import {Config} from "data"; import {Logger, WebpackModules, React, Settings, Strings, DOM, DiscordModules} from "modules"; import FormattableString from "../structs/string"; export default class Modals { static get shouldShowAddonErrors() {return Settings.get("settings", "addons", "addonErrors");} static get ModalActions() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("openModal", "updateModal");} static get ModalStack() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("push", "update", "pop", "popWithKey");} static get AlertModal() {return WebpackModules.getByPrototypes("handleCancel", "handleSubmit", "handleMinorConfirm");} static get TextElement() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("Sizes", "Weights");} static get ConfirmationModal() {return WebpackModules.findByDisplayName("ConfirmModal");} static get Markdown() {return WebpackModules.findByDisplayName("Markdown");} static default(title, content) { const modal = DOM.createElement(`
`); modal.querySelector(".footer button").addEventListener("click", () => { modal.classList.add("closing"); setTimeout(() => {modal.remove();}, 300); }); modal.querySelector(".bd-backdrop").addEventListener("click", () => { modal.classList.add("closing"); setTimeout(() => {modal.remove();}, 300); }); document.querySelector("#app-mount").append(modal); } static alert(title, content) { this.showConfirmationModal(title, content, {cancelText: ""}); } /** * Shows a generic but very customizable confirmation modal with optional confirm and cancel callbacks. * @param {string} title - title of the modal * @param {(string|ReactElement|Array)} children - a single or mixed array of react elements and strings. Everything is wrapped in Discord's `Markdown` component so strings will show and render properly. * @param {object} [options] - options to modify the modal * @param {boolean} [options.danger=false] - whether the main button should be red or not * @param {string} [options.confirmText=Okay] - text for the confirmation/submit button * @param {string} [options.cancelText=Cancel] - text for the cancel button * @param {callable} [options.onConfirm=NOOP] - callback to occur when clicking the submit button * @param {callable} [options.onCancel=NOOP] - callback to occur when clicking the cancel button * @param {string} [options.key] - key used to identify the modal. If not provided, one is generated and returned * @returns {string} - the key used for this modal */ static showConfirmationModal(title, content, options = {}) { const Markdown = this.Markdown; const ConfirmationModal = this.ConfirmationModal; const ModalActions = this.ModalActions; if (content instanceof FormattableString) content = content.toString(); if (!this.ModalActions || !this.ConfirmationModal || !this.Markdown) return this.default(title, content); const emptyFunction = () => {}; const {onConfirm = emptyFunction, onCancel = emptyFunction, confirmText = Strings.Modals.okay, cancelText = Strings.Modals.cancel, danger = false, key = undefined} = options; if (!Array.isArray(content)) content = [content]; content = => typeof(c) === "string" ? React.createElement(Markdown, null, c) : c); return ModalActions.openModal(props => { return React.createElement(ConfirmationModal, Object.assign({ header: title, red: danger, confirmText: confirmText, cancelText: cancelText, onConfirm: onConfirm, onCancel: onCancel }, props), content); }, {modalKey: key}); } static showAddonErrors({plugins: pluginErrors = [], themes: themeErrors = []}) { if (!pluginErrors || !themeErrors || !this.shouldShowAddonErrors) return; if (!pluginErrors.length && !themeErrors.length) return; const modal = DOM.createElement(`
`); const generateTab = function(errors) { const container = DOM.createElement(`
`); for (const err of errors) { const error = DOM.createElement(`
${ ? : err.file}
