Fix small bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import Builtin from "../structs/builtin";
import {Settings, DataStore, React, WebpackModules, Events, DOMManager, Strings} from "modules";
import {Settings, DataStore, React, WebpackModules, Events, DOMManager, Strings, DiscordModules} from "modules";
import CSSEditor from "../ui/customcss/csseditor";
import FloatingWindows from "../ui/floatingwindows";
import SettingsTitle from "../ui/settings/title";
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Utilities from "../modules/utilities";
const fs = require("fs");
const electron = require("electron");
const UserSettings = WebpackModules.getByProps("updateAccount");
const Dispatcher = WebpackModules.getByProps("dirtyDispatch");
const Dispatcher = DiscordModules.Dispatcher;
export default new class CustomCSS extends Builtin {
get name() {return "Custom CSS";}
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ export default Utilities.memoizeObject({
/* Electron & Other Internals with Utils*/
get ElectronModule() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("setBadge");},
get Dispatcher() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("dirtyDispatch");},
get Dispatcher() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("dispatch", "subscribe");},
get PathUtils() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("hasBasename");},
get NotificationModule() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("showNotification");},
get RouterModule() {return WebpackModules.getByProps("Router");},
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
* Functions that check for and update existing plugins.
* @module PluginUpdater
* @version 0.1.2
import PluginUtilities from "./pluginutilities";
import DOMTools from "./domtools";
import Logger from "common/logger";
import DiscordClasses from "./discordclasses";
import {EmulatedTooltip, Toasts} from "ui";
* Function that gets the remote version from the file contents.
* @param {string} fileContent - the content of the remote file
* @returns {string} - remote version
* @callback module:PluginUpdater~versioner
* Comparator that takes the current version and the remote version,
* then compares them returning `true` if there is an update and `false` otherwise.
* @param {string} currentVersion - the current version of the plugin
* @param {string} remoteVersion - the remote version of the plugin
* @returns {boolean} - whether the plugin has an update or not
* @callback module:PluginUpdater~comparator
export default class PluginUpdater {
static get CSS() {return require("../styles/updates.css");}
* Checks for updates for the specified plugin at the specified link. The final
* parameter should link to the raw text of the plugin and will compare semantic
* versions.
* @param {string} pluginName - name of the plugin
* @param {string} currentVersion - current version (semantic versioning only)
* @param {string} updateURL - url to check for update
* @param {module:PluginUpdater~versioner} [versioner] - versioner that finds the remote version. If not provided uses {@link module:PluginUpdater.defaultVersioner}.
* @param {module:PluginUpdater~comparator} [comparator] - comparator that determines if there is an update. If not provided uses {@link module:PluginUpdater.defaultComparator}.
static checkForUpdate(pluginName, currentVersion, updateURL, versioner, comparator) {
let updateLink = "" + pluginName + "/" + pluginName + ".plugin.js";
if (updateURL) updateLink = updateURL;
if (typeof(versioner) != "function") versioner = this.defaultVersioner;
if (typeof(comparator) != "function") comparator = this.defaultComparator;
if (typeof window.PluginUpdates === "undefined") {
window.PluginUpdates = {
plugins: {},
checkAll: function() {
for (const key in this.plugins) {
const plugin = this.plugins[key];
if (!plugin.versioner) plugin.versioner = PluginUpdater.defaultVersioner;
if (!plugin.comparator) plugin.comparator = PluginUpdater.defaultComparator;
PluginUpdater.processUpdateCheck(, plugin.raw);
interval: setInterval(() => {
}, 7200000)
window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink] = {name: pluginName, raw: updateLink, version: currentVersion, versioner: versioner, comparator: comparator};
PluginUpdater.processUpdateCheck(pluginName, updateLink);
* Will check for updates and automatically show or remove the update notice
* bar based on the internal result. Better not to call this directly and to
* instead use {@link module:PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate}.
* @param {string} pluginName - name of the plugin to check
* @param {string} updateLink - link to the raw text version of the plugin
static processUpdateCheck(pluginName, updateLink) {
const request = require("request");
request(updateLink, (error, response, result) => {
if (error) return;
const remoteVersion = window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink].versioner(result);
const hasUpdate = window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink].comparator(window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink].version, remoteVersion);
if (hasUpdate) this.showUpdateNotice(pluginName, updateLink);
else this.removeUpdateNotice(pluginName);
* The default versioner used as {@link module:PluginUpdater~versioner} for {@link module:PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate}.
