/* BetterDiscordApp Core JavaScript * Version: 1.78 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 27/08/2015 - 16:36 * Last Update: 01/05/2016 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp */ /*Localstorage fix*/ (function() { let __fs = window.require("fs"); let __process = window.require("process"); let __platform = __process.platform; let __dataPath = (__platform === 'win32' ? __process.env.APPDATA : __platform === 'darwin' ? __process.env.HOME + '/Library/Preferences' : process.env.HOME + '/.config') + '/BetterDiscord/'; let __data = {}; if(__fs.existsSync(`${__dataPath}localStorage.json`)) { try { __data = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(`${__dataPath}localStorage.json`)) }catch(err) { console.log(err); } } else if(__fs.existsSync("localStorage.json")) { try { __data = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync("localStorage.json")); }catch(err) { console.log(err); } } var __ls = __data; __ls.setItem = function(i, v) { __ls[i] = v; this.save(); }; __ls.getItem = function(i) { return __ls[i] || null; }; __ls.save = function() { __fs.writeFileSync(`${__dataPath}/localStorage.json`, JSON.stringify(this), null, 4); }; var __proxy = new Proxy(__ls, { set: function(target, name, val, receiver) { __ls[name] = val; __ls.save(); }, get: function(target, name, receiver) { return __ls[name] || null; } }); window.localStorage = __proxy; })(); (() => { let v2Loader = document.createElement('div'); v2Loader.className = "bd-loaderv2"; v2Loader.title = "BetterDiscord is loading..."; document.body.appendChild(v2Loader); })(); window.bdStorage = {}; window.bdStorage.get = function(i) { return betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'storage', 'cmd': 'get', 'var': i }); }; window.bdStorage.set = function(i, v) { betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'storage', 'cmd': 'set', 'var': i, 'data': v }); }; window.bdPluginStorage = {}; window.bdPluginStorage.get = function(pn, i) { return betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'pluginstorage', 'cmd': 'get', 'pn': pn, 'var': i }); }; window.bdPluginStorage.set = function(pn, i, v) { betterDiscordIPC.sendSync('synchronous-message', { 'arg': 'pluginstorage', 'cmd': 'set', 'pn': pn, 'var': i, 'data': v }); }; betterDiscordIPC.on('asynchronous-reply', (event, arg) => { console.log(event); console.log(arg); }); var settingsPanel, emoteModule, utils, quickEmoteMenu, opublicServers, voiceMode, pluginModule, themeModule, customCssEditor, dMode; var jsVersion = 1.792; var supportedVersion = "0.2.81"; var mainObserver; var twitchEmoteUrlStart = "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/"; var twitchEmoteUrlEnd = "/1.0"; var ffzEmoteUrlStart = "https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/emoticon/"; var ffzEmoteUrlEnd = "/1"; var bttvEmoteUrlStart = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/"; var bttvEmoteUrlEnd = "/1x"; var mainCore; var settings = { "Save logs locally": { "id": "bda-gs-0", "info": "Saves chat logs locally", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Public Servers": { "id": "bda-gs-1", "info": "Display public servers button", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Minimal Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-2", "info": "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Voice Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-4", "info": "Only show voice chat", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Hide Channels": { "id": "bda-gs-3", "info": "Hide channels in minimal mode", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Dark Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-5", "info": "Make certain elements dark by default(wip)", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Override Default Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-5", "info": "Override default emotes", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Voice Disconnect": { "id": "bda-dc-0", "info": "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Custom css live update": { "id": "bda-css-0", "info": "", "implemented": true, "hidden": true, "cat": "core"}, "Custom css auto udpate": { "id": "bda-css-1", "info": "", "implemented": true, "hidden": true, "cat": "core"}, "24 Hour Timestamps": { "id": "bda-gs-6", "info": "Replace 12hr timestamps with proper ones", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Coloured Text": { "id": "bda-gs-7", "info": "Make text colour the same as role colour", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "BetterDiscord