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2023-05-20 00:37:21 +02:00
import WebpackModules from "@modules/webpackmodules";
import Patcher from "@modules/patcher";
2023-05-19 22:38:45 +02:00
import Logger from "@common/logger";
2023-05-20 00:37:21 +02:00
import React from "@modules/react";
let startupComplete = false;
const ModulesBundle = WebpackModules.getByProps("MenuItem", "Menu");
const MenuComponents = {
Separator: ModulesBundle?.MenuSeparator,
CheckboxItem: ModulesBundle?.MenuCheckboxItem,
RadioItem: ModulesBundle?.MenuRadioItem,
ControlItem: ModulesBundle?.MenuControlItem,
Group: ModulesBundle?.MenuGroup,
Item: ModulesBundle?.MenuItem,
Menu: ModulesBundle?.Menu,
startupComplete = Object.values(MenuComponents).every(v => v);
const ContextMenuActions = (() => {
const out = {};
try {
const ActionsModule = WebpackModules.getModule(m => Object.values(m).some(v => typeof v === "function" && v.toString().includes("CONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE")), {searchExports: false});
for (const key of Object.keys(ActionsModule)) {
if (ActionsModule[key].toString().includes("CONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE")) {
out.closeContextMenu = ActionsModule[key];
else if (ActionsModule[key].toString().includes("renderLazy")) {
out.openContextMenu = ActionsModule[key];
startupComplete &&= typeof(out.closeContextMenu) === "function" && typeof(out.openContextMenu) === "function";
} catch (error) {
startupComplete = false;
Logger.stacktrace("ContextMenu~Components", "Fatal startup error:", error);
Object.assign(out, {
closeContextMenu: () => {},
openContextMenu: () => {}
return out;
class MenuPatcher {
static patches = {};
static subPatches = new WeakMap();
static initialize() {
if (!startupComplete) return Logger.warn("ContextMenu~Patcher", "Startup wasn't successfully, aborting initialization.");
const {module, key} = (() => {
const foundModule = WebpackModules.getModule(m => Object.values(m).some(v => typeof v === "function" && v.toString().includes("CONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE")), {searchExports: false});
const foundKey = Object.keys(foundModule).find(k => foundModule[k].length === 3);
return {module: foundModule, key: foundKey};
Patcher.before("ContextMenuPatcher", module, key, (_, methodArguments) => {
const promise = methodArguments[1];
methodArguments[1] = async function () {
const render = await promise.apply(this, arguments);
return props => {
const res = render(props);
if (res?.props.navId) {
MenuPatcher.runPatches(res.props.navId, res, props);
else if (typeof res?.type === "function") {
MenuPatcher.patchRecursive(res, "type");
return res;
static patchRecursive(target, method, iteration = 0) {
if (iteration >= this.MAX_PATCH_ITERATIONS) return;
const proxyFunction = this.subPatches.get(target[method]) ?? (() => {
const originalFunction = target[method];
2022-10-12 22:08:27 +02:00
const depth = ++iteration;
function patch() {
const res = originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
if (!res) return res;
2022-10-14 03:53:41 +02:00
if (res.props?.navId ?? res.props?.children?.props?.navId) {
MenuPatcher.runPatches(res.props.navId ?? res.props?.children?.props?.navId, res, arguments[0]);
else {
const layer = res.props.children ? res.props.children : res;
if (typeof layer?.type == "function") {
2022-10-12 22:08:27 +02:00
MenuPatcher.patchRecursive(layer, "type", depth);
return res;
patch._originalFunction = originalFunction;
Object.assign(patch, originalFunction);
this.subPatches.set(originalFunction, patch);
return patch;
target[method] = proxyFunction;
static runPatches(id, res, props) {
if (!this.patches[id]) return;
for (const patch of this.patches[id]) {
try {
patch(res, props);
catch (error) {
Logger.error("ContextMenu~runPatches", `Could not run ${id} patch for`, patch, error);
static patch(id, callback) {
this.patches[id] ??= new Set();
static unpatch(id, callback) {
2022-10-14 03:53:41 +02:00
* `ContextMenu` is a module to help patch and create context menus. Instance is accessible through the {@link BdApi}.
* @type ContextMenu
* @summary {@link ContextMenu} is a utility class for interacting with React internals.
* @name ContextMenu
class ContextMenu {
* Allows you to patch a given context menu. Acts as a wrapper around the `Patcher`.
* @param {string} navId Discord's internal `navId` used to identify context menus
* @param {function} callback Callback function that accepts the React render tree
* @returns {function} A function that automatically unpatches
patch(navId, callback) {
MenuPatcher.patch(navId, callback);
return () => MenuPatcher.unpatch(navId, callback);
* Allows you to remove the patch added to a given context menu.
