settings change prototyping

This commit is contained in:
Zack Rauen 2019-05-25 00:43:09 -04:00
parent 5ef27d7e1a
commit 920ebea095
2 changed files with 96 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -989,6 +989,9 @@ body .ace_closeButton:active {
#bd-settingspane-container .scroller-wrap .scroller {
display: flex;
.content-column .ui-form-title:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
/* ================= */

View File

@ -188,32 +188,40 @@ var bbdVersion = "0.2.17";
var mainCore;
var settings = {
"Public Servers": {id: "bda-gs-1", info: "Display public servers button", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Minimal Mode": {id: "bda-gs-2", info: "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Voice Mode": {id: "bda-gs-4", info: "Only show voice chat", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Hide Channels": {id: "bda-gs-3", info: "Hide channels in minimal mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Dark Mode": {id: "bda-gs-5", info: "Make certain elements dark by default(wip)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Voice Disconnect": {id: "bda-dc-0", info: "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Custom css live update": {id: "bda-css-0", info: "", implemented: true, hidden: true, cat: "core"},
"Custom css auto udpate": {id: "bda-css-1", info: "", implemented: true, hidden: true, cat: "core"},
"24 Hour Timestamps": {id: "bda-gs-6", info: "Replace 12hr timestamps with proper ones", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Coloured Text": {id: "bda-gs-7", info: "Make text colour the same as role colour", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"BetterDiscord Blue": {id: "bda-gs-b", info: "Replace Discord blue with BD Blue", implemented: false, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Developer Mode": {id: "bda-gs-8", info: "Developer Mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
"Content Error Modal": {id: "fork-ps-1", info: "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Show Toasts": {id: "fork-ps-2", info: "Shows a small notification for important information", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Scroll To Settings": {id: "fork-ps-3", info: "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Animate On Hover": {id: "fork-es-2", info: "Only animate the emote modifiers on hover", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Copy Selector": {id: "fork-dm-1", info: "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Download Emotes": {id: "fork-es-3", info: "Download emotes when the cache is expired", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Normalize Classes": {id: "fork-ps-4", info: "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Automatic Loading": {id: "fork-ps-5", info: "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Enable Transparency": {id: "fork-wp-1", info: "Enables the main window to be see-through (requires restart)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "fork"},
"Window Frame": {id: "fork-wp-2", info: "Adds the native os window frame to the main window", implemented: false, hidden: true, cat: "fork"},
/* Core */
/* ====== */
"Public Servers": {id: "bda-gs-1", info: "Display public servers button", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Minimal Mode": {id: "bda-gs-2", info: "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Voice Mode": {id: "bda-gs-4", info: "Only show voice chat", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Hide Channels": {id: "bda-gs-3", info: "Hide channels in minimal mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Dark Mode": {id: "bda-gs-5", info: "Make certain elements dark by default(wip)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Voice Disconnect": {id: "bda-dc-0", info: "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"24 Hour Timestamps": {id: "bda-gs-6", info: "Replace 12hr timestamps with proper ones", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Coloured Text": {id: "bda-gs-7", info: "Make text colour the same as role colour", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
"Normalize Classes": {id: "fork-ps-4", info: "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "core"},
/* Content */
"Content Error Modal": {id: "fork-ps-1", info: "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"},
"Show Toasts": {id: "fork-ps-2", info: "Shows a small notification for important information", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"},
"Scroll To Settings": {id: "fork-ps-3", info: "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"},
"Automatic Loading": {id: "fork-ps-5", info: "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "plugins & themes"},
/* Developer */
"Developer Mode": {id: "bda-gs-8", info: "Developer Mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "developer settings"},
"Copy Selector": {id: "fork-dm-1", info: "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "developer settings"},
/* Window Prefs */
"Enable Transparency": {id: "fork-wp-1", info: "Enables the main window to be see-through (requires restart)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "window preferences"},
"Window Frame": {id: "fork-wp-2", info: "Adds the native os window frame to the main window", implemented: false, hidden: true, cat: "core", category: "window preferences"},
/* Emotes */
/* ====== */
"Download Emotes": {id: "fork-es-3", info: "Download emotes when the cache is expired", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
"Twitch Emotes": {id: "bda-es-7", info: "Show Twitch emotes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
"FrankerFaceZ Emotes": {id: "bda-es-1", info: "Show FrankerFaceZ Emotes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
