import {SettingsCookie, PluginCookie, Plugins} from "data"; import ContentManager from "./contentmanager"; import Utilities from "./utilities"; import Core from "./core"; import BdApi from "./pluginapi"; import Emitter from "./emitter"; import DataStore from "./datastore"; function PluginModule() { } PluginModule.prototype.loadPlugins = function () { this.loadPluginData(); const errors = ContentManager.loadPlugins(); const plugins = Object.keys(Plugins); for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { let plugin, name; try { plugin = Plugins[plugins[i]].plugin; name = plugin.getName(); if (plugin.load && typeof(plugin.load) == "function") plugin.load(); } catch (err) { PluginCookie[name] = false; Utilities.err("Plugins", name + " could not be loaded.", err); errors.push({name: name, file: Plugins[plugins[i]].filename, message: "load() could not be fired.", error: {message: err.message, stack: err.stack}}); continue; } if (!PluginCookie[name]) PluginCookie[name] = false; if (PluginCookie[name]) { try { plugin.start(); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) Core.showToast(`${plugin.getName()} v${plugin.getVersion()} has started.`); } catch (err) { PluginCookie[name] = false; Utilities.err("Plugins", name + " could not be started.", err); errors.push({name: name, file: Plugins[plugins[i]].filename, message: "start() could not be fired.", error: {message: err.message, stack: err.stack}}); } } } this.savePluginData(); require("electron").remote.getCurrentWebContents().on("did-navigate-in-page", this.channelSwitch.bind(this)); // if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-5"]) ContentManager.watchContent("plugin"); return errors; }; PluginModule.prototype.startPlugin = function(plugin, reload = false) { try { Plugins[plugin].plugin.start(); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"] && !reload) Core.showToast(`${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getName()} v${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getVersion()} has started.`); } catch (err) { if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"] && !reload) Core.showToast(`${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getName()} v${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getVersion()} could not be started.`, {type: "error"}); PluginCookie[plugin] = false; this.savePluginData(); Utilities.err("Plugins", plugin + " could not be started.", err); } }; PluginModule.prototype.stopPlugin = function(plugin, reload = false) { try { Plugins[plugin].plugin.stop(); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"] && !reload) Core.showToast(`${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getName()} v${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getVersion()} has stopped.`); } catch (err) { if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"] && !reload) Core.showToast(`${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getName()} v${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getVersion()} could not be stopped.`, {type: "error"}); Utilities.err("Plugins", Plugins[plugin].plugin.getName() + " could not be stopped.", err); } }; PluginModule.prototype.enablePlugin = function (plugin, reload = false) { if (PluginCookie[plugin]) return; PluginCookie[plugin] = true; this.savePluginData(); this.startPlugin(plugin, reload); }; PluginModule.prototype.disablePlugin = function (plugin, reload = false) { if (!PluginCookie[plugin]) return; PluginCookie[plugin] = false; this.savePluginData(); this.stopPlugin(plugin, reload); }; PluginModule.prototype.togglePlugin = function (plugin) { if (PluginCookie[plugin]) this.disablePlugin(plugin); else this.enablePlugin(plugin); }; PluginModule.prototype.loadPlugin = function(filename) { const error = ContentManager.loadContent(filename, "plugin"); if (error) { if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-1"]) Core.showContentErrors({plugins: [error]}); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) BdApi.showToast(`${filename} could not be loaded.`, {type: "error"}); return Utilities.err("ContentManager", `${filename} could not be loaded.`, error); } const plugin = Object.values(Plugins).find(p => p.filename == filename).plugin; try { if (plugin.load && typeof(plugin.load) == "function") plugin.load();} catch (err) {if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-1"]) Core.showContentErrors({plugins: [err]});} Utilities.log("ContentManager", `${plugin.getName()} v${plugin.getVersion()} was loaded.`); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) BdApi.showToast(`${plugin.getName()} v${plugin.getVersion()} was loaded.`, {type: "success"}); Emitter.dispatch("plugin-loaded", plugin.getName()); }; PluginModule.prototype.unloadPlugin = function(filenameOrName) { const bdplugin = Object.values(Plugins).find(p => p.filename == filenameOrName) || Plugins[filenameOrName]; if (!bdplugin) return; const plugin = bdplugin.plugin.getName(); if (PluginCookie[plugin]) this.disablePlugin(plugin, true); const error = ContentManager.unloadContent(Plugins[plugin].filename, "plugin"); delete Plugins[plugin]; if (error) { if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-1"]) Core.showContentErrors({plugins: [error]}); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) BdApi.showToast(`${plugin} could not be unloaded. It may have not been loaded yet.`, {type: "error"}); return Utilities.err("ContentManager", `${plugin} could not be unloaded. It may have not been loaded yet.`, error); } Utilities.log("ContentManager", `${plugin} was unloaded.`); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) BdApi.showToast(`${plugin} was unloaded.`, {type: "success"}); Emitter.dispatch("plugin-unloaded", plugin); }; PluginModule.prototype.reloadPlugin = function(filenameOrName) { const bdplugin = Object.values(Plugins).find(p => p.filename == filenameOrName) || Plugins[filenameOrName]; if (!bdplugin) return this.loadPlugin(filenameOrName); const plugin = bdplugin.plugin.getName(); const enabled = PluginCookie[plugin]; if (enabled) this.stopPlugin(plugin, true); const error = ContentManager.reloadContent(Plugins[plugin].filename, "plugin"); if (error) { if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-1"]) Core.showContentErrors({plugins: [error]}); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) BdApi.showToast(`${plugin} could not be reloaded.`, {type: "error"}); return Utilities.err("ContentManager", `${plugin} could not be reloaded.`, error); } if (Plugins[plugin].plugin.load && typeof(Plugins[plugin].plugin.load) == "function") Plugins[plugin].plugin.load(); if (enabled) this.startPlugin(plugin, true); Utilities.log("ContentManager", `${plugin} v${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getVersion()} was reloaded.`); if (SettingsCookie["fork-ps-2"]) BdApi.showToast(`${plugin} v${Plugins[plugin].plugin.getVersion()} was reloaded.`, {type: "success"}); Emitter.dispatch("plugin-reloaded", plugin); }; PluginModule.prototype.updatePluginList = function() { const results = ContentManager.loadNewContent("plugin"); for (const filename of results.added) this.loadPlugin(filename); for (const name of results.removed) this.unloadPlugin(name); }; PluginModule.prototype.loadPluginData = function () { const saved = DataStore.getSettingGroup("plugins"); if (!saved) return; Object.assign(PluginCookie, saved); }; PluginModule.prototype.savePluginData = function () { DataStore.setSettingGroup("plugins", PluginCookie); }; PluginModule.prototype.newMessage = function () { const plugins = Object.keys(Plugins); for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { const plugin = Plugins[plugins[i]].plugin; if (!PluginCookie[plugin.getName()]) continue; if (typeof plugin.onMessage === "function") { try { plugin.onMessage(); } catch (err) { Utilities.err("Plugins", "Unable to fire onMessage for " + plugin.getName() + ".", err); } } } }; PluginModule.prototype.channelSwitch = function () { const plugins = Object.keys(Plugins); for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { const plugin = Plugins[plugins[i]].plugin; if (!PluginCookie[plugin.getName()]) continue; if (typeof plugin.onSwitch === "function") { try { plugin.onSwitch(); } catch (err) { Utilities.err("Plugins", "Unable to fire onSwitch for " + plugin.getName() + ".", err); } } } }; PluginModule.prototype.rawObserver = function(e) { const plugins = Object.keys(Plugins); for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { const plugin = Plugins[plugins[i]].plugin; if (!PluginCookie[plugin.getName()]) continue; if (typeof === "function") { try {; } catch (err) { Utilities.err("Plugins", "Unable to fire observer for " + plugin.getName() + ".", err); } } } }; export default new PluginModule();