Blue": { "id": "bda-gs-b", "info": "Replace Discord blue with BD Blue", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Developer Mode": { "id": "bda-gs-8", "info": "Developer Mode", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "core"}, "Twitch Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-7", "info": "Show Twitch emotes", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "FrankerFaceZ Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-1", "info": "Show FrankerFaceZ Emotes", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "BetterTTV Emotes": { "id": "bda-es-2", "info": "Show BetterTTV Emotes", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "Emote Menu": { "id": "bda-es-0", "info": "Show Twitch/Favourite emotes in emote menu", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "Emoji Menu": { "id": "bda-es-9", "info": "Show Discord emoji menu", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "Emote Autocomplete": { "id": "bda-es-3", "info": "Autocomplete emote commands", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "Emote Auto Capitalization": { "id": "bda-es-4", "info": "Autocapitalize emote commands", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "Show Names": { "id": "bda-es-6", "info": "Show emote names on hover", "implemented": true, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, "Show emote modifiers": { "id": "bda-es-8", "info": "Enable emote mods", "implemented": false, "hidden": false, "cat": "emote"}, }; var links = { "Jiiks.net": { "text": "Jiiks.net", "href": "thtp://jiiks.net", "target": "_blank" }, "twitter": { "text": "Twitter", "href": "http://twitter.com/jiiksi", "target": "_blank" }, "github": { "text": "Github", "href": "http://github.com/jiiks", "target": "_blank" } }; var defaultCookie = { "version": jsVersion, "bda-gs-0": false, "bda-gs-1": false, "bda-gs-2": false, "bda-gs-3": false, "bda-gs-4": false, "bda-gs-5": true, "bda-gs-6": false, "bda-gs-7": false, "bda-gs-8": false, "bda-es-0": true, "bda-es-1": true, "bda-es-2": true, "bda-es-3": false, "bda-es-4": false, "bda-es-5": true, "bda-es-6": true, "bda-es-7": true, "bda-gs-b": true, "bda-es-8": true, "bda-jd": true, "bda-dc-0": false, "bda-css-0": false, "bda-css-1": false, "bda-es-9": true }; var bdchangelog = { "changes": { "0a": { "title": "1.78 : Temp support for new settingspanel", "text": "Added temp support for Discord's new settingspanel until v2.", "img": "" }, "0b": { "title": "1.78 : Public Servers", "text": "New look and flow for public servers", "img": "" }, "0c": { "title": "1.78 : New loading icon", "text": "New loading icon will now display in bottom right when BD is loading.", "img": "" }, "0d": { "title": "1.78 : New CustomCSS editor look", "text": "Updated CustomCSS editor with dark theme", "img": "" }, "0e": { "title": "1.78 : BetterDiscord Blue", "text": "Replace Discord blue with BetterDiscord blue!", "img": "" } }, "fixes": { "0a": { "title": "1.792 : Fixed settingspanel injection", "text": "Still has some minor bugs", "img": "" }, "0b": { "title": "1.791 : Restored Buttons", "text": "Restored Open Theme Folder and Open Plugin Folder buttons", "img": "" }, "0c": { "title": "1.79 : Settings Saving", "text": "Fixed settings not saving with new settings panel", "img": "" } } }; var settingsCookie = {}; function Core() {} Core.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; var lVersion = (typeof(version) === "undefined") ? bdVersion : version; if (lVersion < supportedVersion) { this.alert("Not Supported", "BetterDiscord v" + lVersion + "(your version)" + " is not supported by the latest js(" + jsVersion + ").

Please download the latest version from BetterDiscord.net"); return; } utils = new Utils(); var sock = new BdWSocket(); sock.start(); utils.getHash(); emoteModule = new EmoteModule(); quickEmoteMenu = new QuickEmoteMenu(); voiceMode = new VoiceMode(); dMode = new devMode(); emoteModule.init(); this.initSettings(); this.initObserver(); //Incase were too fast function gwDefer() { console.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer"); if (document.querySelectorAll('.guilds .guild').length > 0) { console.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer Loaded"); //opublicServers = new PublicServers(); customCssEditor = new CustomCssEditor(); pluginModule = new PluginModule(); pluginModule.loadPlugins(); if (typeof (themesupport2) !