import {SettingsConfig, SettingsState} from "data"; import DataStore from "./datastore"; import BdApi from "./pluginapi"; import Events from "./emitter"; import WebpackModules, {DiscordModules} from "./webpackmodules"; import {SettingsPanel as SettingsRenderer} from "ui"; import Utilities from "./utilities"; import {Toasts} from "ui"; export default new class SettingsManager { constructor() { this.config = SettingsConfig; this.state = SettingsState; this.collections = []; this.panels = []; this.registerCollection("settings", "Settings", SettingsConfig); } initialize() { DataStore.initialize(); this.loadSettings(); this.patchSections(); } registerCollection(id, name, settings, button = null) { if (this.collections.find(c => == id)) Utilities.err("Settings", "Already have a collection with id " + id); this.collections.push({ type: "collection", id: id, name: name, settings: settings, button: button }); this.setup(); } removeCollection(id) { const location = this.collections.findIndex(c => == id); if (!location < 0) Utilities.err("Settings", "No collection with id " + id); this.collections.splice(location, 1); } registerPanel(name, options) { const {element, onClick} = options; const section = {label: name, section: name}; if (onClick) section.onClick = onClick; else section.element = element instanceof DiscordModules.React.Component ? () => DiscordModules.React.createElement(element, {}) : typeof(element) == "function" ? element : () => element; this.panels.push(section); } getPath(path, collectionId = "", categoryId = "") { const collection = path.length == 3 ? path[0] : collectionId; const category = path.length == 3 ? path[1] : path.length == 2 ? path[0] : categoryId; const setting = path[path.length - 1]; return {collection, category, setting}; } setup() { console.log("before state"); console.log(this.state); for (let c = 0; c < this.collections.length; c++) { const collection = this.collections[c]; const categories = this.collections[c].settings; if (!this.state[]) this.state[] = {}; for (let s = 0; s < categories.length; s++) { const category = categories[s]; if (category.type != "category") {if (!this.state[].hasOwnProperty( this.state[][] = category.value;} else { if (!this.state[].hasOwnProperty( this.state[][] = {}; for (let s = 0; s < category.settings.length; s++) { const setting = category.settings[s]; if (!this.state[][].hasOwnProperty( this.state[][][] = setting.value; if (setting.enableWith) { const path = this.getPath(setting.enableWith.split("."),,; if (setting.hasOwnProperty("disabled")) continue; Object.defineProperty(setting, "disabled", { get: () => { return !this.state[path.collection][path.category][path.setting]; } }); } } } } if (collection.enableWith) { const path = this.getPath(collection.enableWith.split(".")); Object.defineProperty(collection, "disabled", { get: () => { return !this.state[path.collection][path.category][path.setting]; } }); } } console.log("after state"); console.log(this.state); } async patchSections() { const UserSettings = await this.getUserSettings(); Utilities.monkeyPatch(UserSettings.prototype, "generateSections", {after: (data) => { let location = data.returnValue.findIndex(s => s.section.toLowerCase() == "linux") + 1; const insert = (section) => { data.returnValue.splice(location, 0, section); location++; }; console.log(data); /* eslint-disable-line no-console */ insert({section: "DIVIDER"}); insert({section: "HEADER", label: "BandagedBD"}); for (const collection of this.collections) { if (collection.disabled) continue; insert({ section:, label:, element: () => SettingsRenderer.buildSettingsPanel(, collection.settings, SettingsState[], this.onSettingChange.bind(this,, collection.button ? collection.button : null) }); } for (const panel of this.panels) insert(panel); insert({section: "BBD Test", label: "Test Tab", onClick: function() {Toasts.success("This can just be a click listener!", {forceShow: true});}}); insert({section: "CUSTOM", element: () => SettingsRenderer.attribution}); }}); this.forceUpdate(); } forceUpdate() { const viewClass = WebpackModules.getByProps("standardSidebarView").standardSidebarView.split(" ")[0]; const node = document.querySelector(`.${viewClass}`); Utilities.getInternalInstance(node).return.return.return.return.return.return.stateNode.forceUpdate(); } getUserSettings() { return new Promise(resolve => { const cancel = Utilities.monkeyPatch(WebpackModules.getByProps("getUserSettingsSections").default.prototype, "render", {after: (data) => { resolve(data.returnValue.type); data.thisObject.forceUpdate(); cancel(); }}); }); } saveSettings() { DataStore.setData("settings", this.state); } loadSettings() { const previousState = DataStore.getData("settings"); if (!previousState) return this.saveSettings(); for (const collection in this.defaultState) { if (!previousState[collection]) Object.assign(previousState, {[collection]: this.defaultState[collection]}); for (const category in this.defaultState[collection]) { if (!previousState[collection][category]) Object.assign(previousState[collection][category], {[category]: this.defaultState[collection][category]}); for (const setting in this.defaultState[collection][category]) { if (previousState[collection][category][setting] == undefined) continue; this.state[collection][category][setting] = previousState[collection][category][setting]; } } } this.saveSettings(); // in case new things were added } onSettingChange(collection, category, id, value) { const before = this.collections.length; this.state[collection][category][id] = value; Events.dispatch("setting-updated", collection, category, id, value); const after = this.collections.length; this.saveSettings(); if (before != after) this.forceUpdate(); } getSetting(collection, category, id) { if (arguments.length == 2) return this.collections[0].find(c => == arguments[0]).settings.find(s => == arguments[1]); return this.collections.find(c => == collection).find(c => == category).settings.find(s => == id); } get(collection, category, id) { if (arguments.length == 2) { id = category; category = collection; collection = "settings"; } if (!this.state[collection] || !this.state[collection][category]) return false; return this.state[collection][category][id]; } on(collection, category, identifier, callback) { const handler = (col, cat, id, value) => { if (col !== collection || cat !== category || id !== identifier) return; callback(value); }; Events.on("setting-updated", handler); return () => {"setting-updated", handler);}; } updateSettings(collection, category, id, enabled) { if (id == "fork-wp-1") { BdApi.setWindowPreference("transparent", enabled); if (enabled) BdApi.setWindowPreference("backgroundColor", null); else BdApi.setWindowPreference("backgroundColor", "#2f3136"); } // this.saveSettings(); } };