import assert from "assert"; import Utilities from "../src/modules/utilities"; describe("Utilities", function() { describe("suppressErrors", function() { it("Prevent error propagation", function() { const thrower = () => {throw "Error";}; const wrapped = Utilities.suppressErrors(thrower); assert.doesNotThrow(wrapped); }); it("Allows arguments through", function() { const thrower = (foo) => { assert.equal(foo, "bar"); }; const wrapped = Utilities.suppressErrors(thrower); wrapped("bar"); }); it("Retains the return value", function() { const thrower = () => {return "bar";}; const wrapped = Utilities.suppressErrors(thrower); const foo = wrapped(); assert.equal(foo, "bar"); }); }); describe("formatString", function() { it("Should handle direct replacement", function() { const template = `This is a {{success}}`; const filledOut = Utilities.formatString(template, {success: "success"}); assert.equal("This is a success", filledOut); }); it("Should not error with excess data", function() { const template = `This is a {{success}}`; const filledOut = Utilities.formatString(template, {success: "success", otherthing: "foo"}); assert.equal("This is a success", filledOut); }); it("Should toString objects", function() { const template = `This is a {{success}}`; const filledOut = Utilities.formatString(template, {success: {misnomer: "good"}}); assert.equal(`This is a [object Object]`, filledOut); const filledOut2 = Utilities.formatString(template, {success: {toString: () => {return "good test";}}}); assert.equal(`This is a good test`, filledOut2); }); it("Should stringify arrays", function() { const template = `This is a {{success}}`; const filledOut = Utilities.formatString(template, {success: ["success", "or", "failure"]}); assert.equal(`This is a ["success","or","failure"]`, filledOut); }); it("Use the return value of functions", function() { const template = `This is a {{success}}`; const filledOut = Utilities.formatString(template, {success: () => "test"}); assert.equal(`This is a test`, filledOut); }); }); describe("getNestedProp", function() { const testObj = {test: {deep: {go: "far"}, other: [0, 1, {test2: "foo"}]}}; it("Gets a shallow property", function() { const result = Utilities.getNestedProp(testObj, "test"); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test); }); it("Gets a deep property", function() { const result = Utilities.getNestedProp(testObj, "test.deep.go"); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test.deep.go); }); it("Gets a property through index", function() { const result = Utilities.getNestedProp(testObj, "test.other.2.test2"); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test.other[2].test2); }); it("Returns null when the a prop is not found", function() { const result = Utilities.getNestedProp(testObj, ""); assert.equal(result, null); }); it("Returns null when several layers are not found", function() { const result = Utilities.getNestedProp(testObj, "test.deep.far.doit.cmon"); assert.equal(result, null); }); }); describe("findInTree", function() { const testObj = {test: {deep: {go: "far"}, other: [0, 1, {test2: "foo"}]}}; it("Gets a shallow property using a string", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(testObj, "test"); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test); }); it("Gets a shallow property using a function", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(testObj, o => Object.keys(o).includes("deep")); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test); }); it("Gets a deep property using a string", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(testObj, "go"); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test.deep.go); }); it("Gets a deep property using a function", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(testObj, o => o == "far"); assert.deepEqual(result, testObj.test.deep.go); }); it("Returns undefined when not found using string", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(testObj, "foobar"); assert.equal(result, undefined); }); it("Returns undefined when not found using function", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(testObj, o => o && o.foobar); assert.equal(result, undefined); }); const walkingObj = {foo: {bar: "final1", deeper: "final2", test: "final3"}, test: "final4", otherTest: {bar: "final5", deeper: "final6"}}; it("Gets a property using a string limited to walkable keys", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(walkingObj, "bar", {walkable: ["foo", "bar"]}); assert.equal(result,; }); it("Gets a property using a function limited to walkable keys", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(walkingObj, o => o.deeper, {walkable: ["foo", "bar"]}); assert.deepEqual(result,; }); it("Gets a property using a string ignoring specific keys", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(walkingObj, "bar", {ignore: ["foo", "bar"]}); assert.equal(result,; }); it("Gets a property using a function ignoring specific keys", function() { const result = Utilities.findInTree(walkingObj, o => o.deeper, {ignore: ["foo", "bar"]}); assert.deepEqual(result, walkingObj.otherTest); }); }); describe("findInReactTree", function() { const originalFindInTree = Utilities.findInTree; it("Passes the original object", function() { const myObj = {props: "foo"}; Utilities.findInTree = function(obj) { assert.deepEqual(obj, myObj); return Reflect.apply(originalFindInTree, Utilities, arguments); }; const result = Utilities.findInReactTree(myObj, "props"); assert.equal(result, "foo"); }); it("Passes the original filter", function() { const myObj = {props: "foo"}; const myFilter = "props"; Utilities.findInTree = function(obj, filter) { assert.deepEqual(filter, myFilter); return Reflect.apply(originalFindInTree, Utilities, arguments); }; const result = Utilities.findInReactTree(myObj, myFilter); assert.equal(result, "foo"); const myFilter2 = o => o == "foo"; Utilities.findInTree = function(obj, filter) { assert.deepEqual(filter, myFilter2); return Reflect.apply(originalFindInTree, Utilities, arguments); }; const result2 = Utilities.findInReactTree(myObj, myFilter2); assert.equal(result2, "foo"); }); it("Includes the react walkables", function() { Utilities.findInTree = function(obj, filter, {walkable}) { const shouldWalk = ["props", "children", "return", "stateNode"]; assert.ok(shouldWalk.every(k => walkable.includes(k))); }; Utilities.findInReactTree({}, "foobar"); }); Utilities.findInTree = originalFindInTree; }); });