== "undefined") { themeModule = new ThemeModule(); themeModule.loadThemes(); } settingsPanel = new SettingsPanel(); settingsPanel.init(); quickEmoteMenu.init(false); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function(){ if(settingsCookie["bda-dc-0"]){ document.querySelector('.btn.btn-disconnect').click(); } }); //opublicServers.init(); emoteModule.autoCapitalize(); /*Display new features in BetterDiscord*/ if (settingsCookie["version"] < jsVersion) { var cl = self.constructChangelog(); settingsCookie["version"] = jsVersion; self.saveSettings(); } $("head").append(""); $("head").append(''); document.getElementsByClassName("bd-loaderv2")[0].remove(); } else { setTimeout(gwDefer, 100); } } $(document).ready(function () { setTimeout(gwDefer, 1000); }); }; Core.prototype.initSettings = function () { if ($.cookie("better-discord") == undefined) { settingsCookie = defaultCookie; this.saveSettings(); } else { this.loadSettings(); for (var setting in defaultCookie) { if (settingsCookie[setting] == undefined) { settingsCookie[setting] = defaultCookie[setting]; this.saveSettings(); } } } }; Core.prototype.saveSettings = function () { $.cookie("better-discord", JSON.stringify(settingsCookie), { expires: 365, path: '/' }); }; Core.prototype.loadSettings = function () { settingsCookie = JSON.parse($.cookie("better-discord")); }; Core.prototype.initObserver = function () { mainObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if(settingsPanel !== undefined) settingsPanel.inject(mutation); if(mutation.target.querySelectorAll(".emoji-picker").length) { var fc = mutation.target.firstChild; if(fc.classList.contains("popout")) { quickEmoteMenu.obsCallback(fc); } } if (typeof pluginModule !== "undefined") pluginModule.rawObserver(mutation); if (mutation.target.getAttribute('class') != null) { //console.log(mutation.target) if(mutation.target.classList.contains('title-wrap') || mutation.target.classList.contains('chat')){ // quickEmoteMenu.obsCallback(); voiceMode.obsCallback(); if (typeof pluginModule !== "undefined") pluginModule.channelSwitch(); } if (mutation.target.getAttribute('class').indexOf('scroller messages') != -1) { if (typeof pluginModule !== "undefined") pluginModule.newMessage(); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-6"]) { document.querySelectorAll('.timestamp').forEach(elem => { if (elem.getAttribute("data-24")) return; elem.setAttribute("data-24", true); let text = elem.innerText || elem.textContent; let matches = /(.*)?at\s+(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s+(.*)/.exec(text); if(matches == null) return; if(matches.length < 5) return; var h = parseInt(matches[2]); if(matches[4] == "AM") { if(h == 12) h -= 12; }else if(matches[4] == "PM") { if(h < 12) h += 12; } matches[2] = ('0' + h).slice(-2); elem.innerText = matches[1] + " at " + matches[2] + ":" + matches[3]; }); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-7"]) { document.querySelectorAll('.user-name').forEach(elem => { let color = elem.style.color; if (color === "rgb(255, 255, 255)") return; elem.closest(".message-group").querySelectorAll('.markup').forEach(elem => { if (elem.getAttribute("data-color")) return; elem.setAttribute("data-color", true); elem.style.setProperty("color", color); }); }); } } emoteModule.obsCallback(mutation); }); }); //noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures mainObserver.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }; Core.prototype.constructChangelog = function () { var changeLog = '' + ''; return changeLog; }; Core.prototype.alert = function (title, text) { var id = ''; for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ) id += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".length)); var bdAlert = '\ \ '; $("body").append(bdAlert); utils.addBackdrop(id); }; /* BetterDiscordApp EmoteModule JavaScript * Version: 1.5 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 26/08/2015 - 15:29 * Last Update: 14/10/2015 - 09:48 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp * Note: Due to conflicts autocapitalize only supports global emotes */ /* * =Changelog= * -v1.5 * --Twitchemotes.com api */ var emotesFfz = {}; var emotesBTTV = {}; var emotesTwitch = { "emote": { "id": 0 } }; //for ide var subEmotesTwitch = {}; function EmoteModule() {} EmoteModule.prototype.init = function () {}; EmoteModule.prototype.getBlacklist = function () { $.getJSON("https://cdn.rawgit.com/Jiiks/betterDiscordApp/" + _hash + "/data/emotefilter.json", function (data) { bemotes = data.blacklist; }); }; EmoteModule.prototype.obsCallback = function (mutation) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; ++i) { var next = mutation.addedNodes.item(i); if (next) { var