* @param {string} navId The original `navId` from patching
* @param {function} callback The original callback from patching
unpatch(navId, callback) {
MenuPatcher.unpatch(navId, callback);
* Builds a single menu item. The only prop shown here is the type, the rest should
* match the actual component being built. View those to see what options exist
* for each, they often have less in common than you might think.
* @param {object} props Props used to build the item
* @param {string} [props.type="text"] Type of the item, options: text, submenu, toggle, radio, custom, separator
* @returns {object} The created component
* @example
* // Creates a single menu item that prints "MENU ITEM" on click
* ContextMenu.buildItem({
* label: "Menu Item",
* action: () => {console.log("MENU ITEM");}
* });
* @example
* // Creates a single toggle item that starts unchecked
* // and print the new value on every toggle
* ContextMenu.buildItem({
* type: "toggle",
* label: "Item Toggle",
* checked: false,
* action: (newValue) => {console.log(newValue);}
* });
buildItem(props) {
const {type} = props;
if (type === "separator") return React.createElement(MenuComponents.Separator);
let Component = MenuComponents.Item;
if (type === "submenu") {
if (!props.children) props.children = this.buildMenuChildren(props.render || props.items);
else if (type === "toggle" || type === "radio") {
Component = type === "toggle" ? MenuComponents.CheckboxItem : MenuComponents.RadioItem;
if ( props.checked =;
else if (type === "control") {
Component = MenuComponents.ControlItem;
if (! = `${props.label.replace(/^[^a-z]+|[^\w-]+/gi, "-")}`;
2023-02-09 22:58:33 +01:00
if (props.danger) props.color = "danger";
if (props.onClick && !props.action) props.action = props.onClick;
props.extended = true;
2022-10-14 03:53:41 +02:00
// This is done to make sure the UI actually displays the on/off correctly
if (type === "toggle") {
const [active, doToggle] = React.useState(props.checked || false);
const originalAction = props.action;
props.checked = active;
props.action = function(ev) {
return React.createElement(Component, props);
* Creates the all the items **and groups** of a context menu recursively.
* There is no hard limit to the number of groups within groups or number
* of items in a menu.
* @param {Array<object>} setup Array of item props used to build items. See {@link ContextMenu.buildItem}.
* @returns {Array<object>} Array of the created component
* @example
* // Creates a single item group item with a toggle item
* ContextMenu.buildMenuChildren([{
* type: "group",
* items: [{
* type: "toggle",
* label: "Item Toggle",
* active: false,
* action: (newValue) => {console.log(newValue);}
* }]
* }]);
* @example
* // Creates two item groups with a single toggle item each
* ContextMenu.buildMenuChildren([{
* type: "group",
* items: [{
* type: "toggle",
* label: "Item Toggle",
* active: false,
* action: (newValue) => {
* console.log(newValue);
* }
* }]
* }, {
* type: "group",
* items: [{
* type: "toggle",
* label: "Item Toggle",
* active: false,
* action: (newValue) => {
* console.log(newValue);
* }
* }]
* }]);
buildMenuChildren(setup) {
const mapper = s => {
if (s.type === "group") return buildGroup(s);
return this.buildItem(s);
const buildGroup = function(group) {
const items = => i);
return React.createElement(MenuComponents.Group, null, items);
return => i);
* Creates the menu *component* including the wrapping `ContextMenu`.
* Calls {@link ContextMenu.buildMenuChildren} under the covers.
* Used to call in combination with {@link}.
* @param {Array<object>} setup Array of item props used to build items. See {@link ContextMenu.buildMenuChildren}.
* @returns {function} The unique context menu component
buildMenu(setup) {
return (props) => {return React.createElement(MenuComponents.Menu, props, this.buildMenuChildren(setup));};
* Function that allows you to open an entire context menu. Recommended to build the menu with this module.
* @param {MouseEvent} event The context menu event. This can be emulated, requires target, and all X, Y locations.
* @param {function} menuComponent Component to render. This can be any React component or output of {@link ContextMenu.buildMenu}.
* @param {object} config Configuration/props for the context menu
* @param {string} [config.position="right"] Default position for the menu, options: "left", "right"
* @param {string} [config.align="top"] Default alignment for the menu, options: "bottom", "top"
* @param {function} [config.onClose] Function to run when the menu is closed
open(event, menuComponent, config) {
return ContextMenuActions.openContextMenu(event, function(e) {
return React.createElement(menuComponent, Object.assign({}, e, {onClose: ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu}));
}, config);
* Closes the current opened context menu immediately.
close() {ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu();}
Object.assign(ContextMenu.prototype, MenuComponents);
try {
} catch (error) {
Logger.error("ContextMenu~Patcher", "Fatal error:", error);
export default ContextMenu;