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"Panels": {
"plugins": "附加元件",
"themes": "佈景主題",
"customcss": "客製化樣式"
"Collections": {
"settings": {
"name": "設置",
"general": {
"name": "一般",
"emotes": {
"name": "表情系統",
"note": "啟用 BetterDiscord 表情系統"
"publicServers": {
"name": "公共伺服器",
"note": "顯示公共伺服器按鈕"
"voiceDisconnect": {
"name": "自動斷開語音",
"note": "自動在關閉 Discord 時斷開語音"
"showToasts": {
"name": "顯示彈出提示",
"note": "在有重要通知時彈出提示"
"mediaKeys": {
"name": "禁用媒體控制鍵",
"note": "防止 Discord 在播放影片時劫持媒體控制鍵"
"window": {
"removeMinimumSize": {
"name": "移除最小化限制",
"note": "移除 Discord 限制的最小窗口尺寸940x500"
"name": "窗口設置",
"transparency": {
"name": "透明化",
"note": "允許主窗口透明(需要重啟以生效)"
"frame": {
"name": "窗口框",
"note": "向主窗口添加原生系統窗口框"
"addons": {
"name": "附加元件管理",
"addonErrors": {
"name": "顯示附加元件錯誤",
"note": "在附加元件/佈景主題發生錯誤時顯示彈窗"
"editAction": {
"name": "編輯器",
"note": "在何處编辑附加元件及佈景主題",
"options": {
"detached": "獨立窗口",
"system": "系統編輯器"
"customcss": {
"name": "客製化樣式",
"customcss": {
"name": "客製化樣式",
"note": "啟用客製化樣式選項卡"
"liveUpdate": {
"name": "熱更新",
"note": "自動在 CSS 發生變更時重新加載"
"startDetached": {
"name": "在獨立窗口中打開",
"note": "在獨立窗口中編輯客製化樣式"
"nativeOpen": {
"name": "在系統編輯器中打開",
"note": "在系統編輯器中編輯客製化樣式"
"openAction": {
"name": "編輯器",
"note": "在何處編輯客製化樣式",
"options": {
"settings": "設置菜單",
"detached": "獨立窗口",
"system": "系統編輯器"
"developer": {
"name": "開發人員設置",
"debuggerHotkey": {
"name": "調試器快捷鍵",
"note": "按下 F8 時啟動調試器"
"reactDevTools": {
"name": "React 開發人員工具",
"note": "向 Discord 注入 React 開發人員工具"
"inspectElement": {
"name": "元素檢測快捷鍵",
"note": "啟用在大多數瀏覽器中常用的元素檢測快捷鍵Ctrl + Shift + C"
"devToolsWarning": {
"name": "屏蔽開發人員工具警告",
"note": "禁止 Discord 輸出「Hold Up!」警告"
"debugLogs": {
"name": "調試日誌",
"note": "輸出控制台中的所有信息到 BetterDiscord 資料夾下的 debug.log 檔案"
"emotes": {
"name": "表情",
"general": {
"name": "一般",
"download": {
"name": "下載表情",
"note": "自動下載即將過期的表情"
"emoteMenu": {
"name": "表情菜單",
"note": "在表情菜單中顯示 Twitch/我的最愛 表情"
"hideEmojiMenu": {
"name": "隐藏表情符號菜单",
"note": "在使用表情表情時隐藏 Discord 的表情符號菜單"
"autoCaps": {
"name": "表情自動大寫",
"note": "自動大寫表情指令"
"modifiers": {
"name": "顯示表情修飾符",
"note": "啟用表情修飾符flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap"
"animateOnHover": {
"name": "懸停動畫",
"note": "僅在懸停時播放表情修飾符動畫"
"categories": {
"name": "分類",
"twitchglobal": {
"name": "Twitch 全局",
"note": "顯示 Twitch 全局表情"
"twitchsubscriber": {
"name": "Twitch 訂閱",
"note": "顯示 Twitch 訂閱者表情"
"frankerfacez": {
"name": "FrankerFaceZ",
"note": "顯示來自 FFZ 的表情"
"bttv": {
"name": "BetterTTV",
"note": "顯示來自 BTTV 的表情"
"Addons": {
"title": "{{name}} 版本:{{version}} 作者:{{author}}",
"byline": "作者: {{author}}",
"openFolder": "開啟{{type}}資料夾",
"reload": "重新加載",
"addonSettings": "設置",