nodes = self.getNodes(next); for (var node in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(node)) { var elem = nodes[node].parentElement; if (elem && elem.classList.contains('edited')) { self.injectEmote(elem); } else { self.injectEmote(nodes[node]); } } } } } }; EmoteModule.prototype.getNodes = function (node) { var next; var nodes = []; var treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); while (next = treeWalker.nextNode()) { nodes.push(next); } return nodes; }; var bemotes = []; var spoilered = []; EmoteModule.prototype.injectEmote = function(node) { var self = this; if (!node.parentElement) return; var parent = $(node).parent(); if(!parent.hasClass("markup") && !parent.hasClass("message-content")) return; function inject() { var contents = parent.contents(); contents.each(function(i) { if(contents[i] == undefined) return; var nodeValue = contents[i].nodeValue; if(nodeValue == null) return; //if(nodeValue.indexOf("react-") > -1) return; if(contents[i].nodeType == 8) return; contents.splice(i, 1); var words = nodeValue.split(/([^\s]+)([\s]|$)/g).filter(function(e){ return e}); var splice = 0; var doInject = false; var text = null; words.forEach(function(w, index, a) { if(w.indexOf("[!s]") > -1) { w = w.replace("[!s]", ""); parent.data("spoilered", false); parent.addClass("spoiler"); } var allowedClasses = ["flip", "spin", "pulse", "spin2", "spin3", "1spin", "2spin", "3spin", "tr", "bl", "br", "shake", "shake2", "shake3", "flap"]; var useEmoteClass = false; var emoteClass = ""; var skipffz = false; var sw = w; if(w.indexOf(":") > -1) { var split = w.split(":"); if(split[0] != "" && split[1] != "") { if(allowedClasses.indexOf(split[1]) > -1) { sw = split[0]; emoteClass = settingsCookie["bda-es-8"] ? "emote" + split[1] : ""; } if(split[1] == "bttv") { sw = split[0]; skipffz = true; } } } if ($.inArray(sw, bemotes) == -1) { if(typeof emotesTwitch !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-7"]) { if(emotesTwitch.hasOwnProperty(sw) && sw.length >= 4) { if(text != null) { contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, document.createTextNode(text)); text = null;} var url = twitchEmoteUrlStart + emotesTwitch[sw].id + twitchEmoteUrlEnd; contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, self.createEmoteElement(sw, url, emoteClass)); doInject = true; return; } } if(typeof subEmotesTwitch !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-7"]) { if(subEmotesTwitch.hasOwnProperty(sw) && sw.length >= 4) { if(text != null) { contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, document.createTextNode(text)); text = null;} var url = twitchEmoteUrlStart + subEmotesTwitch[sw] + twitchEmoteUrlEnd; contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, self.createEmoteElement(sw, url, emoteClass)); doInject = true; return; } } if (typeof emotesBTTV !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-2"]) { if(emotesBTTV.hasOwnProperty(sw) && sw.length >= 4) { if(text != null) { contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, document.createTextNode(text)); text = null;} var url = emotesBTTV[sw]; contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, self.createEmoteElement(sw, url, emoteClass)); doInject = true; return; } } if ((typeof emotesFfz !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-1"]) && (!skipffz || !emotesBTTV2.hasOwnProperty(sw))) { if(emotesFfz.hasOwnProperty(sw) && sw.length >= 4) { if(text != null) { contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, document.createTextNode(text)); text = null;} var url = ffzEmoteUrlStart + emotesFfz[sw] + ffzEmoteUrlEnd; contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, self.createEmoteElement(sw, url, emoteClass)); doInject = true; return; } } if (typeof emotesBTTV2 !== 'undefined' && settingsCookie["bda-es-2"]) { if(emotesBTTV2.hasOwnProperty(sw) && sw.length >= 4) { if(text != null) { contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, document.createTextNode(text)); text = null;} var url = bttvEmoteUrlStart + emotesBTTV2[sw] + bttvEmoteUrlEnd; if(skipffz && emotesFfz.hasOwnProperty(sw)) sw = sw + ":bttv"; contents.splice(i + splice++, 0, self.createEmoteElement(sw, url, emoteClass)); doInject = true; return; } } } if(text == null) { text = w; } else { text += "" + w; } if(index === a.length - 1) { contents.splice(i + splice, 0, document.createTextNode(text)); } }); if(doInject) { var oldHeight = parent.outerHeight(); parent.html(contents); var scrollPane = $(".scroller.messages").first(); scrollPane.scrollTop(scrollPane.scrollTop() + (parent.outerHeight() - oldHeight)); } }); } inject(); if(parent.children().hasClass("edited")) { setTimeout(inject, 250); } }; EmoteModule.prototype.createEmoteElement = function(word, url, mod) { var len = Math.round(word.length / 4); var name = word.substr(0, len) + "\uFDD9" + word.substr(len, len) + "\uFDD9" + word.substr(len * 2, len) + "\uFDD9" + word.substr(len * 3); var html = '' + name + ''; return $.parseHTML(html.replace(new RegExp("\uFDD9", "g"), ""))[0]; }; EmoteModule.prototype.autoCapitalize = function () { var self = this; $('body').delegate($(".channelTextArea-1HTP3C textarea:first"), 'keyup change paste', function () { if (!settingsCookie["bda-es-4"]) return; var text = $(".channelTextArea-1HTP3C textarea:first").val(); if (text == undefined) return; var lastWord = text.split(" ").pop(); if (lastWord.length > 3) { if (lastWord == "danSgame") return; var ret = self.capitalize(lastWord.toLowerCase()); if (ret !== null && ret !== undefined) { console.log(text.replace(lastWord, ret)); utils.insertText(utils.getTextArea()[0], text.replace(lastWord, ret)); } } }); }; EmoteModule.prototype.capitalize = function (value) { var res = emotesTwitch; for (var p in res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty(p) && value == (p + '').toLowerCase()) { return p; } } }; /* BetterDiscordApp PublicSevers JavaScripts * Version: 1.0 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 27/08/2015 - 14:16 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp */ class PublicServers { constructor() { this.v2p = new V2_PublicServers(); } get endPoint() { return 'https://search.discordservers.com'; } get button() { let self = this; let btn = $("
", { class: 'guild', id: 'bd-pub-li', css: { 'height': '20px', 'display': settingsCookie['bda-gs-1'] ? "" : "none" } }).append($("
", { class: 'guild-inner', css: { 'height': '20px', 'border-radius': '4px' } }).append($("", { }).append($("
", { text: 'public', id: 'bd-pub-button', css: { 'line-height': '20px', 'font-size': '12px' }, click: () => { self.v2p.render(); } })))); return btn; } init() { let self = this; let guilds = $(".guilds>:first-child"); guilds.after(self.button); } get layer() { let self = this; let layer = ``; layer = $(layer); layer.on("blur", e => { if(e.relatedTarget.id === 'bd-pubs-search') return; layer.focus(); console.log("blur:"); console.log(e); }); layer.on("keydown", e => { if(e.which === 13 && e.target.id === 'bd-pubs-search') { let category = $("#bd-pubs-layer .ui-tab-bar-item.selected").text(); if(category === 'All') category = ''; self.search(self.query({'term': e.target.value, 'category': category}), true); return; } if(e.which !== 27) return; self.hide(); }); layer.find('.btn-close').on('click', e => { self.hide(); }); layer.find('.ui-tab-bar.SIDE .ui-tab-bar-item').on('click', e => { let category = e.target.textContent; if(category === 'All') category = ''; self.search(self.query({'term': $("#bd-pubs-search").val(), 'category': category}), true); }); return layer; } serverCard(serverInfo) { return `
${serverInfo.online}/${serverInfo.members} Members
${serverInfo.categories.join(" ,")}
`; } get bdServerCard() { let serverInfo = { 'name': 'BetterDiscord', 'icon': 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/86004744966914048/c8d49dc02248e1f55caeb897c3e1a26e.webp', 'online': '7500+', 'members': '20000+', 'description': 'Official BetterDiscord support server' }; return `
Too many members
`; } getPanel() { console.log("pubs get panel"); return '
'; } getPinnedServer() { console.log("pubs get pinned server"); return '
'; } hidePinnedServer() { console.log("pubs hide pinned server"); } showPinnedServer() { console.log("pubs show pinned server"); } show() { let self = this; $(".layers").append(self.layer); //self.search("", true); } hide() { $("#bd-pubs-layer").remove(); } loadServers(dataset, search, clear) { console.log("pubs load servers"); } search(query, clear) { let self = this; let $list = $("#bd-pubs-listing"); if(clear) { $list.empty(); $("#bd-pubs-listing-container").hide(); $("#bd-pubs-bg-spinner").show(); } $.ajax({ method: 'GET', url: `${self.endPoint}?