import {WebpackModules} from "modules"; export default class Notices { static get baseClass() {return this.__baseClass || (this.__baseClass = WebpackModules.getByProps("container", "base")?.base);} /** Shorthand for `type = "info"` for {@link} */ static info(content, options = {}) {return, Object.assign({}, options, {type: "info"}));} /** Shorthand for `type = "warning"` for {@link} */ static warn(content, options = {}) {return, Object.assign({}, options, {type: "warning"}));} /** Shorthand for `type = "error"` for {@link} */ static error(content, options = {}) {return, Object.assign({}, options, {type: "error"}));} /** Shorthand for `type = "success"` for {@link} */ static success(content, options = {}) {return, Object.assign({}, options, {type: "success"}));} static createElement(type, options = {}, ...children) { const element = document.createElement(type); Object.assign(element, options); const filteredChildren = children.filter((n) => n); if (filteredChildren.length > 0) element.append(...filteredChildren); return element; } static joinClassNames(...classNames) { return classNames.filter((n) => n).join(" "); } /** * Show a notice above discord's chat layer. * @param {string} content Content of the notice * @param {object} options Options for the notice. * @param {string} [options.type="info" | "error" | "warning" | "success"] Type for the notice. Will affect the color. * @param {Array<{label: string, onClick: (immediately?: boolean = false) => void}>} [options.buttons] Buttons that should be added next to the notice text. * @param {number} [options.timeout=10000] Timeout until the toast is closed. Won't fire if it's set to 0; * @returns {(immediately?: boolean = false) => void} */ static show(content, options = {}) { const {type, buttons = [], timeout = 0} = options; const haveContainer = this.ensureContainer(); if (!haveContainer) return; const closeNotification = function (immediately = false) { // Immediately remove the notice without adding the closing class. if (immediately) return noticeElement.remove(); noticeElement.classList.add("bd-notice-closing"); setTimeout(() => {noticeElement.remove();}, 300); }; const noticeElement = this.createElement("div", { className: this.joinClassNames("bd-notice", type && `bd-notice-${type}`), }, this.createElement("div", { className: "bd-notice-close", onclick: closeNotification.bind(null, false) }), this.createElement("span", { className: "bd-notice-content" }, content), => { if (!button || !button.label || typeof(button.onClick) !== "function") return null; return this.createElement("button", { className: "bd-notice-button", onclick: button.onClick.bind(null, closeNotification) }, button.label); })); document.getElementById("bd-notices").appendChild(noticeElement); if (timeout > 0) { setTimeout(closeNotification, timeout); } return closeNotification; } static ensureContainer() { if (document.getElementById("bd-notices")) return true; const container = document.querySelector(`.${this.baseClass}`); if (!container) return false; const noticeContainer = this.createElement("div", { id: "bd-notices" }); container.prepend(noticeContainer); return true; } }