more unused code hopefully

This commit is contained in:
Zack Rauen 2017-10-29 20:00:34 -04:00
parent 8ba87567be
commit ac2b3f18c8
1 changed files with 194 additions and 487 deletions

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ betterDiscordIPC.on('asynchronous-reply', (event, arg) => {
var settingsPanel, emoteModule, utils, quickEmoteMenu, opublicServers, voiceMode, pluginModule, themeModule, customCssEditor, dMode;
var settingsPanel, emoteModule, utils, quickEmoteMenu, voiceMode, pluginModule, themeModule, customCssEditor, dMode;
var jsVersion = 1.792;
var supportedVersion = "0.2.81";
@ -222,8 +222,6 @@ Core.prototype.init = function () {
utils = new Utils();
var sock = new BdWSocket();
emoteModule = new EmoteModule();
quickEmoteMenu = new QuickEmoteMenu();
@ -241,8 +239,7 @@ Core.prototype.init = function () {
if (document.querySelectorAll('.guilds .guild').length > 0) {
console.log(new Date().getTime() + " Defer Loaded");
//opublicServers = new PublicServers();
customCssEditor = new CustomCssEditor();
// customCssEditor = new CustomCssEditor();
pluginModule = new PluginModule();
if (typeof (themesupport2) !== "undefined") {
@ -260,14 +257,12 @@ Core.prototype.init = function () {
/*Display new features in BetterDiscord*/
if (settingsCookie["version"] < jsVersion) {
var cl = self.constructChangelog();
//var cl = self.constructChangelog();
settingsCookie["version"] = jsVersion;
@ -381,118 +376,118 @@ Core.prototype.initObserver = function () {
Core.prototype.constructChangelog = function () {
var changeLog = '' +
'<div id="bd-wn-modal" class="modal" style="opacity:1;">' +
' <div class="modal-inner">' +
' <div id="bdcl" class="markdown-modal change-log"> ' +
' <div class="markdown-modal-header">' +
' <strong>What\'s new in BetterDiscord JS' + jsVersion + '</strong>' +
' <button class="markdown-modal-close" onclick=\'$("#bd-wn-modal").remove();\'></button>' +
' </div><!--header-->' +
' <div class="scroller-wrap">' +
' <div class="scroller">';
// Core.prototype.constructChangelog = function () {
// var changeLog = '' +
// '<div id="bd-wn-modal" class="modal" style="opacity:1;">' +
// ' <div class="modal-inner">' +
// ' <div id="bdcl" class="markdown-modal change-log"> ' +
// ' <div class="markdown-modal-header">' +
// ' <strong>What\'s new in BetterDiscord JS' + jsVersion + '</strong>' +
// ' <button class="markdown-modal-close" onclick=\'$("#bd-wn-modal").remove();\'></button>' +
// ' </div><!--header-->' +
// ' <div class="scroller-wrap">' +
// ' <div class="scroller">';
if (bdchangelog.changes != null) {
changeLog += '' +
'<h1 class="changelog-added">' +
' <span>New Stuff</span>' +
'</h1>' +
// if (bdchangelog.changes != null) {
// changeLog += '' +
// '<h1 class="changelog-added">' +
// ' <span>New Stuff</span>' +
// '</h1>' +
// '<ul>';
for (var change in bdchangelog.changes) {
change = bdchangelog.changes[change];
// for (var change in bdchangelog.changes) {
// change = bdchangelog.changes[change];
changeLog += '' +
'<li>' +
' <strong>' + change.title + '</strong>' +
' <div>' + change.text + '</div>' +
// changeLog += '' +
// '<li>' +
// ' <strong>' + change.title + '</strong>' +
// ' <div>' + change.text + '</div>' +
// '</li>';
// }
changeLog += '</ul>';
// changeLog += '</ul>';
// }
if (bdchangelog.fixes != null) {
changeLog += '' +
'<h1 class="changelog-fixed">' +
' <span>Fixed</span>' +
'</h1>' +
// if (bdchangelog.fixes != null) {
// changeLog += '' +
// '<h1 class="changelog-fixed">' +
// ' <span>Fixed</span>' +
// '</h1>' +
// '<ul>';
for (var fix in bdchangelog.fixes) {
fix = bdchangelog.fixes[fix];
// for (var fix in bdchangelog.fixes) {
// fix = bdchangelog.fixes[fix];
changeLog += '' +
'<li>' +
' <strong>' + fix.title + '</strong>' +
' <div>' + fix.text + '</div>' +
// changeLog += '' +
// '<li>' +
// ' <strong>' + fix.title + '</strong>' +
// ' <div>' + fix.text + '</div>' +
// '</li>';
// }
changeLog += '</ul>';
