export default { "Custom css live update": {id: "bda-css-0", info: "", implemented: true, hidden: true, cat: "core"}, "Custom css auto udpate": {id: "bda-css-1", info: "", implemented: true, hidden: true, cat: "core"}, "BetterDiscord Blue": {id: "bda-gs-b", info: "Replace Discord blue with BD Blue", implemented: false, hidden: false, cat: "core"}, /* Core */ /* ====== */ "Public Servers": {id: "bda-gs-1", info: "Display public servers button", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Minimal Mode": {id: "bda-gs-2", info: "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Voice Mode": {id: "bda-gs-4", info: "Only show voice chat", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Hide Channels": {id: "bda-gs-3", info: "Hide channels in minimal mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Dark Mode": {id: "bda-gs-5", info: "Make certain elements dark by default(wip)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Voice Disconnect": {id: "bda-dc-0", info: "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "24 Hour Timestamps": {id: "bda-gs-6", info: "Replace 12hr timestamps with proper ones", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Coloured Text": {id: "bda-gs-7", info: "Make text colour the same as role colour", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, "Normalize Classes": {id: "fork-ps-4", info: "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"}, /* Content */ "Content Error Modal": {id: "fork-ps-1", info: "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"}, "Show Toasts": {id: "fork-ps-2", info: "Shows a small notification for important information", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"}, "Scroll To Settings": {id: "fork-ps-3", info: "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"}, "Automatic Loading": {id: "fork-ps-5", info: "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"}, /* Developer */ "Developer Mode": {id: "bda-gs-8", info: "Developer Mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "developer settings"}, "Copy Selector": {id: "fork-dm-1", info: "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "developer settings"}, /* Window Prefs */ "Enable Transparency": {id: "fork-wp-1", info: "Enables the main window to be see-through (requires restart)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "window preferences"}, "Window Frame": {id: "fork-wp-2", info: "Adds the native os window frame to the main window", implemented: false, hidden: true, cat: "core", category: "window preferences"}, /* Emotes */ /* ====== */ "Download Emotes": {id: "fork-es-3", info: "Download emotes when the cache is expired", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Twitch Emotes": {id: "bda-es-7", info: "Show Twitch emotes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "FrankerFaceZ Emotes": {id: "bda-es-1", info: "Show FrankerFaceZ Emotes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "BetterTTV Emotes": {id: "bda-es-2", info: "Show BetterTTV Emotes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Emote Menu": {id: "bda-es-0", info: "Show Twitch/Favourite emotes in emote menu", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Emoji Menu": {id: "bda-es-9", info: "Show Discord emoji menu", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Emote Auto Capitalization": {id: "bda-es-4", info: "Autocapitalize emote commands", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Show Names": {id: "bda-es-6", info: "Show emote names on hover", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Show emote modifiers": {id: "bda-es-8", info: "Enable emote mods (flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}, "Animate On Hover": {id: "fork-es-2", info: "Only animate the emote modifiers on hover", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"} };