strings);},
* Generates a function that filters by the `displayName` property.
* @param {string} name Name the module should have
* @returns {function} A filter that checks for a `displayName` match
byDisplayName(name) {return Filters.byDisplayName(name);},
* Generates a combined function from a list of filters.
* @param {...function} filters A list of filters
* @returns {function} Combinatory filter of all arguments
combine(...filters) {return Filters.combine(...filters);},
* Searches for a module by value, returns module & matched key. Useful in combination with the Patcher.
* @param {(value: any, index: number, array: any[]) => boolean} filter A function to use to filter the module
* @param {object} [options] Set of options to customize the search
* @param {any} [] Optional module target to look inside.
* @param {Boolean} [options.defaultExport=true] Whether to return default export when matching the default export
* @param {Boolean} [options.searchExports=false] Whether to execute the filter on webpack export getters.
* @return {[Any, string]}
getMangled(filter, options = {}) {
if (("first" in options)) return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported option first.");
if (("defaultExport" in options) && typeof(options.defaultExport) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported type used for options.defaultExport", options.defaultExport, "boolean expected.");
if (("searchExports" in options) && typeof(options.searchExports) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported type used for options.searchExports", options.searchExports, "boolean expected.");
return WebpackModules.getMangled(filter, options);
* Finds a module using a filter function.
* @memberof Webpack
* @param {function} filter A function to use to filter modules. It is given exports, module, and moduleID. Return `true` to signify match.
* @param {object} [options] Options to configure the search
* @param {Boolean} [options.first=true] Whether to return only the first matching module
* @param {Boolean} [options.defaultExport=true] Whether to return default export when matching the default export
* @param {Boolean} [options.searchExports=false] Whether to execute the filter on webpack exports
* @return {any}
getModule(filter, options = {}) {
if (("first" in options) && typeof(options.first) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported type used for options.first", options.first, "boolean expected.");
if (("defaultExport" in options) && typeof(options.defaultExport) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported type used for options.defaultExport", options.defaultExport, "boolean expected.");
if (("searchExports" in options) && typeof(options.searchExports) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported type used for options.searchExports", options.searchExports, "boolean expected.");
return WebpackModules.getModule(filter, options);
* Finds multiple modules using multiple filters.
* @memberof Webpack
* @param {...object} queries Object representing the query to perform
* @param {Function} queries.filter A function to use to filter modules
* @param {Boolean} [queries.first=true] Whether to return only the first matching module
* @param {Boolean} [queries.defaultExport=true] Whether to return default export when matching the default export
* @param {Boolean} [queries.searchExports=false] Whether to execute the filter on webpack exports
* @return {any}
getBulk(...queries) {return WebpackModules.getBulk(...queries);},
* Finds a module that is lazily loaded.
* @memberof Webpack
* @param {function} filter A function to use to filter modules. It is given exports. Return `true` to signify match.
* @param {object} [options] Options for configuring the listener
* @param {AbortSignal} [options.signal] AbortSignal of an AbortController to cancel the promise
* @param {Boolean} [options.defaultExport=true] Whether to return default export when matching the default export
* @param {Boolean} [options.searchExports=false] Whether to execute the filter on webpack exports
* @returns {Promise<any>}
waitForModule(filter, options = {}) {
if (("defaultExport" in options) && typeof(options.defaultExport) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~waitForModule", "Unsupported type used for options.defaultExport", options.defaultExport, "boolean expected.");
if (("signal" in options) && !(options.signal instanceof AbortSignal)) return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~waitForModule", "Unsupported type used for options.signal", options.signal, "AbortSignal expected.");
if (("searchExports" in options) && typeof(options.searchExports) !== "boolean") return Logger.error("BdApi.Webpack~getModule", "Unsupported type used for options.searchExports", options.searchExports, "boolean expected.");
return WebpackModules.getLazy(filter, options);
* Finds all modules matching a filter function.
* @param {Function} filter A function to use to filter modules
getModules(filter) {return WebpackModules.getModule(filter, {first: false});},
* Finds a module using its code.
* @param {RegEx} regex A regular expression to use to filter modules
* @param {object} [options] Options to configure the search
* @param {Boolean} [options.defaultExport=true] Whether to return default export when matching the default export
* @param {Boolean} [options.searchExports=false] Whether to execute the filter on webpack exports
* @return {Any}
getByRegex(regex, options = {}) {
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byRegex(regex), options);
* Finds all modules using its code.
* @param {RegEx} regex A regular expression to use to filter modules
* @param {object} [options] Options to configure the search
* @param {Boolean} [options.defaultExport=true] Whether to return default export when matching the default export
* @param {Boolean} [options.searchExports=false] Whether to execute the filter on webpack exports
* @return {Any[]}
getAllByRegex(regex, options = {}) {
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byRegex(regex), Object.assign({}, options, {first: true}));
* Finds a single module using properties on its prototype.
* @param {...string} prototypes Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
getByPrototypes(...prototypes) {
const options = getOptions(prototypes);
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), options);
* Finds all modules with a set of properties of its prototype.
* @param {...string} prototypes Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any[]}
getAllByPrototypes(...prototypes) {
const options = getOptions(prototypes, {first: false});
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), options);
* Finds a single module using its own properties.
* @param {...string} props Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
getByProps(...props) {
const options = getOptions(props);
return this.getModule(Filters.byProps(props), options);
* Finds all modules with a set of properties.
* @param {...string} props Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any[]}
getAllByProps(...props) {
const options = getOptions(props, {first: false});
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byProps(props), options);
* Finds a single module using a set of strings.
* @param {...String} props Strings to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
getByString(...strings) {
const options = getOptions(strings);
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byStrings(...strings), options);
* Finds all modules with a set of strings.
* @param {...String} strings Strings to use to filter modules
* @return {Any[]}
getAllByString(...strings) {
const options = getOptions(strings, {first: false});
return WebpackModules.getModule(Filters.byStrings(...strings), options);
export default Webpack;