// changeLog += '</ul>';
// }
if (bdchangelog.upcoming != null) {
changeLog += '' +
'<h1 class="changelog-in-progress">' +
' <span>Coming Soon</span>' +
'</h1>' +
// if (bdchangelog.upcoming != null) {
// changeLog += '' +
// '<h1 class="changelog-in-progress">' +
// ' <span>Coming Soon</span>' +
// '</h1>' +
// '<ul>';
for (var upc in bdchangelog.upcoming) {
upc = bdchangelog.upcoming[upc];
// for (var upc in bdchangelog.upcoming) {
// upc = bdchangelog.upcoming[upc];
changeLog += '' +
'<li>' +
' <strong>' + upc.title + '</strong>' +
' <div>' + upc.text + '</div>' +
// changeLog += '' +
// '<li>' +
// ' <strong>' + upc.title + '</strong>' +
// ' <div>' + upc.text + '</div>' +
// '</li>';
// }
changeLog += '</ul>';
// changeLog += '</ul>';
// }
changeLog += '' +
' </div><!--scoller-->' +
' </div><!--scroller-wrap-->' +
' <div class="footer">' +
' </div><!--footer-->' +
' </div><!--change-log-->' +
' </div><!--modal-inner-->' +
// changeLog += '' +
// ' </div><!--scoller-->' +
// ' </div><!--scroller-wrap-->' +
// ' <div class="footer">' +
// ' </div><!--footer-->' +
// ' </div><!--change-log-->' +
// ' </div><!--modal-inner-->' +
// '</div><!--modal-->';
return changeLog;
// return changeLog;
// };
Core.prototype.alert = function (title, text) {
var id = '';
for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
id += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".length));
var bdAlert = '\
<div id="bda-alert-'+id+'" class="modal bda-alert" style="opacity:1" data-bdalert="'+id+'">\
<div class="modal-inner" style="box-shadow:0 0 8px -2px #000;">\
<div class="markdown-modal">\
<div class="markdown-modal-header">\
<strong style="float:left"><span>BetterDiscord - </span><span>'+title+'</span></strong>\
<button class="markdown-modal-close" onclick=\'document.getElementById("bda-alert-'+id+'").remove(); utils.removeBackdrop("'+id+'");\'></button>\
<div class="scroller-wrap fade">\
<div style="font-weight:700" class="scroller">'+text+'</div>\
<div class="markdown-modal-footer">\
<span style="float:right"> for support.</span>\
<a style="float:right" href="" target="_blank">#support</a>\
<span style="float:right">Join </span>\
// Core.prototype.alert = function (title, text) {
// var id = '';
// for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
// id += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".length));
// var bdAlert = '\
// <div id="bda-alert-'+id+'" class="modal bda-alert" style="opacity:1" data-bdalert="'+id+'">\
// <div class="modal-inner" style="box-shadow:0 0 8px -2px #000;">\
// <div class="markdown-modal">\
// <div class="markdown-modal-header">\
// <strong style="float:left"><span>BetterDiscord - </span><span>'+title+'</span></strong>\
// <span></span>\
// <button class="markdown-modal-close" onclick=\'document.getElementById("bda-alert-'+id+'").remove(); utils.removeBackdrop("'+id+'");\'></button>\
// </div>\
// <div class="scroller-wrap fade">\
// <div style="font-weight:700" class="scroller">'+text+'</div>\
// </div>\
// <div class="markdown-modal-footer">\
// <span style="float:right"> for support.</span>\
// <a style="float:right" href="" target="_blank">#support</a>\
// <span style="float:right">Join </span>\
// </div>\
// </div>\
// </div>\
// </div>\
// ';
// $("body").append(bdAlert);
// utils.addBackdrop(id);
// };
/* BetterDiscordApp EmoteModule JavaScript
* Version: 1.5
* Author: Jiiks |
@ -1083,106 +1078,106 @@ QuickEmoteMenu.prototype.updateFavorites = function () {
window.bdStorage.set("bdfavemotes", btoa(JSON.stringify(this.favoriteEmotes)));
function CustomCssEditor() { }
// function CustomCssEditor() { }
CustomCssEditor.prototype.init = function() {
var self = this;
self.hideBackdrop = false;
self.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("bd-custom-css-ta"), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: 'css',
indentUnit: 4,
theme: 'material',
scrollbarStyle: 'simple'
