* emotes semi-rewrite
* Remove unnessecary className
* Pad bd-button to be used practically outside of the addons list.
* card styling consistency, temporarily remove guild patcher to avoid unintended side-effects
* lint
* forgot to comment some code
* code cleanup
* this gap property isnt applying
* remove "show names" emote function
this feature appears to be broken, and is such a small tweak that I doubt anyone would intentionally disable it.
* Change `open` and `closed` states to `expanded and `collapsed`.
* Emote collapse styling fix
- Replaces Ace editor with the Monaco editor (the one from VSCode)
- Adds the option for listview vs gridview in addon lists
- Addon descriptions can use markdown again
- Added blankslates for no addon results and no addons installed (Thanks Tropical)
- Replaces BBD logos (social links and loading icon) with BD logos
- Redesign of addon cards
- Addon settings moved to modals
- Fixes error with extra title in PS
- Fixes error with pagination in PS
- Fixes several issues with detached windows