${query}`, success: data => { $list.append(self.bdServerCard); data.results.map(server => { $list.append(self.serverCard(server)); }); $("#bd-pubs-listing-container").show(); $("#bd-pubs-bg-spinner").hide(); self.setSearchText(1, $(".bd-server-card").size(), data.total, null, $("#bd-pubs-search").val()); } }); } setSearchText(start, end, total, category, term) { if(!category) category = $("#bd-pubs-layer .ui-tab-bar-item.selected").text(); let text = `Showing ${start}-${end} of ${total} results in ${category}`; if(term && term.length) text += ` for: ${term}`; $("#bd-pubs-results").text(text); } get next() { let self = this; if(!self.next) return null; } joinServer(code) { console.log("pubs join"); } joinServerDirect(code) { console.log("pubs join direct"); } escape(unsafe) { console.log("pubs escape"); } query(params) { return require('querystring').stringify(params); } } /* BetterDiscordApp QuickEmoteMenu JavaScript * Version: 1.3 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 26/08/2015 - 11:49 * Last Update: 29/08/2015 - 11:46 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp */ function QuickEmoteMenu() { } QuickEmoteMenu.prototype.init = function() { $(document).on("mousedown", function(e) { if(e.target.id != "rmenu") $("#rmenu").remove(); }); this.favoriteEmotes = {}; var fe = bdStorage.get("bdfavemotes"); if (fe !== "" && fe !== null) { this.favoriteEmotes = JSON.parse(atob(fe)); } var qmeHeader=""; qmeHeader += "
"; qmeHeader += " "; attachEditor += " <\/div>"; attachEditor += "<\/div>"; this.attachEditor = attachEditor; $("#bd-customcss-innerpane").append(attachEditor); $("#bd-customcss-detached-update").on("click", function() { self.applyCustomCss(self.editor.getValue(), true, false); return false; }); $("#bd-customcss-detached-save").on("click", function() { self.applyCustomCss(self.editor.getValue(), false, true); return false; }); var detachEditor=""; detachEditor += "
"; detachEditor += "
"; detachEditor += " <\/div>"; detachEditor += "<\/div>"; this.detachedEditor = detachEditor; }; CustomCssEditor.prototype.attach = function() { $("#editor-detached").hide(); $("#app-mount").removeClass("bd-detached-editor"); $("#bd-customcss-pane").append($("#bd-customcss-innerpane")); $("#bd-customcss-detached-detach").show(); $("#bd-customcss-detach-container").remove(); }; CustomCssEditor.prototype.detach = function() { var self = this; this.attach(); $("#editor-detached").show(); $("#bd-customcss-detached-detach").hide(); $("#app-mount").addClass("bd-detached-editor"); $(".app").parent().append(this.detachedEditor); $("#bd-customcss-detach-editor").append($("#bd-customcss-innerpane")); }; CustomCssEditor.prototype.applyCustomCss = function (css, forceupdate, forcesave) { if ($("#customcss").length == 0) { $("head").append(''); } if(forceupdate || settingsCookie["bda-css-0"]) { $("#customcss").html(css); } if(forcesave) { window.bdStorage.set("bdcustomcss", btoa(css)); } }; /* BetterDiscordApp Settings Panel JavaScript * Version: 2.0 * Author: Jiiks | http://jiiks.net * Date: 26/08/2015 - 11:54 * Last Update: 27/11/2015 - 00:50 * https://github.com/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp */ var settingsButton = null; var panel = null; function SettingsPanel() { utils.injectJs("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.25.0/codemirror.min.js"); utils.injectJs("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.25.0/mode/css/css.min.js"); utils.injectJs("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.25.0/addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.min.js"); utils.injectCss("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.25.0/addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.min.css"); utils.injectCss("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.25.0/theme/material.min.css"); utils.injectJs("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Sortable/1.4.2/Sortable.min.js"); } SettingsPanel.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; self.v2SettingsPanel = new V2_SettingsPanel(); self.construct(); var body = $("body"); if (settingsCookie["bda-es-0"]) { $("#twitchcord-button-container").show(); } else { $("#twitchcord-button-container").hide(); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-2"]) { body.addClass("bd-minimal"); } else { body.removeClass("bd-minimal"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-3"]) { body.addClass("bd-minimal-chan"); } else { body.removeClass("bd-minimal-chan"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-4"]) { voiceMode.enable(); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-5"]) { $("#app-mount").addClass("bda-dark"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-es-6"]) { //Pretty emote titles emoteNamePopup = $("
