import {React, WebpackModules, Patcher, Utilities, Settings, Events, DataStore} from "modules"; import AddonList from "./settings/addonlist"; import SettingsGroup from "./settings/group"; import SettingsTitle from "./settings/title"; import Header from "./settings/sidebarheader"; import {Filters} from "../modules/webpackmodules"; export default new class SettingsRenderer { constructor() { this.patchSections(); Events.on("strings-updated", this.forceUpdate); } onDrawerToggle(collection, group, state) { const drawerStates = DataStore.getBDData("drawerStates") || {}; if (!drawerStates[collection]) drawerStates[collection] = {}; drawerStates[collection][group] = state; DataStore.setBDData("drawerStates", drawerStates); } getDrawerState(collection, group, defaultValue) { const drawerStates = DataStore.getBDData("drawerStates") || {}; if (!drawerStates[collection]) return defaultValue; if (!drawerStates[collection].hasOwnProperty(group)) return defaultValue; return drawerStates[collection][group]; } onChange(onChange) { return (collection, category, id) => { const before = Settings.collections.length + Settings.panels.length; onChange(collection, category, id); const after = Settings.collections.length + Settings.panels.length; if (before != after) setTimeout(this.forceUpdate.bind(this), 50); }; } buildSettingsPanel(id, title, config, state, onChange, button = null) { config.forEach(section => { section.settings.forEach(item => item.value = state[][]); }); return this.getSettingsPanel(id, title, config, this.onChange(onChange), button); } getSettingsPanel(id, title, groups, onChange, button = null) { return [React.createElement(SettingsTitle, {text: title, button: button}), => { return React.createElement(SettingsGroup, Object.assign({}, section, { onChange: onChange, onDrawerToggle: state => this.onDrawerToggle(id,, state), shown: this.getDrawerState(id,, section.hasOwnProperty("shown") ? section.shown : true) })); })]; } getAddonPanel(title, addonList, addonState, options = {}) { return React.createElement(AddonList, Object.assign({}, { title: title, addonList: addonList, addonState: addonState }, options)); } async patchSections() { const UserSettings = await WebpackModules.getLazy(Filters.byDisplayName("SettingsView")); Patcher.after("SettingsManager", UserSettings.prototype, "getPredicateSections", (thisObject, args, returnValue) => { let location = returnValue.findIndex(s => s.section.toLowerCase() == "changelog") - 1; if (location < 0) return; const insert = (section) => { returnValue.splice(location, 0, section); location++; }; insert({section: "DIVIDER"}); // Header insert({section: "CUSTOM", element: Header}); for (const collection of Settings.collections) { if (collection.disabled) continue; insert({ section:, label:, className: `bd-${}-tab`, element: () => this.buildSettingsPanel(,, collection.settings, Settings.state[], Settings.onSettingChange.bind(Settings,, collection.button ? collection.button : null) }); } for (const panel of Settings.panels.sort((a,b) => a.order > b.order)) { if (panel.clickListener) panel.onClick = (event) => panel.clickListener(thisObject, event, returnValue); if (!panel.className) panel.className = `bd-${}-tab`; if (typeof(panel.label) !== "string") panel.label = panel.label.toString(); insert(panel); } }); } forceUpdate() { const viewClass = WebpackModules.getByProps("standardSidebarView")?.standardSidebarView.split(" ")[0]; const node = document.querySelector(`.${viewClass}`); if (!node) return; const stateNode = Utilities.findInReactTree(Utilities.getReactInstance(node), m => m && m.getPredicateSections, {walkable: ["return", "stateNode"]}); if (stateNode) stateNode.forceUpdate(); } };