// CustomCssEditor.prototype.init = function() {
// var self = this;
// self.hideBackdrop = false;
// self.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("bd-custom-css-ta"), {
// lineNumbers: true,
// mode: 'css',
// indentUnit: 4,
// theme: 'material',
// scrollbarStyle: 'simple'
// });
self.editor.on("change", function (cm) {
var css = cm.getValue();
self.applyCustomCss(css, false, false);
// self.editor.on("change", function (cm) {
// var css = cm.getValue();
// self.applyCustomCss(css, false, false);
// });
var attachEditor="";
attachEditor += "<div id=\"bd-customcss-attach-controls\">";
attachEditor += " <ul class=\"checkbox-group\">";
attachEditor += " <li>";
attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"settingsPanel.updateSetting(this);\">";
attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox-inner\"><input id=\"bda-css-0\" type=\"checkbox\" "+(settingsCookie["bda-css-0"] ? "checked" : "")+"><span><\/span><\/div>";
attachEditor += " <span title=\"Update client css while typing\">Live Update<\/span>";
attachEditor += " <\/div>";
attachEditor += " <\/li>";
attachEditor += " <li>";
attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"settingsPanel.updateSetting(this);\">";
attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox-inner\"><input id=\"bda-css-1\" type=\"checkbox\" "+(settingsCookie["bda-css-1"] ? "checked" : "")+"><span><\/span><\/div>";
attachEditor += " <span title=\"Autosave css to storage when typing\">TEMPDISABLED<\/span>";
attachEditor += " <\/div>";
attachEditor += " <\/li>";
attachEditor += " <li>";
attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"settingsPanel.updateSetting(this);\">";
attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox-inner\"><input id=\"bda-css-2\" type=\"checkbox\" "+(customCssEditor.hideBackdrop ? "checked" : "")+"><span><\/span><\/div>";
attachEditor += " <span title=\"Hide the callout backdrop to disable modal close events\">Hide Backdrop<\/span>";
attachEditor += " <\/div>";
attachEditor += " <\/li>";
attachEditor += " <\/ul>";
attachEditor += " <div id=\"bd-customcss-detach-controls-buttons\">";
attachEditor += " <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"bd-customcss-detached-update\" onclick=\"return false;\">Update<\/button>";
attachEditor += " <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"bd-customcss-detached-save\" onclick=\"return false;\">Save<\/button>";
attachEditor += " <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"bd-customcss-detached-detach\" onclick=\"customCssEditor.detach(); return false;\">Detach</button>";
attachEditor += " <\/div>";
attachEditor += "<\/div>";
// var attachEditor="";
// attachEditor += "<div id=\"bd-customcss-attach-controls\">";
// attachEditor += " <ul class=\"checkbox-group\">";
// attachEditor += " <li>";
// attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"settingsPanel.updateSetting(this);\">";
// attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox-inner\"><input id=\"bda-css-0\" type=\"checkbox\" "+(settingsCookie["bda-css-0"] ? "checked" : "")+"><span><\/span><\/div>";
// attachEditor += " <span title=\"Update client css while typing\">Live Update<\/span>";
// attachEditor += " <\/div>";
// attachEditor += " <\/li>";
// attachEditor += " <li>";
// attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"settingsPanel.updateSetting(this);\">";
// attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox-inner\"><input id=\"bda-css-1\" type=\"checkbox\" "+(settingsCookie["bda-css-1"] ? "checked" : "")+"><span><\/span><\/div>";
// attachEditor += " <span title=\"Autosave css to storage when typing\">TEMPDISABLED<\/span>";
// attachEditor += " <\/div>";
// attachEditor += " <\/li>";
// attachEditor += " <li>";
// attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"settingsPanel.updateSetting(this);\">";