"); $(document).on("mouseover", ".emote", function () { var x = $(this).offset(); var title = $(this).attr("alt"); $(emoteNamePopup).find(".tipsy-inner").text(title); $(emoteNamePopup).css('left', x.left - 25); $(emoteNamePopup).css('top', x.top - 37); $(".app").append($(emoteNamePopup)); }); $(document).on("mouseleave", ".emote", function () { $(".tipsy").remove(); }); } else { $(document).off('mouseover', '.emote'); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-8"]) { dMode.enable(); } else { dMode.disable(); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-b"]) { $("body").addClass("bd-blue"); } else { $("body").removeClass("bd-blue"); } }; var customCssInitialized = false; var lastTab = ""; SettingsPanel.prototype.changeTab = function (tab) { var self = this; lastTab = tab; var controlGroups = $("#bd-control-groups"); $(".bd-tab").removeClass("selected"); $(".bd-pane").hide(); $("#" + tab).addClass("selected"); $("#" + tab.replace("tab", "pane")).show(); switch (tab) { case "bd-settings-tab": $(".bda-slist-top").show(); break; case "bd-emotes-tab": $(".bda-slist-top").show(); break; case "bd-customcss-tab": $(".bda-slist-top").show(); if (!customCssInitialized) { customCssEditor.init(); customCssInitialized = true; } break; case "bd-themes-tab": $(".bda-slist-top:first").hide(); break; case "bd-plugins-tab": $(".bda-slist-top:first").hide(); break; default: $(".bda-slist-top").show(); break; } }; SettingsPanel.prototype.updateSetting = function (checkbox) { var cb = $(checkbox).children().find('input[type="checkbox"]'); var enabled = !cb.is(":checked"); var id = cb.attr("id"); cb.prop("checked", enabled); if(id == "bda-css-2") { $("#app-mount").removeClass("bd-hide-bd"); customCssEditor.hideBackdrop = enabled; if(enabled) { $("#app-mount").addClass("bd-hide-bd") } } if(id == "bda-gs-8" && enabled) { mainCore.alert("Developer Mode Enabled", "Use F8 to break/resume execution
More coming soon") } settingsCookie[id] = enabled; this.updateSettings(); }; SettingsPanel.prototype.updateSettings = function() { if (settingsCookie["bda-es-0"]) { $("#twitchcord-button-container").show(); } else { $("#twitchcord-button-container").hide(); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-b"]) { $("body").addClass("bd-blue"); } else { $("body").removeClass("bd-blue"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-2"]) { $("body").addClass("bd-minimal"); } else { $("body").removeClass("bd-minimal"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-3"]) { $("body").addClass("bd-minimal-chan"); } else { $("body").removeClass("bd-minimal-chan"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-1"]) { $("#bd-pub-li").show(); } else { $("#bd-pub-li").hide(); } if (settingsCookie["bda-gs-4"]) { voiceMode.enable(); } else { voiceMode.disable(); } $("#app-mount").removeClass("bda-dark"); if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-5"]) { $("#app-mount").addClass("bda-dark"); } if (settingsCookie["bda-es-6"]) { //Pretty emote titles emoteNamePopup = $("
"); $(document).on("mouseover", ".emote", function () { var x = $(this).offset(); var title = $(this).attr("alt"); $(emoteNamePopup).find(".tipsy-inner").text(title); $(emoteNamePopup).css('left', x.left - 25); $(emoteNamePopup).css('top', x.top - 32); $("div[data-reactid='.0.1.1']").append($(emoteNamePopup)); }); $(document).on("mouseleave", ".emote", function () { $(".tipsy").remove(); }); } else { $(document).off('mouseover', '.emote'); } if(settingsCookie["bda-gs-8"]) { dMode.enable(); } else { dMode.disable(); } mainCore.saveSettings(); }; SettingsPanel.prototype.construct = function () { var self = this; panel = $("
", { id: "bd-pane", class: "settings-inner", css: { "display": "none" } }); //Panel start and core settings var settingsInner = '\
Custom CSS\
\ \ \
\ \ '; //End core settings //Emote settings settingsInner += '\ \ '; //End emote settings //Custom CSS Editor var _ccss = window.bdStorage.get("bdcustomcss"); var ccss = ""; if(_ccss !== null && _ccss !== "") { ccss = atob(_ccss); } customCssEditor.applyCustomCss(ccss, true, false); settingsInner += '\ \ '; //End Custom CSS Editor //Plugin pane settingsInner += '\
\ \ \
    \ '; $.each(bdplugins, function() { var plugin = this["plugin"]; var hasSettings = false; if(typeof(plugin.getSettingsPanel) == "function") { hasSettings = plugin.getSettingsPanel() != null && plugin.getSettingsPanel() != ""; } settingsInner += '\
  • \
    \ '+plugin.getName()+' v'+plugin.getVersion()+' by '+plugin.getAuthor()+'\
    \ \ \
    \ \
    \ \ \
  • \ '; }); settingsInner += '\
\ '; //End plugin pane //Theme pane settingsInner += '\ \ '; //End theme panel //Footer settingsInner += '\