"BetterTTV Emotes": {id: "bda-es-2", info: "Show BetterTTV Emotes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
@ -222,6 +230,7 @@ var settings = {
"Emote Auto Capitalization": {id: "bda-es-4", info: "Autocapitalize emote commands", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
"Show Names": {id: "bda-es-6", info: "Show emote names on hover", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
"Show emote modifiers": {id: "bda-es-8", info: "Enable emote mods (flip, spin, pulse, spin2, spin3, 1spin, 2spin, 3spin, tr, bl, br, shake, shake2, shake3, flap)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"},
"Animate On Hover": {id: "fork-es-2", info: "Only animate the emote modifiers on hover", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "emote"}
var defaultCookie = {
@ -2727,6 +2736,41 @@ class V2C_SettingsPanel extends BDV2.reactComponent {
class V2C_SettingsGroup extends BDV2.reactComponent {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const {title, settings, button} = this.props;
const buttonComponent = button ? BDV2.react.createElement("button", {key: "title-button", className: "bd-pfbtn", onClick: button.onClick}, button.title) : null;
return [BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.SettingsTitle, {text: title}),
buttonComponent, => {
return BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Switch, {id:, key:, data: setting, checked: settingsCookie[], onChange: (id, checked) => {
this.props.onChange(id, checked);
class V2C_SectionedSettingsPanel extends BDV2.reactComponent {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return BDV2.react.createElement(
"div", {className: "contentColumn-2hrIYH contentColumnDefault-1VQkGM content-column default"}, => {
return BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.SettingsGroup, Object.assign({}, section, this.props.onChange));
class V2C_Switch extends BDV2.reactComponent {
constructor(props) {
@ -3001,11 +3045,11 @@ class V2C_SettingsTitle extends BDV2.reactComponent {
constructor(props) {
//h2-2gWE-o title-3sZWYQ size16-14cGz5 height20-mO2eIN weightSemiBold-NJexzi da-h2 da-title da-size16 da-height20 da-weightSemiBold defaultColor-1_ajX0 da-defaultColor marginTop60-3PGbtK da-marginTop60 marginBottom20-32qID7 da-marginBottom20
render() {
return BDV2.react.createElement(
{className: "ui-form-title h2 margin-reset margin-bottom-20"},
{className: "ui-form-title h2 margin-reset margin-bottom-20 marginTop60-3PGbtK da-marginTop6"},
@ -3725,6 +3769,12 @@ class V2Cs_TabBar {
class V2Components {
static get SettingsGroup() {
return V2C_SettingsGroup;
static get SectionedSettingsPanel() {
return V2C_SectionedSettingsPanel;
static get SettingsPanel() {
return V2C_SettingsPanel;
@ -3852,7 +3902,7 @@ class V2_SettingsPanel_Sidebar {
get items() {
return [{text: "Settings", id: "core"}, {text: "Bandages", id: "fork"}, {text: "Emotes", id: "emotes"}, {text: "Plugins", id: "plugins"}, {text: "Themes", id: "themes"}, {text: "Custom CSS", id: "customcss"}];
return [{text: "Settings", id: "core"}, {text: "Emotes", id: "emotes"}, {text: "Plugins", id: "plugins"}, {text: "Themes", id: "themes"}, {text: "Custom CSS", id: "customcss"}];
get component() {
@ -3946,11 +3996,12 @@ class V2_SettingsPanel {
get coreSettings() {
return this.getSettings("core");
get forkSettings() {
return this.getSettings("fork");
const settings = this.getSettings("core");
const categories = [ Set( => s.category))];
const sections = => {return {title: c, settings: settings.filter(s => s.category == c)};});
return sections;
get emoteSettings() {
return this.getSettings("emote");
@ -3973,9 +4024,6 @@ class V2_SettingsPanel {
case "core":
case "fork":
case "emotes":
@ -4117,20 +4165,10 @@ class V2_SettingsPanel {
get coreComponent() {
return BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Scroller, {contentColumn: true, fade: true, dark: true, children: [BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.SettingsPanel, {key: "cspanel", title: "Core Settings", onChange: this.onChange, settings: this.coreSettings}), BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Tools, {key: "tools"})]});
get forkComponent() {
return BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Scroller, {
contentColumn: true,
fade: true,
dark: true,
children: [
BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.SettingsPanel, {key: "fspanel", title: "BandagedBD Settings", onChange: this.onChange, settings: this.forkSettings}),
BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Tools, {key: "tools"})
return BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Scroller, {contentColumn: true, fade: true, dark: true, children: [
BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.SectionedSettingsPanel, {key: "cspanel", onChange: this.onChange, sections: this.coreSettings}),
BDV2.react.createElement(V2Components.Tools, {key: "tools"})
get emoteComponent() {
@ -4216,15 +4254,6 @@ class V2_SettingsPanel {
BDV2.reactDom.render(this.coreComponent, root);
renderForkSettings() {
let root = this.root;
if (!root) {
console.log("FAILED TO LOCATE ROOT: .layer-3QrUeG .standardSidebarView-3F1I7i");
BDV2.reactDom.render(this.forkComponent, root);
renderEmoteSettings() {
let root = this.root;
if (!root) {
@ -4757,21 +4786,16 @@ class V2C_PublicServers extends BDV2.reactComponent {"", true);
error: jqXHR => {
// Utils.err("PublicServers", "Error on connection.", jqXHR);
// if (jqXHR.status === 403 || jqXHR.status === 404) {
//Not connected
title: "Not connected to!",
loading: true,
selectedCategory: -1,
connection: {
state: 1,
user: null
// return;
// }
error: () => {
title: "Not connected to!",
loading: true,
selectedCategory: -1,
connection: {
state: 1,
user: null