* This works on basic semantic versioning e.g. "1.0.0". You do not need to provide this as a versioner if your plugin adheres
* to this style as this will be used as default.
* @param {string} currentVersion
* @param {string} content
static defaultVersioner(content) {
const remoteVersion = content.match(/['"][0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+['"]/i);
if (!remoteVersion) return "0.0.0";
return remoteVersion.toString().replace(/['"]/g, "");
* The default comparator used as {@link module:PluginUpdater~comparator} for {@link module:PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate}.
* This works on basic semantic versioning e.g. "1.0.0". You do not need to provide this as a comparator if your plugin adheres
* to this style as this will be used as default.
* @param {string} currentVersion
* @param {string} content
static defaultComparator(currentVersion, remoteVersion) {
currentVersion = currentVersion.split(".").map((e) => {return parseInt(e);});
remoteVersion = remoteVersion.split(".").map((e) => {return parseInt(e);});
if (remoteVersion[0] > currentVersion[0]) return true;
else if (remoteVersion[0] == currentVersion[0] && remoteVersion[1] > currentVersion[1]) return true;
else if (remoteVersion[0] == currentVersion[0] && remoteVersion[1] == currentVersion[1] && remoteVersion[2] > currentVersion[2]) return true;
return false;
static patchPluginList() {
// Patcher.after("ZeresLibrary", V2C_ContentColumn.prototype, "componentDidMount", (self) => {
// if (self._reactInternalFiber.key != "pcolumn") return;
// const column = DiscordModules.ReactDOM.findDOMNode(self);
// if (!column) return;
// const button = column.getElementsByClassName("bd-pfbtn")[0];
// if (!button || button.nextElementSibling.classList.contains("bd-updatebtn")) return;
// button.after(PluginUpdater.createUpdateButton());
// });
// const button = document.getElementsByClassName("bd-pfbtn")[0];
// if (!button || !button.textContent.toLowerCase().includes("plugin") || button.nextElementSibling.classList.contains("bd-updatebtn")) return;
// button.after(PluginUpdater.createUpdateButton());
* Creates the update button found in the plugins page of BetterDiscord
* settings. Returned button will already have listeners to create the tooltip.
* @returns {HTMLElement} check for update button
static createUpdateButton() {
const updateButton = DOMTools.createElement(`<button class="bd-pfbtn bd-updatebtn" style="left: 220px;">Check for Updates</button>`);
updateButton.onclick = function () {
const tooltip = new EmulatedTooltip(updateButton, "Checks for updates of plugins that support this feature. Right-click for a list.");
updateButton.oncontextmenu = function () {
if (!window.PluginUpdates || !window.PluginUpdates.plugins) return;
tooltip.label = Object.values(window.PluginUpdates.plugins).map(p =>", ");
tooltip.side = "bottom";
updateButton.onmouseout = function() {
tooltip.label = "Checks for updates of plugins that support this feature. Right-click for a list.";
tooltip.side = "top";
return updateButton;
* Will download the latest version and replace the the old plugin version.
* Will also update the button in the update bar depending on if the user
* is using RestartNoMore plugin by square {@link}
* @param {string} pluginName - name of the plugin to download
* @param {string} updateLink - link to the raw text version of the plugin
static downloadPlugin(pluginName, updateLink) {
const request = require("request");
const fileSystem = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
request(updateLink, async (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return Logger.warn("PluginUpdates", "Unable to get update for " + pluginName);
const remoteVersion = window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink].versioner(body);
let filename = updateLink.split("/");
filename = filename[filename.length - 1];
const file = path.join(PluginUtilities.getPluginsFolder(), filename);
await new Promise(r => fileSystem.writeFile(file, body, r));
Toasts.success(`${pluginName} ${window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink].version} has been replaced by ${pluginName} ${remoteVersion}`);
const oldRNM = window.bdplugins["Restart-No-More"] && window.pluginCookie["Restart-No-More"];
const newRNM = window.bdplugins["Restart No More"] && window.pluginCookie["Restart No More"];
const BBDLoader = window.settingsCookie["fork-ps-5"];
if (oldRNM || newRNM || BBDLoader) return;
if (!window.PluginUpdates.downloaded) {
window.PluginUpdates.downloaded = [];
const button = DOMTools.createElement(`<button class="btn btn-reload ${DiscordClasses.Notices.btn} ${DiscordClasses.Notices.button}">Reload</button>`);
const tooltip = new EmulatedTooltip(button, window.PluginUpdates.downloaded.join(", "), {side: "top"});
button.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
button.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
tooltip.label = window.PluginUpdates.downloaded.join(", ");
window.PluginUpdates.plugins[updateLink].version = remoteVersion;
* Will show the update notice top bar seen in Discord. Better not to call
* this directly and to instead use {@link module:PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate}.