\ '; function showSettings() { $(".tab-bar-item").removeClass("selected"); settingsButton.addClass("selected"); $(".form .settings-right .settings-inner").first().hide(); panel.show(); if (lastTab == "") { self.changeTab("bd-settings-tab"); } else { self.changeTab(lastTab); } } settingsButton = $("
", { class: "tab-bar-item", text: "BetterDiscord", id: "bd-settings-new", click: showSettings }); panel.html(settingsInner); this.panel = panel; }; SettingsPanel.prototype.inject = function(mutation) { if(this.injectNew(mutation)) return; if(mutation.type != "childList") return; if(mutation.addedNodes.length <= 0) return; if($(mutation.addedNodes[0]).find(".user-settings-modal").length <= 0) return; var self = this; this.panel.hide(); var tabBar = $(".tab-bar.SIDE").first(); $(".tab-bar.SIDE .tab-bar-item").click(function () { $(".form .settings-right .settings-inner").first().show(); $("#bd-settings-new").removeClass("selected"); self.panel.hide(); }); tabBar.append(settingsButton); $(".form .settings-right .settings-inner").last().after(self.panel); $("#bd-settings-new").removeClass("selected"); }; /*New settingspanel temp until v2*/ SettingsPanel.prototype.injectNew = function(mutation) { let self = this; if(!mutation.target.classList.contains("layers")) return; if($(".guild-settings-base-section").length) { try { mutation.addedNodes[0].setAttribute('layer-id', 'server-settings'); }catch(err) {} } if(!$(".user-settings-account").length) return; try { mutation.addedNodes[0].setAttribute('layer-id', 'user-settings'); }catch(err) {} // if(!$(".ui-tab-bar-header:contains('App Settings')").length) return; if($("#bd-settings-sidebar").length) return; self.v2SettingsPanel.renderSidebar(); /*$(".ui-tab-bar-item").off("click.bd").on("click.bd", e => { $(".ui-tab-bar-item").removeClass("selected"); $(e.target).addClass("selected"); self.hideBdSettingsPane(); }); let changeLogBtn = $(".ui-tab-bar-item:contains('Change Log')"); let bdBtn = $("
", { class: 'ui-tab-bar-item', text: 'BetterDiscord', click: function() { $(".ui-tab-bar-item").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); self.showBdSettingsPane(); } }); let separator = $("
", { class: 'ui-tab-bar-separator margin-top-8 margin-bottom-8' }); separator.insertBefore(changeLogBtn.prev()); bdBtn.insertBefore(changeLogBtn.prev()); $(".ui-standard-sidebar-view").last().append(self.settingsPaneNew()); $(".bd-pane").hide(); $(".bd-pane").first().show(); $(".bd-tab").removeClass("selected"); $("#bd-core").addClass("selected"); $("#bd-settingspane").hide(); $(".ui-standard-sidebar-view>.sidebar-region").append(self.versionInfo());*/ return true; }; SettingsPanel.prototype.versionInfo = function() { let self = this; let element = $("
", { class: 'bd-versioninfo-wrapper' }).append($("", { text: `BetterDiscord v${(typeof(version) === "undefined" ? bdVersion : version)}:${jsVersion} by ` })).append($("", { text: 'Jiiks', href: 'https://google.com', target: '_blank' })); return element; } SettingsPanel.prototype.tabBarNew = function() { let self = this; let _tabBar = $("
", { class: 'tab-bar TOP', style: 'border-bottom:none' }); let items = [ { 'id': 'bd-core', 'text': 'Core' }, { 'id': 'bd-emotes', 'text': 'Emotes' }, { 'id': 'bd-customcss', 'text': 'Custom CSS' }, { 'id': 'bd-plugins', 'text': 'Plugins' }, { 'id': 'bd-themes', 'text': 'Themes' } ]; items.map(value => { _tabBar.append($("
", { class: 'tab-bar-item bd-tab', text: value.text, id: value.id, click: () => self.changeTabNew(value.id) })); }); return _tabBar; } SettingsPanel.prototype.changeTabNew = function(id) { $(".bd-tab").removeClass("selected"); $(`#${id}`).addClass("selected"); $(".bd-pane").hide(); $(`#${id}-pane`).show(); if(id === 'bd-customcss') { if (!customCssInitialized) { customCssEditor.init(); customCssInitialized = true; } } } SettingsPanel.prototype.updateSettingNew = function (id, checked) { if(id == "bda-css-2") { $("#app-mount").removeClass("bd-hide-bd"); customCssEditor.hideBackdrop = checked; if(checked) { $("#app-mount").addClass("bd-hide-bd") } } if(id == "bda-gs-8" && checked) { mainCore.alert("Developer Mode Enabled", "Use F8 to break/resume execution
More coming soon") } settingsCookie[id] = checked; this.updateSettings(); }; SettingsPanel.prototype.settingsSwitch = function(key) { let self = this; let setting = settings[key]; return $("
", { class: 'ui-flex flex-vertical flex-justify-start flex-align-stretch flex-nowrap ui-switch-item' }).append($("
", { class: 'ui-flex flex-horizontal flex-justify-start flex-align-stretch flex-nowrap' }).append($("

", { class: 'ui-form-title h3 margin-reset margin-reset ui-flex-child', text: key })).append($("