# BandagedBD BandagedBD (Bandaged BetterDiscord) is a fork of the original [BetterDiscord](https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp) by Jiiks. This has a number of improvements over the original which is currently undergoing a full rewrite. In the interim, the current version has been unmaintained hence this fork existing. I will continue to maintain this fork until BDv2 comes out. I am helping to develop BDv2 as well so as release gets closer this fork will become less and less active. # Installation ### Windows Grab the `exe` file from the latest release on the [releases page](https://github.com/rauenzi/BetterDiscordApp/releases). Be sure you leave the last checkbox "Use Zere's Fork" checked when installing. ### macOS/OS X Grab the `zip` file from the latest release on the [releases page](https://github.com/rauenzi/BetterDiscordApp/releases). ### Linux See this link: https://gist.github.com/ObserverOfTime/d7e60eb9aa7fe837545c8cb77cf31172 # What's Different ## New Settings ![Settings](https://i.zackrauen.com/nkb9Qi.png) ## UI - Redesigned plugin and theme cards with additional classes for themes to use - Additional tab in settings with additional settings. - CustomCSS editor from CodeMirror has been removed due to being bloated and having high cpu usage. Replaced with another lightweight editor ## Plugins/Themes Related - Prevent broken plugins from halting BD from loading - Speed up the loading process - Show startup errors in a modal ![Startup](https://i.zackrauen.com/PwlQcp.gif) - Add `try...catch` blocks to help prevent errors from crashing BD and Discord - Fix internal functions that some functions rely on such as `onSwitch` and `onMessage` - Add `source` and `website` as options for plugin and theme METAs - Allow themes to use spaces and apostrophes in their names - Prettier errors in console, useful for debugging ## Emote Module - Emotes load asynchronously in the background (does not prevent the mod from loading anymore) - Several bug fixes including tooltips, modifiers and emote menu - Consolidate emotes to a single file - Revamp how emotes are injected—speedup ## Misc - Fix Minimal Mode - Fix React errors when opening settings - Fix selected class disappearing when clicking an open tab - Create new alert modal for `BdApi` - Add toasts as notification option and in `BdApi` - Remove most jQuery dependency for speedup - Attach to settings when entering from right click - Patch PublicServers