import * as Locales from "@assets/locales/index"; import DiscordModules from "./discordmodules"; import Utilities from "./utilities"; import Events from "./emitter"; const {LocaleStore} = DiscordModules; export default new class LocaleManager { get discordLocale() {return LocaleStore?.locale ?? this.defaultLocale;} get defaultLocale() {return "en-US";} constructor() { this.strings = Utilities.extend({}, Locales[this.defaultLocale]); } initialize() { this.setLocale(); LocaleStore?.addChangeListener(() => this.setLocale()); } setLocale() { // Reset to the default locale in case a language is incomplete Utilities.extend(this.strings, Locales[this.defaultLocale]); // Get the strings of the new language and extend if a translation exists const newStrings = Locales[this.discordLocale]; if (newStrings) Utilities.extendTruthy(this.strings, newStrings); Events.emit("strings-updated"); } };