* @param {string} pluginName - name of the plugin
* @param {string} updateLink - link to the raw text version of the plugin
static showUpdateNotice(pluginName, updateLink) {
if (!document.getElementById("pluginNotice")) {
const noticeElement = DOMTools.createElement(`<div class="${DiscordClasses.Notices.notice} ${DiscordClasses.Notices.noticeInfo}" id="pluginNotice">
<div class="${DiscordClasses.Notices.dismiss}" id="pluginNoticeDismiss"></div>
<span class="notice-message">The following plugins have updates:</span> <strong id="outdatedPlugins"></strong>
DOMTools.query("[class*='app-'] > [class*='app-']").prepend(noticeElement);
noticeElement.querySelector("#pluginNoticeDismiss").addEventListener("click", async () => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 400));
const pluginNoticeID = pluginName + "-notice";
if (document.getElementById(pluginNoticeID)) return;
const pluginNoticeElement = DOMTools.createElement(`<span id="${pluginNoticeID}">${pluginName}</span>`);
pluginNoticeElement.addEventListener("click", () => {
this.downloadPlugin(pluginName, updateLink);
if (document.getElementById("outdatedPlugins").querySelectorAll("span").length) document.getElementById("outdatedPlugins").append(DOMTools.createElement("<span class='separator'>, </span>"));
* Will remove the plugin from the update notice top bar seen in Discord.
* Better not to call this directly and to instead use {@link module:PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate}.
* @param {string} pluginName - name of the plugin
static removeUpdateNotice(pluginName) {
if (!document.getElementById("outdatedPlugins")) return;
const notice = document.getElementById(pluginName + "-notice");
if (notice) {
if (notice.nextElementSibling && notice.nextElementSibling.matches(".separator")) notice.nextElementSibling.remove();
else if (notice.previousElementSibling && notice.previousElementSibling.matches(".separator")) notice.previousElementSibling.remove();
if (!document.getElementById("outdatedPlugins").querySelectorAll("span").length) {
if (document.querySelector("#pluginNotice .btn-reload")) document.querySelector("#pluginNotice .notice-message").textContent = "To finish updating you need to reload.";
else document.getElementById("pluginNoticeDismiss").click();
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ const protect = theModule => {
export default class WebpackModules {
static find(filter, first = true) {return this.getModule(filter, first);}
static findAll(filter) {return this.getModule(filter, false);}
static find(filter, first = true) {return this.getModule(filter, {first});}
static findAll(filter) {return this.getModule(filter, {first: false});}
static findByUniqueProperties(props, first = true) {return first ? this.getByProps(...props) : this.getAllByProps(...props);}
static findByDisplayName(name) {return this.getByDisplayName(name);}
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* Finds all modules matching a filter function.
* @param {Function} filter A function to use to filter modules
static getModules(filter) {return this.getModule(filter, false);}
static getModules(filter) {return this.getModule(filter, {first: false});}
* Finds a module by its display name.
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getByDisplayName(name) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byDisplayName(name), true);
return this.getModule(Filters.byDisplayName(name));
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getByRegex(regex, first = true) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byRegex(regex), first);
return this.getModule(Filters.byRegex(regex), {first});
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getByPrototypes(...prototypes) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), true);
return this.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes));
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getAllByPrototypes(...prototypes) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), false);
return this.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), {first: false});
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getByProps(...props) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byProps(props), true);
return this.getModule(Filters.byProps(props));
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getAllByProps(...props) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byProps(props), false);
return this.getModule(Filters.byProps(props), {first: false});
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getByString(...strings) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byStrings(...strings), true);
return this.getModule(Filters.byStrings(...strings));
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ export default class WebpackModules {
* @return {Any}
static getAllByString(...strings) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byStrings(...strings), false);
return this.getModule(Filters.byStrings(...strings), {first: false});
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
* Representation of a Class Name
* @memberof module:DOMTools
class ClassName {
@ -39,14 +38,6 @@ class ClassName {
return this.value;
// /**
// * Returns the classname represented as {@link module:DOMTools.Selector}.
// * @returns {Selector} selector representation of this class name.
// */
// get selector() {
// return new Selector(this.value);
// }
get single() {
return this.value.split(" ")[0];
Reference in New Issue