const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); import LocaleManager from "./localemanager"; import Logger from "./logger"; import {Config, Changelog} from "data"; import DOMManager from "./dommanager"; import PluginManager from "./pluginmanager"; import ThemeManager from "./thememanager"; import Settings from "./settingsmanager"; import * as Builtins from "builtins"; import Modals from "../ui/modals"; import ReactComponents from "./reactcomponents"; import DataStore from "./datastore"; import DiscordModules from "./discordmodules"; import ComponentPatcher from "./componentpatcher"; import Strings from "./strings"; import LoadingIcon from "../loadingicon"; import Styles from "../styles/index.css"; const {ipcRenderer} = require("electron"); const GuildClasses = DiscordModules.GuildClasses; export default new class Core { startup() { ipcRenderer.invoke("bd-config", "get").then(injectorConfig => { if (this.hasStarted) return; Object.assign(Config, injectorConfig); this.init(); }); ipcRenderer.invoke("bd-injector-info").then(injectorInfo => { Config.version = injectorInfo.version; Config.path = injectorInfo.path; Config.appPath = injectorInfo.appPath; Config.userData = injectorInfo.userData; this.checkInjectorUpdate(); }); } setConfig(config) { if (this.hasStarted) return; Object.assign(Config, config); } async init() { if (this.hasStarted) return; this.hasStarted = true; // Load css early DOMManager.injectStyle("bd-stylesheet", Styles.toString()); DataStore.initialize(); await LocaleManager.initialize(); if (Config.version < Config.minSupportedVersion) return Modals.alert(Strings.Startup.notSupported, Strings.Startup.versionMismatch.format({injector: Config.version, remote: Config.bdVersion})); if (window.ED) return Modals.alert(Strings.Startup.notSupported, Strings.Startup.incompatibleApp.format({app: "EnhancedDiscord"})); if (window.WebSocket && &&"Patched")) return Modals.alert(Strings.Startup.notSupported, Strings.Startup.incompatibleApp.format({app: "Powercord"})); Logger.log("Startup", "Initializing Settings"); Settings.initialize(); // DOMManager.initialize(); await this.waitForGuilds(); ReactComponents.initialize(); ComponentPatcher.initialize(); for (const module in Builtins) Builtins[module].initialize(); Logger.log("Startup", "Loading Plugins"); // const pluginErrors = []; const pluginErrors = PluginManager.initialize(); Logger.log("Startup", "Loading Themes"); const themeErrors = ThemeManager.initialize(); Logger.log("Startup", "Removing Loading Icon"); LoadingIcon.hide(); // Show loading errors Logger.log("Startup", "Collecting Startup Errors"); Modals.showAddonErrors({plugins: pluginErrors, themes: themeErrors}); const previousVersion = DataStore.getBDData("version"); if (Config.bdVersion > previousVersion) { Modals.showChangelogModal(Changelog); DataStore.setBDData("version", Config.bdVersion); } } waitForGuilds() { let timesChecked = 0; return new Promise(resolve => { const checkForGuilds = function () { timesChecked++; if (document.readyState != "complete") setTimeout(checkForGuilds, 100); const wrapper = GuildClasses.wrapper.split(" ")[0]; const guild = GuildClasses.listItem.split(" ")[0]; const blob = GuildClasses.blobContainer.split(" ")[0]; if (document.querySelectorAll(`.${wrapper} .${guild} .${blob}`).length > 0) return resolve(Config.deferLoaded = true); else if (timesChecked >= 50) return resolve(Config.deferLoaded = true); setTimeout(checkForGuilds, 100); }; checkForGuilds(); }); } async checkInjectorUpdate() { const request = require("request"); const latestVersion = await new Promise(resolve => { request.get({url: ``, json: true}, (err, resp, body) => { let remoteVersion = "0.6.1"; if (!err && resp.statusCode == 200) remoteVersion = body.version || remoteVersion; return resolve(remoteVersion); }); }); if (latestVersion > Config.version) { Modals.showConfirmationModal(Strings.Startup.updateAvailable, Strings.Startup.updateInfo.format({version: latestVersion}), { confirmText: Strings.Startup.updateNow, cancelText: Strings.Startup.maybeLater, onConfirm: async () => { const onUpdateFailed = () => {Modals.alert(Strings.Startup.updateFailed, Strings.Startup.manualUpdate);}; try { const didUpdate = await this.updateInjector(); if (!didUpdate) return onUpdateFailed(); const ipc = require("electron").ipcRenderer; ipc.send("RELAUNCH"); } catch (err) { onUpdateFailed(); } } }); } } async updateInjector() { const injectionPath = DataStore.injectionPath; if (!injectionPath) return false; // Currently in module scope // const fs = require("fs"); // const path = require("path"); const rmrf = require("rimraf"); const yauzl = require("yauzl"); const mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); const request = require("request"); const parentPath = path.resolve(injectionPath, ".."); const folderName = path.basename(injectionPath); const zipLink = ""; const savedZip = path.resolve(parentPath, ""); const extractedFolder = path.resolve(parentPath, "BetterDiscordApp-injector"); // Download the injector zip file Logger.log("InjectorUpdate", "Downloading " + zipLink); let success = await new Promise(resolve => { request.get({url: zipLink, encoding: null}, async (error, response, body) => { if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) return resolve(false); // Save a backup in case someone has their own copy const alreadyExists = await new Promise(res => fs.exists(savedZip, res)); if (alreadyExists) await new Promise(res => fs.rename(savedZip, `${savedZip}.bak${Math.round(}`, res)); Logger.log("InjectorUpdate", "Writing " + savedZip); fs.writeFile(savedZip, body, err => resolve(!err)); }); }); if (!success) return success; // Check and delete rename extraction const alreadyExists = await new Promise(res => fs.exists(extractedFolder, res)); if (alreadyExists) await new Promise(res => fs.rename(extractedFolder, `${extractedFolder}.bak${Math.round(}`, res)); // Unzip the downloaded zip file const zipfile = await new Promise((r, rej) =>, {lazyEntries: true}, (err, zip) => { if (err) return rej(err); r(zip); })); zipfile.on("entry", function (entry) { // Skip directories, they are handled with mkdirp if (entry.fileName.endsWith("/")) return zipfile.readEntry(); Logger.log("InjectorUpdate", "Extracting " + entry.fileName); // Make any needed parent directories const fullPath = path.resolve(parentPath, entry.fileName); mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(fullPath)); zipfile.openReadStream(entry, function (err, readStream) { if (err) return success = false; readStream.on("end", function () {zipfile.readEntry();}); // Go to next file after this readStream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(fullPath)); }); }); zipfile.readEntry(); // Start reading // Wait for the final file to finish await new Promise(resolve => zipfile.once("end", resolve)); // Save a backup in case something goes wrong during final step const backupFolder = path.resolve(parentPath, `${folderName}.bak${Math.round(}`); await new Promise(resolve => fs.rename(injectionPath, backupFolder, resolve)); // Rename the extracted folder to what it should be Logger.log("InjectorUpdate", `Renaming ${path.basename(extractedFolder)} to ${folderName}`); success = await new Promise(resolve => fs.rename(extractedFolder, injectionPath, err => resolve(!err))); if (!success) { Logger.err("InjectorUpdate", "Failed to rename the final directory"); return success; } // If rename had issues, delete what we tried to rename and restore backup if (!success) { Logger.err("InjectorUpdate", "Something went wrong... restoring backups."); await new Promise(resolve => rmrf(extractedFolder, resolve)); await new Promise(resolve => fs.rename(backupFolder, injectionPath, resolve)); return success; } // If we've gotten to this point, everything should have gone smoothly. // Cleanup the backup folder then remove the zip await new Promise(resolve => rmrf(backupFolder, resolve)); await new Promise(resolve => fs.unlink(savedZip, resolve)); Logger.log("InjectorUpdate", "Injector Updated!"); return success; } };