export default { description: "Temporary relief to those on MacOS.", changes: [ { title: "Fixes", type: "fixed", items: [ "Fixed open plugin/theme folder on Mac.", "Fixed screensharing, audio and video on Mac.", "Fixed dropdowns, and custom css page not opening. Thanks, Strencher. (https://github.com/Strencher)", "Fixed popout editor not working when custom css was disabled. Thanks, Qb. (https://github.com/QbDesu)", "Fixed crashing for some users when duplicate files were found. Thanks, Strencher. (https://github.com/Strencher)" ] }, { title: "Power Users & Developers", type: "improved", items: [ "Plugin data retrieval will now return the correct values instead of `undefined` for falsey values.", "Plugin data can now be set before being retrieved.", "The `Patcher` in `BdApi` now has a `getPatchesByCaller` function which will return all the patches corresponding to a caller string.", "Plugins that fail on initial load will no longer be forever in a broken state. Thanks, Strencher. (https://github.com/Strencher)", "React DevTools should now work on Linux! Thanks, Qb. (https://github.com/QbDesu)" ] } ] };