// attachEditor += " <div class=\"checkbox-inner\"><input id=\"bda-css-2\" type=\"checkbox\" "+(customCssEditor.hideBackdrop ? "checked" : "")+"><span><\/span><\/div>";
// attachEditor += " <span title=\"Hide the callout backdrop to disable modal close events\">Hide Backdrop<\/span>";
// attachEditor += " <\/div>";
// attachEditor += " <\/li>";
// attachEditor += " <\/ul>";
// attachEditor += " <div id=\"bd-customcss-detach-controls-buttons\">";
// attachEditor += " <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"bd-customcss-detached-update\" onclick=\"return false;\">Update<\/button>";
// attachEditor += " <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"bd-customcss-detached-save\" onclick=\"return false;\">Save<\/button>";
// attachEditor += " <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"bd-customcss-detached-detach\" onclick=\"customCssEditor.detach(); return false;\">Detach</button>";
// attachEditor += " <\/div>";
// attachEditor += "<\/div>";
this.attachEditor = attachEditor;
// this.attachEditor = attachEditor;
// $("#bd-customcss-innerpane").append(attachEditor);
$("#bd-customcss-detached-update").on("click", function() {
self.applyCustomCss(self.editor.getValue(), true, false);
return false;
$("#bd-customcss-detached-save").on("click", function() {
self.applyCustomCss(self.editor.getValue(), false, true);
return false;
// $("#bd-customcss-detached-update").on("click", function() {
// self.applyCustomCss(self.editor.getValue(), true, false);
// return false;
// });
// $("#bd-customcss-detached-save").on("click", function() {
// self.applyCustomCss(self.editor.getValue(), false, true);
// return false;
// });
var detachEditor="";
detachEditor += "<div id=\"bd-customcss-detach-container\">";
detachEditor += " <div id=\"bd-customcss-detach-editor\">";
detachEditor += " <\/div>";
detachEditor += "<\/div>";
this.detachedEditor = detachEditor;
// var detachEditor="";
// detachEditor += "<div id=\"bd-customcss-detach-container\">";
// detachEditor += " <div id=\"bd-customcss-detach-editor\">";
// detachEditor += " <\/div>";
// detachEditor += "<\/div>";
// this.detachedEditor = detachEditor;
// };
CustomCssEditor.prototype.attach = function() {
// CustomCssEditor.prototype.attach = function() {
// $("#editor-detached").hide();
// $("#app-mount").removeClass("bd-detached-editor");
// $("#bd-customcss-pane").append($("#bd-customcss-innerpane"));
// $("#bd-customcss-detached-detach").show();
// $("#bd-customcss-detach-container").remove();
// };
CustomCssEditor.prototype.detach = function() {
var self = this;
// CustomCssEditor.prototype.detach = function() {
// var self = this;
// this.attach();
// $("#editor-detached").show();
// $("#bd-customcss-detached-detach").hide();
// $("#app-mount").addClass("bd-detached-editor");
// $(".app").parent().append(this.detachedEditor);
// $("#bd-customcss-detach-editor").append($("#bd-customcss-innerpane"));
// };
CustomCssEditor.prototype.applyCustomCss = function (css, forceupdate, forcesave) {
if ($("#customcss").length == 0) {
$("head").append('<style id="customcss"></style>');
// CustomCssEditor.prototype.applyCustomCss = function (css, forceupdate, forcesave) {
// if ($("#customcss").length == 0) {
// $("head").append('<style id="customcss"></style>');
// }
if(forceupdate || settingsCookie["bda-css-0"]) {
// if(forceupdate || settingsCookie["bda-css-0"]) {
// $("#customcss").html(css);
// }
if(forcesave) {
window.bdStorage.set("bdcustomcss", btoa(css));
// if(forcesave) {
// window.bdStorage.set("bdcustomcss", btoa(css));
// }
// };
/* BetterDiscordApp Settings Panel JavaScript
* Version: 2.0
* Author: Jiiks |
@ -1458,85 +1453,6 @@ PluginModule.prototype.loadPlugins = function () {
// PluginModule.prototype.handlePlugin = function (checkbox) {
// var cb = $(checkbox).children().find('input[type="checkbox"]');
// var enabled = !":checked");
// var id = cb.attr("id").replace("__", " ");
// cb.prop("checked", enabled);
// if (enabled) {