"website": "網站",
"source": "源碼",
"invite": "支持服務器",
"donate": "捐贈",
"patreon": "Patreon",
"name": "名稱",
"author": "作者",
"version": "版本",
"added": "安裝時間",
"modified": "最後更新時間",
"search": "搜索{{type}}",
"editAddon": "編輯",
"deleteAddon": "刪除",
"confirmDelete": "你真的要刪除{{name}}嗎?",
"confirmationText": "你还有未保存的更改,關閉此窗口將失去所有對{{name}}所做的更改。",
"enabled": "已啟用{{name}}",
"disabled": "已禁用{{name}}",
"couldNotEnable": "無法啟用{{name}}。",
"couldNotDisable": "無法禁用{{name}}。",
"couldNotStart": "無法启动{{name}}。",
"couldNotStop": "無法停止{{name}}。",
"settingsError": "無法打开{{name}}设置",
"methodError": "無法调用{{method}}。",
"unknownAuthor": "未知的作者",
"noDescription": "作者没有留下任何描述",
"alreadyExists": "已經存在相同名稱「{{name}}」的{{type}}了",
"alreadWatching": "已經在監聽附加元件了",
"metaError": "無法解析元數據",
"missingNameData": "元數據缺少名稱。",
"metaNotFound": "無法找到元數據",
"compileError": "無法編譯。",
"wasUnloaded": "已卸載{{name}}。",
"blankSlateHeader": "你还未添加任何{{type}}",
"blankSlateMessage": "你可以在[此网站]({{link}})中獲取,並將其添加到你的{{type}}資料夾中。"
"CustomCSS": {
"confirmationText": "你还有未保存的更改,關閉此窗口將失去所有對客製化樣式所做的更改。",
"update": "更新",
"save": "保存",
"openNative": "在系統編輯器中打開",
"openDetached": "在獨立窗口中打開",
"settings": "編輯器設置",
"editorTitle": "客製化樣式編輯器"
"Emotes": {
"loading": "在後台加載表情時不會重新加載。",
"loaded": "所有表情均已成功加載。",
"clearEmotes": "清除表情數據",
"favoriteAction": "添加到我的最愛",
"downloadFailed": "下載失敗",
"failureMessage": "BetterDiscord 無法下載表情,請檢查你的網絡連接和防火牆。"
"PublicServers": {
"button": "公共",
"join": "加入",
"joining": "加入中",
"joined": "已加入",
"loading": "加載中",
"loadMore": "加載更多",
"notConnected": "尚未連接",
"connectionRequired": "你必須先連接你的賬號才能加入公共伺服器",
"connectionError": "連接錯誤",
"connectionErrorMessage": "連接到 時發生錯誤,可能是他们的網站/接口暫時不可用。請稍後再試。",
"pagination": "共{{count}}頁中的第{{page}}頁",
"search": "搜索",
"connect": "連接",
"reconnect": "重新連接",
"categories": "分類",
"keywords": "關鍵詞",
"connection": "使用 {{username}}#{{discriminator}} 進行連接",
"results": "線上{{category}}分類下的{{total}}個結果,當前正在線上{{start}}-{{end}}個結果",
"query": "為了 {{query}}"
"Modals": {
"confirmAction": "你確定嗎?",
"okay": "確定",
"done": "完成",
"cancel": "取消",
"nevermind": "別在意",
"close": "關閉",
"name": "名稱",
"message": "消息",
"error": "錯誤",
"addonErrors": "附加元件錯誤",
"restartRequired": "需要重啟以生效",
"restartNow": "立即重啟",
"restartLater": "稍候自行重啟",
"additionalInfo": "額外信息",
"restartPrompt": "Discord 需要重啟以應用更新。立刻進行重啟嗎?"
"ReactDevTools": {
"notFound": "未找到框架",
"notFoundDetails": "無法在你的電腦上找到 React 開發者工具擴充套件。請在本地的 Chrome 上安裝該擴充套件。"
"Sorting": {
"sortBy": "排序方式",
"order": "順序",
"ascending": "正序",
"descending": "倒序"
"WindowPrefs": {
"enabledInfo": "此選項需要透明佈景主題才能正常工作。在 Windows 上,這可能會破壞 AERO 的捕捉和最大化。\n\n該變更需要重啟以生效。你要立即進行重啟嗎",
"disabledInfo": "Discord 需要重啟以應用最新變更。立刻進行重啟嗎?"