import Utilities from "./utilities"; import DataStore from "./datastore"; export class bdStorage { static get(key) { Utilities.warn("Deprecation Notice", "Please use BdApi.getBDData(). bdStorage may be removed in future versions."); return DataStore.getBDData(key); } static set(key, data) { Utilities.warn("Deprecation Notice", "Please use BdApi.setBDData(). bdStorage may be removed in future versions."); DataStore.setBDData(key, data); } } export class bdPluginStorage { static get(pluginName, key) { Utilities.warn("Deprecation Notice", `${pluginName}, please use BdApi.loadData() or BdApi.getData(). bdPluginStorage may be removed in future versions.`); return DataStore.getPluginData(pluginName, key) || null; } static set(pluginName, key, data) { Utilities.warn("Deprecation Notice", `${pluginName}, please use BdApi.saveData() or BdApi.setData(). bdPluginStorage may be removed in future versions.`); if (typeof(data) === "undefined") return Utilities.warn("Deprecation Notice", "Trying to set undefined value in plugin " + pluginName); DataStore.setPluginData(pluginName, key, data); } static delete(pluginName, key) { Utilities.warn("Deprecation Notice", `${pluginName}, please use BdApi.deleteData(). bdPluginStorage may be removed in future versions.`); DataStore.deletePluginData(pluginName, key); } }