// try {
// bdplugins[id]["plugin"].start();
// pluginCookie[id] = true;
// }
// catch (err) { utils.err("Plugin " + name + " could not be started. \n" + err.toString()); }
// } else {
// try {
// bdplugins[id]["plugin"].stop();
// pluginCookie[id] = false;
// }
// catch (err) { utils.err("Plugin " + name + " could not be stopped. \n" + err.toString()); }
// }
// this.savePluginData();
// };
// PluginModule.prototype.handlePluginT = function(id, enabled) {
// if(enabled) {
// try {
// bdplugins[id]["plugin"].start();
// pluginCookie[id] = true;
// }
// catch (err) { utils.err("Plugin " + name + " could not be started. \n" + err.toString()); }
// } else {
// try {
// bdplugins[id]["plugin"].stop();
// pluginCookie[id] = false;
// }
// catch (err) { utils.err("Plugin " + name + " could not be started. \n" + err.toString()); }
// }
// this.savePluginData();
// };
// PluginModule.prototype.showSettings = function (plugin) {
// if (bdplugins[plugin] != null) {
// if (typeof bdplugins[plugin].plugin.getSettingsPanel === "function") {
// var panel = bdplugins[plugin].plugin.getSettingsPanel();
// $(".modal-inner").off("click.bdpsm").on("click.bdpsm", function (e) {
// if ($("#bd-psm-id").length) {
// $(".bd-psm").remove();
// } else {
// $(".bd-psm").attr("id", "bd-psm-id");
// }
// });
// $(".modal").append('<div class="bd-psm"><div class="scroller-wrap" style="height:100%"><div id="bd-psm-s" class="scroller" style="padding:10px;"></div></div></div>');
// $("#bd-psm-s").append(panel);
// }
// }
// };
// PluginModule.prototype.showSettingsT = function(plugin) {
// if(bdplugins[plugin] === null) return;
// if(typeof bdplugins[plugin].plugin.getSettingsPanel !== "function") return;
// $("#bd-settingspane").off("click.bdpsm").on("click.bdpsm", function(e) {
// if( === 'bd-psm-s') return;
// if( && === 'Settings') return;
// $(".bd-psm").remove();
// });
// let panel = bdplugins[plugin].plugin.getSettingsPanel();
// $(".bd-settings-panes").append('<div class="bd-psm"><div class="scroller-wrap" style="height:100%"><div id="bd-psm-s" class="scroller" style="padding:10px;"></div></div></div>');
// $("#bd-psm-s").append(panel);
// }
PluginModule.prototype.loadPluginData = function () {
var cookie = $.cookie("bd-plugins");
if (cookie != undefined) {
@ -1555,7 +1471,8 @@ PluginModule.prototype.newMessage = function () {
$.each(bdplugins, function () {
if (!pluginCookie[this.plugin.getName()]) return;
if (typeof this.plugin.onMessage === "function") {
try { this.plugin.onMessage(); }
catch (err) { utils.err("Unable to fire onMessage for " + this.plugin.getName() + "\n" + err.toString()); }
@ -1564,16 +1481,8 @@ PluginModule.prototype.channelSwitch = function () {
$.each(bdplugins, function () {
if (!pluginCookie[this.plugin.getName()]) return;
if (typeof this.plugin.onSwitch === "function") {
PluginModule.prototype.socketEvent = function (e, data) {
$.each(bdplugins, function () {
if (!pluginCookie[this.plugin.getName()]) return;
if (typeof this.plugin.socketEvent === "function") {
try { this.plugin.onSwitch(); }
catch (err) { utils.err("Unable to fire onSwitch for " + this.plugin.getName() + "\n" + err.toString()); }
@ -1582,7 +1491,8 @@ PluginModule.prototype.rawObserver = function(e) {
$.each(bdplugins, function() {
if (!pluginCookie[this.plugin.getName()]) return;
if(typeof === "function") {;
try {; }
catch (err) { utils.err("Unable to fire observer for " + this.plugin.getName() + "\n" + err.toString()); }
@ -1619,37 +1529,6 @@ ThemeModule.prototype.loadThemes = function () {
// ThemeModule.prototype.handleTheme = function (checkbox) {
// var cb = $(checkbox).children().find('input[type="checkbox"]');
// var enabled = !":checked");
// var id = cb.attr("id").substring(2);
// cb.prop("checked", enabled);
// if (enabled) {
// $("head").append($('<style>', {id: utils.escapeID(id), html: unescape(bdthemes[id]["css"])}));
// themeCookie[id] = true;
// } else {
