
280 lines
11 KiB

export default {
Panels: {
plugins: "Plugins",
themes: "Themes",
customcss: "Custom CSS"
Collections: {
settings: {
name: "Settings",
general: {
name: "General",
emotes: {
name: "Emote System",
note: "Enables BD's emote system"
publicServers: {
name: "Public Servers",
note: "Display public servers button"
voiceDisconnect: {
name: "Voice Disconnect",
note: "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord"
twentyFourHour: {
name: "24-Hour Timestamps",
note: "Hides channels when in minimal mode"
classNormalizer: {
name: "Normalize Classes",
note: "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)"
showToasts: {
name: "Show Toasts",
note: "Shows a small notification for important information"
appearance: {
name: "Appearance",
voiceMode: {
name: "Voice Mode",
note: "Hides everything that isn't voice chat"
minimalMode: {
name: "Minimal Mode",
note: "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements"
hideChannels: {
name: "Hide Channels",
note: "Hides channels when in minimal mode"
darkMode: {
name: "Dark Mode",
note: "Make certain elements dark by default"
coloredText: {
name: "Colored Text",
note: "Make text colour the same as role color"
addons: {
name: "Addon Manager",
addonErrors: {
name: "Show Addon Errors",
note: "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors"
autoScroll: {
name: "Scroll To Settings",
note: "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)"
autoReload: {
name: "Automatic Loading",
note: "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes"
editAction: {
name: "Edit Action",
note: "Where plugins & themes appear when editing",
options: {
detached: "Detached Window",
system: "System Editor"
customcss: {
name: "Custom CSS",
customcss: {
name: "Custom CSS",
note: "Enables the Custom CSS tab"
liveUpdate: {
name: "Live Update",
note: "Updates the css as you type"
startDetached: {
name: "Start Detached",
note: "Clicking the Custom CSS tab opens the editor in a separate window",
nativeOpen: {
name: "Open in Native Editor",
note: "Clicking the Custom CSS tab opens your custom css in your native editor"
openAction: {
name: "Editor Location",
note: "Where Custom CSS should open by default",
options: {
settings: "Settings Menu",
detached: "Detached Window",
system: "System Editor"
developer: {
name: "Developer Settings",
debuggerHotkey: {
name: "Debugger Hotkey",
note: "Allows activating debugger when pressing F8"
copySelector: {
name: "Copy Selector",
note: "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active"
reactDevTools: {
name: "React Developer Tools",
note: "Injects your local installation of React Developer Tools into Discord"
window: {
name: "Window Preferences",
transparency: {
name: "Enable Transparency",
note: "Enables the main window to be see-through (requires restart)"
frame: {
name: "Window Frame",
note: "Adds the native os window frame to the main window"
emotes: {
name: "Emotes",
general: {
name: "General",
download: {
name: "Download Emotes",
note: "Download emotes whenever they are out of date"
emoteMenu: {
name: "Emote Menu",
note: "Show Twitch/Favourite emotes in emote menu"
hideEmojiMenu: {
name: "Hide Emoji Menu",
note: "Hides Discord's emoji menu when using emote menu"
autoCaps: {
name: "Emote Autocapitalization",
note: "Autocapitalize emote commands"
showNames: {
name: "Show Names",
note: "Show emote names on hover"
modifiers: {
name: "Show Emote Modifiers",
note: "Enable emote mods (flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap)"
animateOnHover: {
name: "Animate On Hover",
note: "Only animate the emote modifiers on hover"
categories: {
name: "Categories",
twitchglobal: {
name: "Twitch Globals",
note: "Show Twitch global emotes"
twitchsubscriber: {
name: "Twitch Subscribers",
note: "Show Twitch subscriber emotes"
frankerfacez: {
name: "FrankerFaceZ",
note: "Show emotes from FFZ"
bttv: {
name: "BetterTTV",
note: "Show emotes from BTTV"
Addons: {
title: "{{name}} v{{version}} by {{author}}",
openFolder: "Open {{type}} Folder",
reload: "Reload",
addonSettings: "Settings",
website: "Website",
source: "Source",
invite: "Support Server",
donate: "Donate",
patreon: "Patreon",
name: "Name",
author: "Author",
version: "Version",
added: "Date Added",
modified: "Date Modified",
search: "Search {{type}}",
editAddon: "Edit",
deleteAddon: "Delete",
confirmDelete: "Are you sure you want to delete {{name}}?",
confirmationText: "You have unsaved changes to {{name}}. Closing this window will lose all those changes.",
Emotes: {
loading: "Loading emotes in the background do not reload.",
loaded: "All emotes successfully loaded.",
clearEmotes: "Clear Emote Data",
favoriteAction: "Favorite!"
CustomCSS: {
confirmationText: "You have unsaved changes to your Custom CSS. Closing this window will lose all those changes.",
update: "Update",
save: "Save",
openNative: "Open in System Editor",
openDetached: "Detach Window",
settings: "Editor Settings",
editorTitle: "Custom CSS Editor"
PublicServers: {
button: "public",
join: "Join",
joining: "Joining",
joined: "Joined",
loading: "Loading",
loadMore: "Load More",
notConnected: "Not connected to!",
search: "Search",
connect: "Connect",
reconnect: "Reconnect",
categories: "Categories",
connection: "Connected as: {{username}}#{{discriminator}}",
results: "Showing {{start}}-{{end}} of {{total}} results in {{category}}",
query: "for {{query}}"
Modals: {
confirmAction: "Are You Sure?",
okay: "Okay",
cancel: "Cancel",
close: "Close",
name: "Name",
message: "Message",
error: "Error",
addonErrors: "Addon Errors",
restartRequired: "Restart Required",
restartNow: "Restart Now",
restartLater: "Restart Later",
additionalInfo: "Additional Info"
Sorting: {
sortBy: "Sort By",
order: "Order",
ascending: "Ascending",
descending: "Descending"
WindowPrefs: {
enabledInfo: "This option requires a transparent theme in order to work properly. On Windows this may break your aero snapping and maximizing.\n\nIn order to take effect, Discord needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart now?",
disabledInfo: "In order to take effect, Discord needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart now?"
Startup: {
notSupported: "Not Supported",
versionMismatch: "BandagedBD Injector v{{injector}} is not supported by the latest remote (v{{remote}}).\n\nPlease download the latest version from [GitHub](",
incompatibleApp: "BandagedBD does not work with {{app}}. Please uninstall one of them.",
updateNow: "Update Now",
maybeLater: "Maybe Later",
updateAvailable: "Update Available",
updateInfo: "There is an update available for BandagedBD's Injector ({{version}}).\n\nYou can either update and restart now, or later.",
updateFailed: "Could Not Update",
manualUpdate: "Unable to update automatically, please download the installer and reinstall normally.\n\n[Download Installer]("