import Config from "@data/config"; import React from "@modules/react"; import Strings from "@modules/strings"; import Events from "@modules/emitter"; import DiscordModules from "@modules/discordmodules"; import Button from "@ui/base/button"; import Drawer from "@ui/settings/drawer"; import SettingItem from "@ui/settings/components/item"; import SettingsTitle from "@ui/settings/title"; import Toasts from "@ui/toasts"; import Checkmark from "@ui/icons/check"; import Download from "@ui/icons/download"; import Reload from "@ui/icons/reload"; import Sync from "@ui/icons/sync"; const {useState, useCallback, useEffect} = React; function makeButton(tooltip, children, action, options = {}) { const {size = Button.Sizes.ICON, look = Button.Looks.BLANK, color = Button.Colors.TRANSPARENT, className = "", stopAnimation = false} = options; const onClick = async (event) => { const button ="button"); button.classList.add("animate"); await action(); if (!stopAnimation) return; await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500)); // Allow animation to complete at least once. button?.classList?.remove("animate"); // Stop animation if it hasn't been removed from the DOM }; return {(props) => } ; } function CoreUpdaterPanel({hasUpdate, remoteVersion, update}) { return {!hasUpdate &&
} {hasUpdate && makeButton(Strings.Updater.updateButton, , update, {className: "no-animation"})}
; } function NoUpdates({type}) { return
{Strings.Updater.upToDateBlankslate.format({type: type})}
; } function AddonUpdaterPanel({pending, type, updater, update, updateAll}) { const filenames = pending; return 1 ? makeButton(Strings.Updater.updateAll, , () => updateAll(type)) : null}> {!filenames.length && } { => { const info = updater.cache[f]; const addon = updater.manager.addonList.find(a => a.filename === f); return {makeButton(Strings.Updater.updateButton, , () => update(type, f))} {/* */} ; })} ; } export default function UpdaterPanel({coreUpdater, pluginUpdater, themeUpdater}) { const [hasCoreUpdate, setCoreUpdate] = useState(coreUpdater.hasUpdate); const [updates, setUpdates] = useState({plugins: pluginUpdater.pending.slice(0), themes: themeUpdater.pending.slice(0)}); const checkAddons = useCallback(async (type) => { const updater = type === "plugins" ? pluginUpdater : themeUpdater; await updater.checkAll(false); setUpdates({...updates, [type]: updater.pending.slice(0)}); }, [updates, pluginUpdater, themeUpdater]); const update = useCallback(() => { checkAddons("plugins"); checkAddons("themes"); }, [checkAddons]); useEffect(() => { Events.on(`plugin-loaded`, update); Events.on(`plugin-unloaded`, update); Events.on(`theme-loaded`, update); Events.on(`theme-unloaded`, update); return () => {`plugin-loaded`, update);`plugin-unloaded`, update);`theme-loaded`, update);`theme-unloaded`, update); }; }, [update]); const checkCoreUpdate = useCallback(async () => { await coreUpdater.checkForUpdate(false); setCoreUpdate(coreUpdater.hasUpdate); }, [coreUpdater]); const checkForUpdates = useCallback(async () => {; await checkCoreUpdate(); await checkAddons("plugins"); await checkAddons("themes");; }, [checkAddons, checkCoreUpdate]); const updateCore = useCallback(async () => { await coreUpdater.update(); setCoreUpdate(false); }, [coreUpdater]); const updateAddon = useCallback(async (type, filename) => { const updater = type === "plugins" ? pluginUpdater : themeUpdater; await updater.updateAddon(filename); setUpdates(prev => { prev[type].splice(prev[type].indexOf(filename), 1); return prev; }); }, [pluginUpdater, themeUpdater]); const updateAllAddons = useCallback(async (type) => { const toUpdate = updates[type].slice(0); for (const filename of toUpdate) { await updateAddon(type, filename); } }, [updateAddon, updates]); return [ {makeButton(Strings.Updater.checkForUpdates, , checkForUpdates, {className: "bd-update-check", stopAnimation: true})} , , , , ]; }