// $("#" + utils.escapeID(id)).remove();
// themeCookie[id] = false;
// }
// this.saveThemeData();
// };
// ThemeModule.prototype.handleThemeT = function(id, enabled) {
// if(enabled) {
// $("head").append($('<style>', {id: utils.escapeID(id), html: unescape(bdthemes[id]["css"])}));
// themeCookie[id] = true;
// } else {
// $("#" + utils.escapeID(id)).remove();
// themeCookie[id] = false;
// }
// this.saveThemeData();
// };
ThemeModule.prototype.loadThemeData = function () {
var cookie = $.cookie("bd-themes");
if (cookie != undefined) {
@ -1663,112 +1542,7 @@ ThemeModule.prototype.saveThemeData = function () {
path: '/'
var bdSocket;
var bdws;
function BdWSocket() {
bdws = this;
BdWSocket.prototype.start = function () {
var self = this;
/* $.ajax({
method: "GET",
url: "",
headers: {
authorization: localStorage.token.match(/\"(.+)\"/)[1]
success: function (data) {;
}; = function (host) {
utils.log("Socket Host: " + host);
try {
bdSocket = new WebSocket(host);
bdSocket.onopen = this.onOpen;
bdSocket.onmessage = this.onMessage;
bdSocket.onerror = this.onError;
bdSocket.onclose = this.onClose;
} catch (err) {
BdWSocket.prototype.onOpen = function () {
utils.log("Socket Open");
var data = {
op: 2,
d: {
token: JSON.parse(window.bdStorage.get('token')),
properties: JSON.parse(window.bdStorage.get('superProperties')),
v: 3
BdWSocket.prototype.onMessage = function (e) {
var packet, data, type;
try {
packet = JSON.parse(;
data = packet.d;
type = packet.t;
} catch (err) {
switch (type) {
case "READY":
bdSocket.interval = setInterval(function(){bdws.send({
op: 1,
});}, data.heartbeat_interval);
utils.log("Socket Ready");
pluginModule.socketEvent("PRESENCE_UPDATE", data);
pluginModule.socketEvent("TYPING_START", data);
pluginModule.socketEvent("MESSAGE_CREATE", data);
pluginModule.socketEvent("MESSAGE_UPDATE", data);
BdWSocket.prototype.onError = function (e) {
utils.log("Socket Error - " + e.message);
BdWSocket.prototype.onClose = function (e) {
utils.log("Socket Closed - " + e.code + " : " + e.reason);
BdWSocket.prototype.send = function (data) {
if (bdSocket.readyState == 1) {
BdWSocket.prototype.getSocket = function () {
return bdSocket;
/* BetterDiscordApp API for Plugins
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Jiiks |
@ -1781,12 +1555,6 @@ BdWSocket.prototype.getSocket = function () {
function BdApi() {}
//Joins a server
//code = server invite code
BdApi.joinServer = function (code) {
//Inject CSS to document head
//id = id of element
//css = custom css
@ -1819,67 +1587,6 @@ BdApi.getCore = function () {
return mainCore;
//Attempts to get user id by username
//Name = username
//Since Discord hides users if there's too many, this will often fail
BdApi.getUserIdByName = function (name) {
var users = $(".member-username");
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = $(users[i]);
if (user.text() == name) {
var avatarUrl = user.closest(".member").find(".avatar-small").css("background-image");
return avatarUrl.match(/\d+/);
return null;
//Attempts to get username by id
//ID = user id
//Since Discord hides users if there's too many, this will often fail
var gg;
BdApi.getUserNameById = function (id) {
var users = $(".avatar-small");
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = $(users[i]);
var url = user.css("background-image");
if (id == url.match(/\d+/)) {
return user.parent().find(".member-username").text();
return null;
//Set current game
//game = game
BdApi.setPlaying = function (game) {
"op": 3,
"d": {
"idle_since": null,
"game": {
"name": game
//Set current status
//idle_since = date
//status = status
BdApi.setStatus = function (idle_since, status) {
"op": 3,
"d": {
"idle_since": idle_since,
"game": {
"name": status
/* BetterDiscordApp DevMode JavaScript
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Jiiks |
@ -1945,7 +1652,7 @@ BdApi.setStatus = function (idle_since, status) {
devMode.prototype.disable = function() {