import Builtin from "../structs/builtin"; import {Settings, DataStore, React, WebpackModules, Events, DOMManager, Strings} from "modules"; import CSSEditor from "../ui/customcss/csseditor"; import FloatingWindows from "../ui/floatingwindows"; import SettingsTitle from "../ui/settings/title"; import Utilities from "../modules/utilities"; const fs = require("fs"); const electron = require("electron"); const UserSettings = WebpackModules.getByProps("updateAccount"); const Dispatcher = WebpackModules.getByProps("dirtyDispatch"); const ActionTypes = WebpackModules.getByProps("ActionTypes").ActionTypes; export default new class CustomCSS extends Builtin { get name() {return "Custom CSS";} get category() {return "customcss";} get id() {return "customcss";} get startDetached() {return Settings.get(this.collection, this.category, "openAction") == "detached";} get nativeOpen() {return Settings.get(this.collection, this.category, "openAction") == "system";} constructor() { super(); this.savedCss = ""; this.insertedCss = ""; this.isDetached = false; } async enabled() { // if (!window.ace) { // DOMManager.injectScript("ace-script", "").then(() => { // if (window.require.original) window.require = window.require.original; // }); // } Object.defineProperty(window, "MonacoEnvironment", { value: { getWorkerUrl: function() { return `data:text/javascript;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(` self.MonacoEnvironment = { baseUrl: '' }; importScripts('');` )}`; } } }); const commonjsLoader = window.require; delete window.module; // Make monaco think this isn't a local node script or else it freaks out DOMManager.linkStyle("monaco-style", "", {documentHead: true}); DOMManager.injectScript("monaco-script", "").then(() => { const amdLoader = window.require; // Grab Monaco's amd loader window.require = commonjsLoader; // Revert to commonjs amdLoader.config({paths: {vs: ""}}); amdLoader(["vs/editor/editor.main"], () => {}); // exposes the monaco global }); Settings.registerPanel(, Strings.Panels.customcss, { order: 2, element: () => [, React.createElement(CSSEditor, { css: this.savedCss, save: this.saveCSS.bind(this), update: this.insertCSS.bind(this), openNative: this.openNative.bind(this), openDetached: this.openDetached.bind(this), onChange: this.onChange.bind(this) })], onClick: (thisObject) => { if (this.isDetached) return; if (this.nativeOpen) return this.openNative(); else if (this.startDetached) return this.openDetached(); const settingsView = Utilities.findInRenderTree(thisObject._reactInternalFiber, m => m && m.onSetSection, {walkable: ["child", "memoizedProps", "props", "children"]}); if (settingsView && settingsView.onSetSection) settingsView.onSetSection(; } }); this.loadCSS(); this.insertCSS(this.savedCss); this.watchContent(); } disabled() { Settings.removePanel(; this.unwatchContent(); } watchContent() { if (this.watcher) return this.error("Already watching content."); const timeCache = {}; this.log("Starting to watch content."); this.watcher =, {persistent: false}, async (eventType, filename) => { if (!eventType || !filename) return; await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 50)); try {fs.statSync(DataStore.customCSS);} catch (err) { if (err.code !== "ENOENT") return; delete timeCache[filename]; this.saveCSS(""); } const stats = fs.statSync(DataStore.customCSS); if (!stats || !stats.mtime || !stats.mtime.getTime()) return; if (typeof(stats.mtime.getTime()) !== "number") return; if (timeCache[filename] == stats.mtime.getTime()) return; timeCache[filename] = stats.mtime.getTime(); if (eventType == "change") { const newCSS = DataStore.loadCustomCSS(); if (newCSS == this.savedCss) return; this.savedCss = newCSS; this.insertCSS(this.savedCss); Events.emit("customcss-updated", this.savedCss); } }); } unwatchContent() { if (!this.watcher) return this.error("Was not watching content."); this.watcher.close(); delete this.watcher; this.log("No longer watching content."); } onChange(value) { if (!Settings.get("settings", "customcss", "liveUpdate")) return; this.insertCSS(value); this.saveCSS(value); } loadCSS() { this.savedCss = DataStore.loadCustomCSS(); } insertCSS(newCss) { if (typeof(newCss) === "undefined") newCss = this.insertedCss; else this.insertedCss = newCss; DOMManager.updateCustomCSS(newCss); } saveCSS(newCss) { if (typeof(newCss) !== "undefined") this.savedCss = newCss; DataStore.saveCustomCSS(this.savedCss); } openNative() {`file://${DataStore.customCSS}`); } openDetached(currentCSS) { const editorRef = React.createRef(); const editor = React.createElement(CSSEditor, { id: "bd-floating-editor", ref: editorRef, css: currentCSS, save: this.saveCSS.bind(this), update: this.insertCSS.bind(this), openNative: this.openNative.bind(this), onChange: this.onChange.bind(this) });{ onClose: () => { this.isDetached = false; }, onResize: () => { if (!editorRef || !editorRef.current || !editorRef.current.resize) return; editorRef.current.resize(); }, title: Strings.CustomCSS.editorTitle, id: "floating-editor-window", height: 470, width: 410, center: true, resizable: true, children: editor, confirmClose: () => { if (!editorRef || !editorRef.current) return false; if (Settings.get("settings", "customcss", "liveUpdate")) return false; return editorRef.current.hasUnsavedChanges; }, confirmationText: Strings.CustomCSS.confirmationText }); this.isDetached = true; UserSettings.close(); Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({type: ActionTypes.LAYER_POP}); } };