`); container.append(error); if (err.error) { error.querySelectorAll("a").forEach(el => el.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); Logger.stacktrace("AddonError", `Error details for ${ ? : err.file}.`, err.error); })); } } return container; }; const tabs = [generateTab(pluginErrors), generateTab(themeErrors)]; modal.querySelectorAll(".tab-bar-item").forEach(el => el.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const selected = modal.querySelector(".tab-bar-item.selected"); if (selected) DOM.removeClass(selected, "selected"); DOM.addClass(, "selected"); const scroller = modal.querySelector(".scroller"); scroller.innerHTML = ""; scroller.append(tabs[DOM.index(]); })); modal.querySelector(".footer button").addEventListener("click", () => { DOM.addClass(modal, "closing"); setTimeout(() => {modal.remove();}, 300); }); modal.querySelector(".bd-backdrop").addEventListener("click", () => { DOM.addClass(modal, "closing"); setTimeout(() => {modal.remove();}, 300); }); DOM.query("#app-mount").append(modal); if (pluginErrors.length) modal.querySelector(".tab-bar-item").click(); else modal.querySelectorAll(".tab-bar-item")[1].click(); } static showChangelogModal(options = {}) { const ModalStack = WebpackModules.getByProps("push", "update", "pop", "popWithKey"); const ChangelogClasses = WebpackModules.getByProps("fixed", "improved"); const TextElement = WebpackModules.findByDisplayName("Text"); const FlexChild = WebpackModules.getByProps("Child"); const Titles = WebpackModules.getByProps("Tags", "default"); const Changelog = WebpackModules.getModule(m => m.defaultProps && m.defaultProps.selectable == false); const MarkdownParser = WebpackModules.getByProps("defaultRules", "parse"); if (!Changelog || !ModalStack || !ChangelogClasses || !TextElement || !FlexChild || !Titles || !MarkdownParser) return Logger.warn("Modals", "showChangelogModal missing modules"); const {image = "", description = "", changes = [], title = "BandagedBD", subtitle = `v${Config.bbdVersion}`, footer} = options; const ce = React.createElement; const changelogItems = [ ? ce("video", {src:, poster: options.poster, controls: true, className:}) : ce("img", {src: image})]; if (description) changelogItems.push(ce("p", null, MarkdownParser.parse(description))); for (let c = 0; c < changes.length; c++) { const entry = changes[c]; const type = ChangelogClasses[entry.type] ? ChangelogClasses[entry.type] : ChangelogClasses.added; const margin = c == 0 ? ChangelogClasses.marginTop : ""; changelogItems.push(ce("h1", {className: `${type} ${margin}`,}, entry.title)); const list = ce("ul", null, => ce("li", null, MarkdownParser.parse(i)))); changelogItems.push(list); } const renderHeader = function() { return ce(FlexChild.Child, {grow: 1, shrink: 1}, ce(Titles.default, {tag: Titles.Tags.H4}, title), ce(TextElement, {size: TextElement.Sizes.SMALL, color: TextElement.Colors.STANDARD, className:}, subtitle) ); }; const renderFooter = () => { const Anchor = WebpackModules.getModule(m => m.displayName == "Anchor"); const AnchorClasses = WebpackModules.getByProps("anchorUnderlineOnHover") || {anchor: "anchor-3Z-8Bb", anchorUnderlineOnHover: "anchorUnderlineOnHover-2ESHQB"}; const joinSupportServer = (click) => { click.preventDefault(); click.stopPropagation(); ModalStack.pop(); DiscordModules.InviteActions.acceptInviteAndTransitionToInviteChannel("2HScm8j"); }; const supportLink = Anchor ? ce(Anchor, {onClick: joinSupportServer}, "Join our Discord Server.") : ce("a", {className: `${AnchorClasses.anchor} ${AnchorClasses.anchorUnderlineOnHover}`, onClick: joinSupportServer}, "Join our Discord Server."); const defaultFooter = ce(TextElement, {size: TextElement.Sizes.SMALL, color: TextElement.Colors.STANDARD}, "Need support? ", supportLink); return ce(FlexChild.Child, {grow: 1, shrink: 1}, footer ? footer : defaultFooter); }; const ModalActions = this.ModalActions; const OriginalModalClasses = WebpackModules.getByProps("hideOnFullscreen"); const originalRoot = OriginalModalClasses.root; if (originalRoot) OriginalModalClasses.root = `${originalRoot} bd-changelog-modal`; const key = ModalActions.openModal(props => { return React.createElement(Changelog, Object.assign({ className: `bd-changelog ${ChangelogClasses.container}`, selectable: true, onScroll: _ => _, onClose: _ => _, renderHeader: renderHeader, renderFooter: renderFooter, }, props), changelogItems); }); const closeModal = ModalActions.closeModal; ModalActions.closeModal = function(k) { if (k !== key) Reflect.apply(closeModal, this, arguments); setTimeout(() => {if (originalRoot) OriginalModalClasses.root = originalRoot;}, 1000); ModalActions.closeModal = closeModal; }; return key; } }