{ "Panels": { "plugins": "Plugins", "themes": "Themes", "customcss": "Custom CSS" }, "Collections": { "settings": { "name": "Settings", "general": { "name": "General", "emotes": { "name": "Emote System", "note": "Enables BD's emote system" }, "publicServers": { "name": "Public Servers", "note": "Display public servers button" }, "voiceDisconnect": { "name": "Voice Disconnect", "note": "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord" }, "twentyFourHour": { "name": "24-Hour Timestamps", "note": "Hides channels when in minimal mode" }, "classNormalizer": { "name": "Normalize Classes", "note": "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)" }, "showToasts": { "name": "Show Toasts", "note": "Shows a small notification for important information" } }, "appearance": { "name": "Appearance", "voiceMode": { "name": "Voice Mode", "note": "Hides everything that isn't voice chat" }, "minimalMode": { "name": "Minimal Mode", "note": "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements" }, "hideChannels": { "name": "Hide Channels", "note": "Hides channels when in minimal mode" }, "darkMode": { "name": "Dark Mode", "note": "Make certain elements dark by default" }, "coloredText": { "name": "Colored Text", "note": "Make text colour the same as role color" } }, "addons": { "name": "Addon Manager", "addonErrors": { "name": "Show Addon Errors", "note": "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors" }, "autoScroll": { "name": "Scroll To Settings", "note": "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)" }, "autoReload": { "name": "Automatic Loading", "note": "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes" } }, "customcss": { "name": "Custom CSS", "customcss": { "name": "Custom CSS", "note": "Enables the Custom CSS tab" }, "liveUpdate": { "name": "Live Update", "note": "Updates the css as you type" }, "startDetached": { "name": "Start Detached", "note": "Clicking the Custom CSS tab opens the editor in a separate window" }, "nativeOpen": { "name": "Open in Native Editor", "note": "Clicking the Custom CSS tab opens your custom css in your native editor" } }, "developer": { "name": "Developer Settings", "developerMode": { "name": "Developer Mode", "note": "Allows activating debugger when pressing F8" }, "copySelector": { "name": "Copy Selector", "note": "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active" } }, "window": { "name": "Window Preferences", "transparency": { "name": "Enable Transparency", "note": "Enables the main window to be see-through (requires restart)" }, "frame": { "name": "Window Frame", "note": "Adds the native os window frame to the main window" } } }, "emotes": { "name": "Emotes", "general": { "name": "General", "download": { "name": "Download Emotes", "note": "Download emotes once a week to stay up to date" }, "emoteMenu": { "name": "Emote Menu", "note": "Show Twitch/Favourite emotes in emote menu" }, "hideEmojiMenu": { "name": "Hide Emoji Menu", "note": "Hides Discord's emoji menu when using emote menu" }, "autoCaps": { "name": "Emote Autocapitalization", "note": "Autocapitalize emote commands" }, "showNames": { "name": "Show Names", "note": "Show emote names on hover" }, "modifiers": { "name": "Show Emote Modifiers", "note": "Enable emote mods (flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap)" }, "animateOnHover": { "name": "Animate On Hover", "note": "Only animate the emote modifiers on hover" } }, "categories": { "name": "Categories", "twitch": { "name": "Twitch", "note": "Show Twitch global & subscriber emotes" }, "ffz": { "name": "FrankerFaceZ", "note": "Show emotes from FFZ" }, "bttv": { "name": "BetterTTV", "note": "Show emotes from BTTV" } } } }, "Addons": { "title": "{{name}} v{{version}} by {{author}}", "openFolder": "Open {{type}} Folder", "reload": "Reload", "pluginSettings": "Settings", "website": "Website", "source": "Source", "server": "Support Server", "donate": "Donate" }, "Emotes": { "downloading": "Downloading emotes in the background do not reload.", "downloaded": "All emotes successfully downloaded.", "clearEmotes": "Clear Emote Data", "favoriteAction": "Favorite!" }, "CustomCSS": { "confirmationText": "You have unsaved changes to your Custom CSS. Closing this window will lose all those changes.", "update": "Update", "save": "Save", "openNative": "Open in System Editor", "openDetached": "Detach Window", "settings": "Editor Settings", "editorTitle": "Custom CSS Editor" }, "PublicServers": { "button": "public", "join": "Join", "joining": "Joining", "joined": "Joined", "loading": "Loading", "loadMore": "Load More", "notConnected": "Not connected to DiscordServers.com!", "search": "Search", "connect": "Connect", "reconnect": "Reconnect", "categories": "Categories", "connection": "Connected as: {{username}}#{{discriminator}}", "results": "Showing {{start}}-{{end}} of {{total}} results in {{category}}", "query": "for {{query}}" }, "Modals": { "confirmClose": "Are You Sure?", "okay": "Okay", "cancel": "Cancel", "name": "Name", "message": "Message", "error": "Error", "addonErrors": "Addon Errors" } }