import {SettingsConfig} from "data"; import Logger from "common/logger"; import DataStore from "./datastore"; import Events from "./emitter"; import DiscordModules from "./discordmodules"; import Strings from "./strings"; export default new class SettingsManager { constructor() { this.state = {}; this.collections = []; this.panels = []; this.updateStrings = this.updateStrings.bind(this); } initialize() { this.registerCollection("settings", "Settings", SettingsConfig); Events.on("strings-updated", this.updateStrings); // this.patchSections(); } registerCollection(id, name, settings, button = null) { if (this.collections.find(c => == id)) return Logger.error("Settings", "Already have a collection with id " + id); this.collections.push({ type: "collection", id: id, name: name, settings: settings, button: button }); this.setupCollection(id); this.loadCollection(id); this.updateStrings(); } removeCollection(id) { const location = this.collections.findIndex(c => == id); if (location < 0) return Logger.error("Settings", "No collection with id " + id); this.collections.splice(location, 1); } // TODO: Move this to SettingsRenderer and also add a registerContentPanel registerPanel(id, name, options) { if (this.panels.find(p => == id)) return Logger.error("Settings", "Already have a panel with id " + id); const {element, onClick, order = 1} = options; const section = {id, order, label: name, section: id}; if (onClick) section.clickListener = onClick; if (element) section.element = element instanceof DiscordModules.React.Component ? () => DiscordModules.React.createElement(element, {}) : typeof(element) == "function" ? element : () => element; this.panels.push(section); } removePanel(id) { const location = this.panels.findIndex(c => == id); if (location < 0) return Logger.error("Settings", "No collection with id " + id); this.panels.splice(location, 1); } getPath(path, collectionId = "", categoryId = "") { const collection = path.length == 3 ? path[0] : collectionId; const category = path.length == 3 ? path[1] : path.length == 2 ? path[0] : categoryId; const setting = path[path.length - 1]; return {collection, category, setting}; } setupCollection(id) { const collection = this.collections.find(c => == id); if (!collection) return; const categories = collection.settings; if (!this.state[]) this.state[] = {}; for (let cc = 0; cc < categories.length; cc++) { const category = categories[cc]; if (category.type != "category") {if (!this.state[].hasOwnProperty( this.state[][] = category.value;} else { if (!this.state[].hasOwnProperty( this.state[][] = {}; for (let s = 0; s < category.settings.length; s++) { const setting = category.settings[s]; if (!this.state[][].hasOwnProperty( this.state[][][] = setting.value; if (setting.hasOwnProperty("disabled")) continue; if (!setting.enableWith && !setting.disableWith) continue; const pathString = setting.enableWith || setting.disableWith; const path = this.getPath(pathString.split("."),,; Object.defineProperty(setting, "disabled", { get: () => { const other = this.state[path.collection][path.category][path.setting]; return setting.enableWith ? !other : other; } }); } } } } saveSettings() { for (const collection in this.state) this.saveCollection(collection); } loadSettings() { for (const collection in this.state) this.loadCollection(collection); } saveCollection(collection) { DataStore.setData(collection, this.state[collection]); } loadCollection(id) { const previousState = DataStore.getData(id); if (!previousState) return this.saveCollection(id); for (const category in this.state[id]) { if (!previousState[category]) Object.assign(previousState, {[category]: this.state[id][category]}); for (const setting in this.state[id][category]) { if (previousState[category][setting] == undefined) continue; const settingObj = this.getSetting(id, category, setting); switch (settingObj.type) { case "radio": case "dropdown": { const exists = settingObj.options.some(o => o.value == previousState[category][setting]); if (exists) this.state[id][category][setting] = previousState[category][setting]; break; } default: { this.state[id][category][setting] = previousState[category][setting]; } } } } this.saveCollection(id); // in case new things were added } onSettingChange(collection, category, id, value) { this.state[collection][category][id] = value; Events.dispatch("setting-updated", collection, category, id, value); this.saveCollection(collection); } getSetting(collection, category, id) { if (arguments.length == 2) return this.collections[0].find(c => == arguments[0]).settings.find(s => == arguments[1]); return this.collections.find(c => == collection).settings.find(c => == category).settings.find(s => == id); } get(collection, category, id) { if (arguments.length == 2) { id = category; category = collection; collection = "settings"; } if (!this.state[collection] || !this.state[collection][category]) return false; return this.state[collection][category][id]; } set(collection, category, id, value) { if (arguments.length == 3) { value = id; id = category; category = collection; collection = "settings"; } return this.onSettingChange(collection, category, id, value); } on(collection, category, identifier, callback) { const handler = (col, cat, id, value) => { if (col !== collection || cat !== category || id !== identifier) return; callback(value); }; Events.on("setting-updated", handler); return () => {"setting-updated", handler);}; } updateStrings() { // Update settings collections for (let c = 0; c < this.collections.length; c++) { const collection = this.collections[c]; const CS = Strings.Collections[]; if (!CS) continue; = ||; const categories = this.collections[c].settings; for (let cat = 0; cat < categories.length; cat++) { const category = categories[cat]; const CatStr = CS[]; if (!CatStr) continue; = ||; for (let s = 0; s < category.settings.length; s++) { const setting = category.settings[s]; const SetStr = CatStr[]; if (!SetStr) continue; = ||; setting.note = SetStr.note || setting.note; if (!setting.options) continue; for (const opt of setting.options) { opt.label = SetStr.options[] || SetStr.options[opt.value] || opt.label; } } } } // Update panel labels for (let p = 0; p < this.panels.length; p++) { const panel = this.panels[p]; const Str = Strings.Panels[]; panel.label = Str || panel.label; } } };