import Builtin from "../structs/builtin"; import {Config, EmoteInfo, EmoteConfig} from "data"; import {Utilities, WebpackModules, DataStore, DiscordModules, Events, Settings} from "modules"; import BDEmote from "../ui/emote"; import {Toasts} from "ui"; const Emotes = { TwitchGlobal: {}, TwitchSubscriber: {}, BTTV: {}, FrankerFaceZ: {}, BTTV2: {} }; const bdEmoteSettingIDs = { TwitchGlobal: "twitch", TwitchSubscriber: "twitch", BTTV: "bttv", FrankerFaceZ: "ffz", BTTV2: "bttv" }; const blacklist = []; const overrides = ["twitch", "bttv", "ffz"]; const modifiers = ["flip", "spin", "pulse", "spin2", "spin3", "1spin", "2spin", "3spin", "tr", "bl", "br", "shake", "shake2", "shake3", "flap"]; export default new class EmoteModule extends Builtin { get name() {return "Emotes";} get collection() {return "settings";} get category() {return "general";} get id() {return "emotes";} get categories() { return Object.keys(bdEmoteSettingIDs).filter(k => this.isCategoryEnabled(bdEmoteSettingIDs[k])); } isCategoryEnabled(id) { return super.get("emotes", "categories", id); } get(id) { return super.get("emotes", "general", id); } get MessageContentComponent() {return WebpackModules.getModule(m => m.defaultProps && m.defaultProps.hasOwnProperty("disableButtons"));} get Emotes() {return Emotes;} get TwitchGlobal() {return Emotes.TwitchGlobal;} get TwitchSubscriber() {return Emotes.TwitchSubscriber;} get BTTV() {return Emotes.BTTV;} get FrankerFaceZ() {return Emotes.FrankerFaceZ;} get BTTV2() {return Emotes.BTTV2;} get blacklist() {return blacklist;} getCategory(category) { return Emotes[category]; } initialize() { super.initialize(); // EmoteConfig; // emoteCollection.button = {title: "Clear Emote Cache", onClick: () => { this.clearEmoteData(); this.loadEmoteData(EmoteInfo); }}; } async enabled() { Settings.registerCollection("emotes", "Emotes", EmoteConfig, {title: "Clear Emote Cache", onClick: () => { this.clearEmoteData(); this.loadEmoteData(EmoteInfo); }}); // Disable emote module for now because it's annoying and slow // await this.getBlacklist(); // await this.loadEmoteData(EmoteInfo); // while (!this.MessageContentComponent) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); // this.patchMessageContent(); } disabled() { Settings.removeCollection("emotes"); this.emptyEmotes(); if (!this.cancelEmoteRender) return; this.cancelEmoteRender(); delete this.cancelEmoteRender; } emptyEmotes() { for (const cat in Emotes) Object.assign(Emotes, {[cat]: {}}); } patchMessageContent() { if (this.cancelEmoteRender) return; this.cancelEmoteRender = Utilities.monkeyPatch(this.MessageContentComponent.prototype, "render", {after: ({returnValue}) => { Utilities.monkeyPatch(returnValue.props, "children", {silent: true, after: ({returnValue}) => { if (this.categories.length == 0) return; const markup = returnValue.props.children[1]; if (!markup.props.children) return; const nodes = markup.props.children[1]; if (!nodes || !nodes.length) return; for (let n = 0; n < nodes.length; n++) { const node = nodes[n]; if (typeof(node) !== "string") continue; const words = node.split(/([^\s]+)([\s]|$)/g); for (let c = 0, clen = this.categories.length; c < clen; c++) { for (let w = 0, wlen = words.length; w < wlen; w++) { const emote = words[w]; const emoteSplit = emote.split(":"); const emoteName = emoteSplit[0]; let emoteModifier = emoteSplit[1] ? emoteSplit[1] : ""; let emoteOverride = emoteModifier.slice(0); if (emoteName.length < 4 || blacklist.includes(emoteName)) continue; if (!modifiers.includes(emoteModifier) || !Settings.get(this.category, "general", "modifiers")) emoteModifier = ""; if (!overrides.includes(emoteOverride)) emoteOverride = ""; else emoteModifier = emoteOverride; let current = this.categories[c]; if (emoteOverride === "twitch") { if (Emotes.TwitchGlobal[emoteName]) current = "TwitchGlobal"; else if (Emotes.TwitchSubscriber[emoteName]) current = "TwitchSubscriber"; } else if (emoteOverride === "bttv") { if (Emotes.BTTV[emoteName]) current = "BTTV"; else if (Emotes.BTTV2[emoteName]) current = "BTTV2"; } else if (emoteOverride === "ffz") { if (Emotes.FrankerFaceZ[emoteName]) current = "FrankerFaceZ"; } if (!Emotes[current][emoteName] || !Settings.get(this.category, "categories", bdEmoteSettingIDs[current])) continue; const results = nodes[n].match(new RegExp(`([\\s]|^)${Utilities.escape(emoteModifier ? emoteName + ":" + emoteModifier : emoteName)}([\\s]|$)`)); if (!results) continue; const pre = nodes[n].substring(0, results.index + results[1].length); const post = nodes[n].substring(results.index + results[0].length - results[2].length); nodes[n] = pre; const emoteComponent = DiscordModules.React.createElement(BDEmote, {name: emoteName, url: Emotes[current][emoteName], modifier: emoteModifier}); nodes.splice(n + 1, 0, post); nodes.splice(n + 1, 0, emoteComponent); } } } const onlyEmotes = nodes.every(r => { if (typeof(r) == "string" && r.replace(/\s*/, "") == "") return true; else if (r.type && == "BDEmote") return true; else if (r.props && r.props.children && r.props.children.props && r.props.children.props.emojiName) return true; return false; }); if (!onlyEmotes) return; for (const node of nodes) { if (typeof(node) != "object") continue; if ( == "BDEmote") node.props.jumboable = true; else if (node.props && node.props.children && node.props.children.props && node.props.children.props.emojiName) node.props.children.props.jumboable = true; } }}); }}); } async loadEmoteData(emoteInfo) { this.emotesLoaded = false; const _fs = require("fs"); const emoteFile = "emote_data.json"; const file = Config.dataPath + emoteFile; const exists = _fs.existsSync(file); if (exists && this.isCacheValid()) {"Loading emotes from cache.", {type: "info"}); Utilities.log("Emotes", "Loading emotes from local cache."); const data = await new Promise(resolve => { _fs.readFile(file, "utf8", (err, data) => { Utilities.log("Emotes", "Emotes loaded from cache."); if (err) data = {}; resolve(data); }); }); let isValid = Utilities.testJSON(data); if (isValid) Object.assign(Emotes, JSON.parse(data)); for (const e in emoteInfo) { isValid = Object.keys(Emotes[emoteInfo[e].variable]).length > 0; } if (isValid) {"Emotes successfully loaded.", {type: "success"}); this.emotesLoaded = true; Events.dispatch("emotes-loaded"); return; } Utilities.log("Emotes", "Cache was corrupt, downloading..."); _fs.unlinkSync(file); } if (!Settings.get(this.category, "general", "download")) return;"Downloading emotes in the background do not reload.", {type: "info"}); for (const e in emoteInfo) { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); const data = await this.downloadEmotes(emoteInfo[e]); Emotes[emoteInfo[e].variable] = data; }"All emotes successfully downloaded.", {type: "success"}); try { _fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(Emotes), "utf8"); } catch (err) { Utilities.err("Emotes", "Could not save emote data.", err); } this.emotesLoaded = true; Events.dispatch("emotes-loaded"); } downloadEmotes(emoteMeta) { const request = require("request"); const options = { url: emoteMeta.url, timeout: emoteMeta.timeout ? emoteMeta.timeout : 5000 }; Utilities.log("Emotes", `Downloading: ${emoteMeta.variable} (${emoteMeta.url})`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request(options, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { Utilities.err("Emotes", "Could not download " + emoteMeta.variable, error); if (emoteMeta.backup) { emoteMeta.url = emoteMeta.backup; emoteMeta.backup = null; if (emoteMeta.backupParser) emoteMeta.parser = emoteMeta.backupParser; return resolve(this.downloadEmotes(emoteMeta)); } return reject({}); } let parsedData = {}; try { parsedData = JSON.parse(body); } catch (err) { Utilities.err("Emotes", "Could not download " + emoteMeta.variable, err); if (emoteMeta.backup) { emoteMeta.url = emoteMeta.backup; emoteMeta.backup = null; if (emoteMeta.backupParser) emoteMeta.parser = emoteMeta.backupParser; return resolve(this.downloadEmotes(emoteMeta)); } return reject({}); } if (typeof(emoteMeta.parser) === "function") parsedData = emoteMeta.parser(parsedData); for (const emote in parsedData) { if (emote.length < 4 || blacklist.includes(emote)) { delete parsedData[emote]; continue; } parsedData[emote] = emoteMeta.getEmoteURL(parsedData[emote]); } resolve(parsedData); Utilities.log("Emotes", "Downloaded: " + emoteMeta.variable); }); }); } getBlacklist() { return new Promise(resolve => { $.getJSON(``, function (data) { resolve(blacklist.push(; }); }); } isCacheValid() { const cacheLength = DataStore.getBDData("emoteCacheDays") || DataStore.setBDData("emoteCacheDays", 7) || 7; const cacheDate = new Date(DataStore.getBDData("emoteCacheDate") || null); const currentDate = new Date(); const daysBetween = Math.round(Math.abs((currentDate.getTime() - cacheDate.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))); if (daysBetween > cacheLength) { DataStore.setBDData("emoteCacheDate", currentDate.toJSON()); return false; } return true; } clearEmoteData() { const _fs = require("fs"); const emoteFile = "emote_data.json"; const file = Config.dataPath + emoteFile; const exists = _fs.existsSync(file); if (exists) _fs.unlinkSync(file); DataStore.setBDData("emoteCacheDate", (new Date()).toJSON()); for (const category in Emotes) Object.assign(Emotes, {[category]: {}}); } };